Chinese blackface in the 80's. How the fuck did they get away with this?
Chinese blackface in the 80's. How the fuck did they get away with this?
the ching chong doesn't care about the nig nog like the jew does, that's why TLJ failed
except for Will Smith for some odd reason
pretty convincing desu
Japan still does it tho.
You could get away with American Blackface in the 80's.
No one gave a shit back then.
Why does it have Finnish subtitles?
You can get away with now, if you do it tastefully, but people are still going to bitch, just like they did back then.
Admittedly more people will bitch louder today, but fuck 'em
You're american, right, blackface is no big deal outside of america.
China don't care
will smith looks like a chinaman/whiteman dipped in tea, is why
no one ever got away with anything in the US. People always bitched about everything. The only difference is, now, you can see all the bitching. Whereas before the internet millions of angry people was allotted 5 seconds on the nightly news.
how are they this based bros?
>that's why TLJ failed
>love after earth and fast five
Kill yourself
Blackface is taboo in the US apparently because of something called minstrel shows.
Why do rest of the work should care?
Yeah, there's no way in hell Soul Man is getting made nowdays.
This actually happened in my country. An American celebrity went off over some guys in blackface. They were just confused. Later on, another incident happened, and most of our media were like;
>...that's an AMERICAN problem
>It means fucking nothing in our country
>Stop importing pretend problems from America
nice make up and lighting
you gotta make the lips funny
>Soul Man is a 1986 American comedy film about a white man who temporarily darkens his skin, in order to pretend to be black and qualify for a black-only scholarship at Harvard Law School.
there's no Jews in East Asia
China, in the 80's. OH, those mad little bastards. What were they thinking?
This guy knows what's up.
I mean
Wu Tang Clan ain't nothing to fuck with.
Because back in the 80's no one cared about what niggers though, we just hit them with bananas.
>Stop importing pretend problems from America
Can this please stop. I see people literally all the time that uses shitty American statistics and events as political leverage as to why my country should change.
Like talking about our police brutality and posting vids of LAPD.
I'm so fucking tired of that shit.
this actually looks funny as fuck