Why would a dude that looks like him need a joi gf?
Why would a dude that looks like him need a joi gf?
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or a silicone gf?
looks arent autismproof
yes they are
despite what you delusional fags tell yourselves
Skinjobs clearly aren't liked in the world of BR. K is basically a nigger.
extremely depersonalizing society
Because he's a skinjob
significantly above average looks are not real autism proof, but they are what Sup Forums describes as autism proof
Joi gf doesn't nag or spend all your money or cheat on you. You can switch her off if you want. She can be anything.
I'd be happy with a companion like this.
Gfs are a lot of work
>lanklet cross-eyed betafag that would never be cast as a lead of a hollywood movie before the SJW takeover
Gee I wonder.
He doesn’t like real girls
Real girls are kinda whoreish and have secret plots to take over the world
The movie ask that itself with Joshi and Luv. Both humans and replicant were there to make him not feel alone if he was not alienating himself.
Lol this
>Calls the goose beta
>posts guy wearing leather gloves and sunglasses indoors
He's a replicant blade runner that is hated by both humans and replicants.
Maybe replicants are not obsessed with sex like humans. Maybe they want "connection".
How can they tell though? Like what the fuck, didn’t they have a test for this shit? How’d they find out his personal information
>doesn't spend all your money
Didn't she buy a hooker with K's money, without him knowing?
She could theoretically spend all your money
There is something odd about replicans, and they probably arent allowed to hide the fact that they are replicants. Also if youre seen walking into the INTERLINKED CELL to get check on, its sure
Everyone needs a Joi gf
It's not like she's demanding new clothes and wearing them once then complining about having no clothes or demanding expensive holidays and restaurants and jewelry and shit or spending hundreds per month on makeup or some face cream bullshit
She paid in Bitcoin that she is mining on her hardware while he's away.
What a slut
This is so frustrating. I know a girl in real life who kinda looks like her, has similar spunk and even was into me, but it would never work because she was a feminist sjw, and she basically cut off all contact after I voiced my support for Trump.
>has a job
>has a caring family
>his community doesn't shun him for his quirk, in fact they entertain and support him in his delusion because they know it makes him feel better
>has a female interested in him
I can totally insert myself into that character, he's just like me.
everyone seemed to be able to tell. it's probably easier to tell when you're around them in the real world, it's like the uncanny valley.
it's explained in the movie you retardo nigger. he had a fetish for holo girls.
He was a skinjob real girls don't like skinjobs
You'd complain if your girlfriend hired a hooker to have a three way with?
you forget that women are disloyal whores.
ofc they would fuck replicants. they are strong and exotic
Why would a replicant possess a sex drive?Most likely K only desires some companionship, that's all. With his line of work real girlfriend would be a big hindrance anyway.
Presuming the AI wouldn't be deceiving. Look at the end of Ex Machina.
true, Jamal already got one
He could get a replicant gf
Real women are annoying and vapid as fuck.
With his line of work I would imagine he would want as few emotional variables in his life as possible to maintain his baseline. JOI is the best option for him since she's safe in the sense she would never cheat, die, get upset etc. like a real human bean would. And probably because he wants to keep receiving those sweet baseline bonus checks.
>like him
if gosling wasn't popular he would be an average dude with average wife
you just think he's attractive because of the media. in a reality gosling is very mediocre looking.
Excellent, very good of you to prioritize le orange retard over a real girl for brownie points with the edgy teenagers in Sup Forums
Lmaoing @ your life
Trips of DECEIT
Welcome to dishonesty.
Humans hate replicants.
Replicants hate blade runners.
K is a replicant blade runner.
Nobody is going to want him.
Just not the one that can recieve calls from my boss.
>Dating a feminist sjw to get your knob wet
Lol, you fags deserve whatever table scraps come to you. I applaud that user for having standards.
Nexus 8's identities aren't secret.
Can you imagine how insufferable women are going to be in another 30 years? A handshake will constitute a legally binding contract to pay her 75% of your lifelong income.
He doesn't need one, he just feels unworthy of a real one.
>doesn't pick up on the nice sublime message the movies gives saying white males are unattractive and pathetic losers
Thanks desu
dud you unironically deserve to die alone
Why doesn't anyone recognize T-1000 as Robert Patrick?
When asked why no one in any movie describe another character like "The guy who attacked me looked EXACTLY like Tom Cruise" or "Dispatch, put a BOLO out for a suspect who looks exactly like Kevin Spacey"
tl;dr: Because the characters don't "actually" look like the actor, the looks are for the audience.
Another thing to consider: by the looks of how things are going, maybe women in the future are even more toxic and man hating than now.. So much that even Ryan isn't going to be enough.. It is a dystopian future after all
>Being a drumpflet
>Having standards
Pick one
Does anyone understand nuance? I said looks like, not was. I no way was she attractive as Ana, not even close.
>Damage control
Just admit it, ya dun goof'd
Women being feminists etc goes over in a relationship most of the time, if you're man enough then she'll form her opinions slowly more like yours. Women are followers.
They probably can't tell on site necessarily, but people around him know and he's stuck living in the same place, so it's not like he could hide who he is for long.
She wasn't worth it bro, dumb when don't make good long term partners.
Because real women are whores. The movie even shows this. This is why this movie is such a great portrayal of our multiracial post-modern society, even down to the jabbering third world bug "people" on every corner. It's the fulfillment of CS Lewis's 'The Abolition of Man'.