What are some good films with a similar message?
What are some good films with a similar message?
Amanda Ross is absolutely right about this
25 chads that is, 90% of these girls sleep with the same 20% of men.
When everyone's a slut, no one will be
>Ideally more, but yknow, whatever
Propaganda in 2018, the age of not even having to try.
Can't wait to see how long their marriages will last
Not as long as that chid support/alimony
>settling down
aka a quickie marriage-for-alimony
Then it's right back to being a "dog mom" and googling "how to cover a black eye".
Right.... so it just happens to affect women more..... sweetie, no one is going to believe in your alt-right propaganda. Now go out and get laid so your not a virgin.
something one of my old gossipy neighbors used to say was "settling down and settling are two different things"
((((((they))))))) are not even being subtle about it anymore
Why would they be? There's nothing to be subtle about, they've pretty much made it so everyone that matters agrees, they have a monopoly on the "sensible opinion".
Even if you somehow came up with an argument that didn't make you sound like a paranoid controlling conservative dick, you'd be backed up by a majority of people that do.
>all at once
not as long as your virginity
>read the article
>compares herself to jesus and ghandi
>women and men are 100% the same emotionally
Who else here
The more people you fuck the less likely you will settle down, truth is there's no half orange
"He's not as rich as richards, he's not as hung as Daniel, he's not funny as Kevin, he doesn't dance like Louis, he doesn't make me laugh like Eddie, he doesn't last an hour like Michael, he doesn't cook like Marvin"... etc
you literally cannot make this shit up
I mean I didn't get laid when I was 2 so I guess you're right.
>Now go out and get laid so your not a virgin.
you don't fool me
Who the fuck wants to settle down with a slut?
Feminists keep ruining women but sure men are the problem, fucking idiots.
tick tock
(((You should at least have 4 abortions, 20 stds and a doctorate by the time you are 30)))
>this is the author
I can't wait for the apocalypse to start
me too brother
i hate women so fucking much
You can, if you're trolling intentionally.
>Now go out and get laid so your not a virgin
Classic roastie mentality
As a happily married and very successful guy, I would never even consider for marriage anyone with >1 prior partner
Honestly this is funny as fuck, I chukle everytime I see one of these 40 year old childless women rusing to go to work at some company in the morning, lmao, jews really did a number on women
More like Amanda Roast lol