What was the point of these porg things?
What was the point of these porg things?
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to sell shit
To expand the lore of the possible biodiversity of the Star Wars universe
That or to sell shit
You can stick them up your ass.
They are funny animals living on Luke's island. Also, they nake for good plushies. What was the point those sparklefoxes? What was the point of that squid thing on the death star? They're just creatures that exist in that world.
Crystal CrittersTM
Sell toys and create a new "le cute retarded alien animal" for the normies to gobble up, just like the ewoks
Ewoks are based, nigger.
to shill merchandise
What is the point of making the same thread over again to get the exact same response over again
Trying to trick women into watching SW and buying the merch
they uhh... balance the force or something
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It worked.
Do you guys like my drawing
Very nice, really captures the existential angst of the porg.
Yeah, ewoks were actually as useful as a small semi-retarded sentient creature could ever be in ESB. Those niggas built a fucking catapult.
during filming for the island scenes they couldn't CGI out all the penguins, so they cgi'd them into 'porgs'.
There litrially the result of shitty cinematography.
You mean kino cinematography.
Porgs were the best part of the shitty movie.
>Porgs were the best part of the shitty movie
The fact that this is actually true speaks volumes to just how shitty star wars has become
>they can CGI in an entire film
>they can't CGI out a few retarded birds
they were focus tested and designed to sell so many toys but nobody took a look at them and realized they look like sad fat guys
They weren't in ESB
To sell merchandise and push Veganism
Honestly, I like Ewoks.
Sure, they were cute, but creatures tend to be cute. Plus they had a cool planet. I like forests, and the monsters on the Ewok Adventure movies were cool. Good lore.
because the island they were filming on was covered in puffins and it was easier/cheaper to CGI them into toy bait then to CGI them out entirely
I don't disagree.
>tfw ewoks most likely ate humans/human remains after imperials get slaughtered like bitches
Porgs were fucking Chewie snacks at best.
Not canon.
Can someone explain the crying kitten meme?
Does she have a mental disorder?
Selling expensive as fuck plush toys
life must be hard for this kind of people
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome