Where was the outrage?
Where was the outrage?
why would there be outrage about a movie nobody saw?
>fake krager
>this films ending
This is the average cuckold's favorite film?
Rape is absolutely based when women do it. Especially when it involves pegging.
it was a massive bomb, only gets $327k at the box office. the actors all did it for free too.
yet its the best capeshit movie all time, top kek.
this but unironically
Why do women sexually harass men and just assume “he’s a guy, he likes it?”
>beta "saves" one-itis from Chad
Thought this movie would be a hit with the average internet-using male.
unironically this. I've masturbated so many times to this scene
Why would there be an outrage over a rape scene in a movie? You're allowed to film those.
Also Ellen is qt.
>Why do women _______
Who cares? Women aren't men, there is no "why".
There wasn't any because back in 2010 Sup Forums was a better place and wasn't full of faggots shitposting about muh SJW 24/7.
ah that one year where Ellen page was hot.
more like there was less SJW in hollywood
Didn't she get killed later in the movie?
Was pretty funny desu. Role reversal or not.
Why would Sup Forums complain about SJWs at a time when SJWs were thankfully nothing but a fringe of radical leftism that barely anyone knew about? It's not 4chans fault SJWs managed to infect every aspect of pop culture since then.
No there wasn't a bunch of faggots who can't stop obsessing and shitposting about muh SJW boogymen in 2010.
When will you faggots realise that you are the cancer? If it wasn't for you fags spending all day stalking SJW all over the internet then coming here to shit post about them there would be non of this shit on here.
You are the cancer.
>missing the point
>the cancer will go away if we stop talking about it
>in fact, the people talking about the cancer are the cancer
>this tumor here, its not the cancer, the people pointing it out are
James Gunn was raped by a stripper he based the scene off it
So, you admit you're fighting in order to get the cancer to go away...or in other words, you're a "warrior" for social change?
Go away you retarded Streisand.
nice reaching you troglodyte
i just told you that what people here do is point it out
no one is fighting anything
They weren't the only ones that came.
>huuuuuurrrrr why are SJW everywhere
Maybe it is because you spend all day lurking twitter, facebook, reddit, twitch and all the other places you lurk looking for SJW shit.
Did you ever stop to think that this is the reason you see them everywhere? Or are you literally retarded.
I don't lurk looking for that shit and the only time I see any of it is when faggots like you post about it on here
You are the cancer.
The people who complain about the people complaining about the people complaining about the cancer are the REAL cancer.
can you guys stop saying things are cancer.
I have cancer and it's upsetting me.
except i dont lurk any of those places you delusional faggot
and yeah, great idea, lets wait until the cancer is impossible to ignore, THEN we can talk about it
neck yourself
No reaching, I'm just trying to figure out the distinction you faggots draw between yourselves and these other faggots. You all seem like obnoxious try-hards, whining about society on the internet instead of doing anything about it.
Sure you don't kiddo, sure you don't.
prove that i do
>Goes on to direct The Guardians of the Galaxy
>No rape scenes anywhere
Is James Gunn washed up?
men can't be raped
every man wants sex all the time, you cannot deny this
Yeah, bringing attention to retards on social media worked out great for Sup Forums.
>you will never be raped by ellen paige dressed in spandex
>she will never use the word gushy to describe her pussy to you
Why can't I end it if there is nothing left to live for.
Because guys want to be raped by ellen paige more than anything. I jerked it to this scene like 30 times and it's the best part of the movie.
>tfw you're waifu is gay