2018 Heathers TV show


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Don't even have to watch the video to know that critics will praise it but real people won't care or will hate it.

What I like about this is that it's targeted to young girls and it goes to show how many of them wish they were Regina George or "Heather".

They want to be the mean bitch - this is why they cast a fat roastie in the role. It's wish fulfilment. Young girls today don't want to see the pretty girls criticised and killed off.

>lgbt sjws the show
jesus fucking christ

It's like a retard trying to make a John Waters film. It looks kinda ridiculous though, might watch it just for fun.

My ex used to tell me how much I reminded her of the boyfriend from this

>fat people
>fat GIRLS
>popular in high school

>fat kids can be popular
>the preferred term is body-positive


God damn it I loved this movie wtf 2018

Hahahahah Jesus they couldn't even contain themselves. They could have the last slice of 80's nostalgia and with a movie that has gained a great cult following in recent years but no, they really had to sjw it up. Scorpion and the frog.

You guys are taking it way too seriously, I thought it was pretty obvious the trailer was meant to be as ridiculous as possible.

i know we're supposed to suspend our belief when watching entertainment... BUT COME ON

the cool kids are still the hottest kids. its human nature. if youre hot, youre popular. you can't SJW your way out of that reality.

>lgbt sjws
That's what has me wondering. The trailer looks like they're portraying the fat and gay weirdos as the attention seeking authoritarian assholes. Because in the original Heathers that's what the Heathers are. You're supposed to hate them.

These "people" have no self awareness.

I rather done another adaption close to the musical.

It kinda looks interesting

I just want the world to end soon

When did the media decide gay boys were honorary mean girls?

I'm gay, and I can't stand being around women, especially socially, and I never could.

Well, we always have the musical.


It’s just laughable at this point. We’re gonna get another hitler pretty soon

>Fat girl, asian and gay ginger are the bad characters and the attractive white girl is the hero opposing them
can't wait for the shitstorm about this

>implying Trump is not Hitler

fuck off back to Sup Forums

I can't believe Spike got canceled to show this dog shit. Why do sjw lgbts faggots take everything goid and cool in this world and destroy it. The day of the rope can't come soon enough.


Nah, Trump's just the beginning. Wait for the guy who comes AFTER Trump. That's when shit is going to get real.

In this version apparently he's "Genderqueer", meaning he's whatever gender is most convenient for him (them??) at the time.

Man that trailer is just a constant barrage of unfunniness and out-of-touch writing
I hope the person in charge of this abomination loses a lot of money

Fans of the movie hate it because it portrays the SJWS as the bad guys.

Assholes on Sup Forums hate it because they don't realize the Heathers are the bad guys in the movie.

Obviously Veronica an JD are "in the wrong" in the movie (for all the right reasons) and obviously they will be portrayed as in the wrong on the TV show (can't encourage killing your HS classmates)

but even the suggestion that the SJWS are the cool assholes now is pretty entertaining.

Count me in as one of the few people who love the original and is extremely curious about this.

Is this a fucking parody?

Why would the people who would get laughed out of any high school be the fucking bullies? What's next Revenge of the Nerds but it's about the Chads outsmarting the nerds?

Heather Chandler did nothing wrong

thats why the normies are triggered they see it as an attack on the sjw crowd

>SJW's get triggered since the villains are special snowflakes and makes fun of the oppression Olympics (gays and Jews are out, genderqueer and fat people are in)
>Sup Forumstards get triggered since the entire cast looks SJW even though it's obviously meant to be as ridiculous as possible for comedy
It will end up offending everyone so it will ironically have no audience at all.

this tbqh

>fat bitch goes around school with her nigger slave and ginger cuck
looks kino

I don't have any vomiting images

I want american cinema to return to a time of sophistication

God your life must suck

Either way I don't want to see this repulsive shit ever. In real life SJWs are still pretty fringe socially anyways, it's not like they're the modern heathers.

It's like the fag from My So-Called Life became an interior TV decorator

What state does this take place in? Lol. Inb4 Israel. Hollywood really expect Hillary to win, and this show is runoff from a parallel dimension

Is that kid on the right the guy from that gun ad?


>but real people won't care
Except there will be people watching this without having seen the original.

Oldfag here. Back in the 90s racism was basically not even a part of our shared social consciousness. The economy was good and nobody gave a fuck. Then social media gave a soapbox to groups like BLM and changed how we see each other. Now there is a legitimate resurgence of nationalists and white supremacists.

The pendulum swings one way, it's bound to swing back the other. Here's to hoping it happens sooner than later.

yeah not like there were huge violent race riots or anything

>tfw alt right manbabies cant even tell this is making fun of sjws

>it's making fun of SJWs
No it's isn't. This is YASSSSSQueen: The Show. The audience for this will be so minuscule, must be a tax write up for diversity programming

This is what it will unironically wind up being by 2040

The ugly, the weak, and the mentally ill will be elevated to the elite while the strong, sound- minded and beautiful will be cast aside

The rot is spreading

no it isn't. Just because the fattie and the faggot are the villains doesn't mean it is satirizing them. They will make a point to show that their negative qualities have nothing to do with their sexuality, so in reality it's actually more SJW than if they made them the good guys, because they're not making Mary Sues out of LGBT and fatass characters.

I'm not even gonna watch this but I'm just gonna assume there's a white woman who has a black boyfriend

This, it seems bizarre so many people misinterpreted the trailer. Nobody here has any sense of humor anymore, everyone has a stick up their ass.


Holy shit its that kid from that school shooter psa. Fucking kek

Newfags snorted when Alex Jones said "the (((Commies))) will tell you 2+2 = 5, and most Americans will start repeating it. They'll tell you procreation is bad but promiscuity is good. They'll tell you a boy is a girl, and a girl is a boy. You think I'm kiddin'? You better get ready." This is a quote from 1997.

>everyone has a stick up their ass.
No, only in the clown world you inhabit kike.

Watch the trailer you autist, it's incredibly obvious that it's meant to be parodying this kind of mentality. they even spell it out in the jokes. It feels like an exploitation flick, as I said earlier ITT it's almost like John Waters only not as clever or well-written. You're getting triggered over nothing.

it's actually painful to watch you guys be so autistic that you can't even process what the humor is going for. it doesn't even look fucking funny and you're still too dumb to get it.

of all the remakes that are happening today, this is one of them

Sup Forums didn't exist in 1997 you absolutely retardeded newfag


It's from a radio show Alex Jones did in '97, you female vitamin

>heather dies in the trailer
umm, HELLO. like, spoilers much?

thats not true
that will never happen
keep fucking dreaming
biology and nature will always choose the best
if your post was any true then the paul youtube brothers will never be famous

Not when the Juice detonates a false flag nuke inside an abandoned mall near you circa 2019

>the twink who posts these every time there's a heathers thread

oh nononononono etc.

how do her eyes work?

>SJW antifaggots are the villains

I'm suppose to be upset by this?

Something I've always wondered: where do we talk about musicals on Sup Forums? It would have to be here, right? Sup Forums includes theatre, right?

Into the gas chamber you go.


Sup Forums

It seems it knows what it is and isn't trying to be above it. If anything they're making fun of it all

she have some kind of stroke or something?
also nice trips


Right just like there was real people reading all those shit tier sjw marvel comics :^)

You are supposed to hate two of them, one is pretty much the victim.
You also are supposed to hate JD for being an edgelord and Veronica for being a two faced bitch the moment she got even a litle bit of popularity.


Notice how the lead roles are of an attractive young woman and man?

Considering how this is making all you cucks mad and how is gonna make all the tumblr kids mad...its probably gonna be worth a watch.

>fat chick is queen bee

No. Her head is hideously deformed and misshapen.

t. Paramount TV shill

There can be only one Veronica Sawyer.
That is all.

Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. At least I still have the musical.


why would they do this? its like they don't even care about the original

Oh look, the Jewish girl is the moody outsider. Every time. Heathers is a crypto satire of a brilliant Jew being amongst the vapid WASPs.

gay guys can be a lot more bitchy than women

It's not like there were multiple race riots or anything

>the guy is the only hot person in this movie

I'm not sure you know what that word means

Like the crazy guy and the leading lady.

Is this Winona Ryder?


They're not ugly but they're no Ryder and Slater

That was never my point.

I have a 'friend' who is a massive SJW and even she thinks this is an abomination.

I said not ugly, that still doesn't mean they're attractive
