Cloverfield came out ten years ago

>Cloverfield came out ten years ago

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That qt exploding really fucked me up desu ;_;

Anybody else see it opening night? The crashing helicopter scene was my favorite moment in a theater ever


this made me a lot more cynical about movies and a lot more cynical about marketing when I saw it

Its my favorite hollywoodkino and I'm pretty sad that I wasn't able to watch it on cinema, but the cult following is kinda decent so they may air Cloverfield and 10 Cloverfield Lane before the new one.

It was certainly a case study in marketing hype


I'm pretty sure it was the last movie I went to see with school friends

No opening night but that Saturday I did with a group of friends. Hard to remember but I'm pretty sure we went to Juno the weekend before.

I highly recommend seeing it in theater at some point in your life. It's much better that way

same. one guys I went with killed himself few years later

that's fucking terrible, sorry user

more than that. I saw the trailer, and something destroys the statue of liberty but it doesnt really show what it was. I guess, back then, my brain went, "wow, what could have done that? I mean, obviously, any regular old giant godzilla type monster could do that shit, but if it was as uncreative as that, why would they bother to hide it?" And not just in the whole trailer, they are hiding what it is. When if they just fucking showed you what it was, it is never really anything you wouldn't see in any other giant monster movie. So they're taking something not special, and teasing you with it as if it is special. And i've noticed this in more movies/marketing since then, but this is the biggest example



Fuck that movie it gave me motion sickness

Abrams is a hack

Holy shit I've been out of high school for 8 years.

Why are we here, bros?

and the 10 cloverfield lane trailer came out 2 years ago around this time
since i was too young for the OG cloverfield hype, the hype for it was a lot of fun imo. too bad it just turned out to be ayys

I don't care, those eyes go right thru me

Nah it's a girl from this movie. You can see her vag in some modeling she's done

>I don’t feel so good...


>Nah it's a girl from this movie. You can see her vag in some modeling she's done

Are you really so retarded you don't know who she is?


No? She's one of my favorite actresses. I loved her in Masters of Sex


Are you not sure if you're retarded?

I put the question mark to denote my confusion. You asked me if I didn't know who Lizzy Caplan was and I said no

True, I'd still rather be teased than have the whole plot in the trailer

This was cool af. They still never really explained where the little bugs came from

>I said no

If we're talking a group of friends from high school mine was Deathly Hallows Pt 2. Last film I saw with college friends as a group was Straight Outta Compton. Every single film I've seen in theaters since then I've gone alone. Which I prefer.

They came from the ocean, same as Clover itself. They're like giant lice.

Where is my trailer for God Particle god damnit.

is lizzy caplan not a woman or something?

Had potential.

Needed to go more gonzo, not less. If there were talking heads, alternate camera angles, shots from the news on the day, graphics showing the situation, and so on, it would be a much better story overall, and could still focus on that one camcorder and that one gang that got some REAL SHIT on film.

District 9 was closer to how Cloverfield was hyped up.

ignore him, he has a sub50 IQ

The Cloverfield ARG was probably the last fun thing to happen on the internet. The imdb boards aren't even around anymore.

I haven't seen it. It's about an alien and John Goodman or something? Is it worth putting on my 'to watch' list?

Last film I saw with a school friend was Mother! if anyone was wondering

>Super 8 has a giant monster and amateur filmmakers
>Not called Cloverfield

>10 Cloverfield Lane has lazily tacked on aliens, but is otherwise nothing like Cloverfield
>Is called Cloverfield

I don't really get it. I loved 10CL, but there really was no reason to call it that or to add the aliens.

sorry bout your loss m8.
and cool pic, what's it from?

I love how the movie always goes back and forth between the stuff that was on the tape before where they are happy in the stuff that's now on the tape which is where they're depressed and the movie ends with them dying under the bridge but then the tape goes back to them saying it's the best day they've ever had it's such a parallel such a contrast between the movie It's like a compare-and-contrast essay from English class in high school it's really well done

The original is a movie about a monster that comes from the ocean, 10 Cloverfield Lane is a completely unrelated movie with John Goodman in an apocalypse bunker. Both are good, but the only story connection between them is that some fictional companies exist in both.

Are you into Outer Limits, Twilight Zone, or Black Mirror style shit? Then put it on a 'to watch' list.

If not I'd just say watch them if you happen to get a chance. If you like this shit they're both 8/10. If you don't I'd imagine the first one is like 3/10 and the second one is like 6/10. I rate 5/10 as a film I'd watch if it was on TV but wouldn't pick from a list. One that is not a waste of time but you'd never need to see again.

>what if in love ... but then sad

Did you know you can see something splash into the water in the last scene at Coney Island?


Oh yes?

The monster was the same species as the spaceships. They return to Earth when it is born to discover humans had been harvesting it's blood for Slusho, and so they fucking killed everyone. Like the Poppler episode of Futurama, but serious (...)



Yes it's a multilayered scene


Also each time it goes between the old and new tape footage it shows old monsters in a single frame. Also then there is the thing that at start of movie says SD card recovered yet all acts like a video tape instead

>but there really was no reason to call it that or to add the aliens.
its because its a lazy attempt at starting a cloverfield cinematic universe so it has to have brand recognition

Anyone remember those comfy cloverfield conspiracy videos

>comes from the ocean
At the end of the movie you can see a pod dropping into the ocean during the 'flashback' to the ferris wheel

Its too small to be the monster it's a satellite that crashes to wake it up from its deep slumber

>old monsters
Like King Kong and shit?

Is it just me, or does she look like Anne Frank?

That's not cannon though that's just a theory

>tfw God Particle is never coming out

I remember laughing my ass off when my buddy pointed out that her shadow looks like blastoise just before she explodes.

a lot of jewesses have that look

Yes look it up download the movie and watch in slow Mo between transitions

Yeah, Kong, Godzilla, and the ants from Them are visible for a frame or two.

It's consistent with the ARG.

characters get chased by a giant monster the whole fuckin movie, that wouldve been fine to show

Its a theory based on canon. Because the viral marketing campaign for its release shows a satellite falling out of orbit. This is the satellite seen at the ending scene

Ah thanks m8s. I haven't seen ARG shit since 2007ish

or maybe because no one would have seen the damn movie if it didn't have brand recognition

that too

Even though the movie was a 6/10 at best, seeing it opening night with the lads after following the ARG was fucking great.

honestly ARGs and viral marketing campaigns, if done right, are a great way to instill hype. Especially if just enough information is given to create speculation and give birth to theories but not enough for anything to become concrete.
For example, the theorycrafting for Metal Gear Solid V was way more entertaining than the game itself.

Didn't Halo 2 have one that was ilikebees or something?

an example, I guess

>For example, the theorycrafting for Metal Gear Solid V was way more entertaining than the game itself.

The theorycrafting did the heavy lifting on the narrative, but the gameplay in MGSV is god tier if you at least try to mix it up.