OK, so I know I'm late to the party, but I just got back from seeing The Last Jedi...

OK, so I know I'm late to the party, but I just got back from seeing The Last Jedi. I managed to avoid the crux of it for the past month or so, so can anyone give me a quick rundown as to what the shitstorm was all about?

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There is no shitstorm, it's just people overreacting to minor shit.

Okay, but what are they overreacting to? What are the main complaints?

The main complaints were that it was a shit movie.

They were not wrong.

Luke doesn't drink cum for nobody. That's what's wrong.

This is a great example of people overreacting.

Lightspeed ram destroys the tension from most previous films. Why not Lightspeed ram the death star? The imperial fleet? It broke the universe in a big way for 10 seconds of flashy visuals.

Admiral Problem Hair being an unlikable shit.

Rose being a boring unlikable shoe-in.

Snoke dying without being made interesting or explained.

Knights of Ren not acknowledged.

The whole casino plot could have been avoided if Holdo just said she had some sort of plan.

Beyond shitting on the fans by turning Luke into a child killing pussy who fizzled out like a wet fart from an old man's ass? The main problem is that JJ Abrams set up this new trilogy by posing lots of questions without answers.

Ryan Johnson decided not to give a fuck about those answers.

At least Uncle George had the foresight to plan each trilogy out.

Ok, OP here with some of my own thoughts now
>Lightspeed ram destroys the tension from most previous films.
I hadn't even thought about it, but I guess it kinda does. Not that big a deal to me though.
>Admiral Problem Hair being an unlikable shit.
She was kind of annoying, even though I like Laura Dern.
>Rose being a boring unlikable shoe-in.
I didn't dislike her, but she was boring. Her character lacked development.
>Snoke dying without being made interesting or explained.
I actually didn't really care about Snoke, so I was fine with that.

My biggest problem was that the whole Finn and Rose plot, which was a huge chunk of the film, was completely pointless. I was also annoyed by a lot of the quips, especially the Leia "changed my hair" one to Luke, it made me roll my eyes pretty hard.

Lightspeed ram is the biggest deal of those for me honestly, and it shits me in a fairly big way. I'm ok with some universe inconsistency but this just invalidates the point of even building a space ship. Just strap hyperspace drives to rocks and fling them at shit?

Admiral Femsplain was an awful decision. She was a smug schoolteacher type who is a stickler for the rules and obeying authority. Young adults and kids want to rebel against those types, not have them proven right. Very unlikable, especially so for the target audience.

The rest were fairly minor concerns for me.

>be luke
>about to torch the force tree and the old texts
>see yoda
>yoda cast lightning down and sets the tree on fire
>luke get upset that the tree and texts are burning
what the fuck was Rian thinking?

>Lightspeed ram is the biggest deal of those for me honestly, and it shits me in a fairly big way. I'm ok with some universe inconsistency but this just invalidates the point of even building a space ship. Just strap hyperspace drives to rocks and fling them at shit?
But that plot hole was there before this sequence, no? I mean, it had just never been brought to light before, but it seems kind of obvious that shooting a large object at light speed at another object would cause a lot of damage from basic physics, you don't really need a scene to illustrate it.
As far as why it wouldn't be done more often in the SW universe, I actually gave it some thought just now, and I guess I can rationalize it personally by thinking that it's probably not cost effective to just strap a hyperspace drive to individual missiles. A hyperspace drive has to be expensive.

IHE just did a great video on it. I imagine some of you faggots were among the dislikes.


Nope, it would sort of phase you out of reality previously. It's not actually the speed of light.

X-wing fighters have hyperdrives so they can't be that expensive.

>Nope, it would sort of phase you out of reality previously.
Show me a source for that that doesn't rely on EU autism.
>X-wing fighters have hyperdrives so they can't be that expensive.
Yeah, but X-Wings are meant to be reusable, not just a one time thing, even though they do seem to go through a lot of them.

>But that plot hole was there before this sequence, no?
Not really. We don't know how any of this shit works anyway, so when nobody is trying the most basic and ancient tactic of "run into the enemy really fucking fast", you can presume it just doesn't work because sci-fi physics. But by presenting it as an option now, it retroactively fucks with the series and sucks all the tension out of the space battles.

Why didn't the Rebels try lightspeed ramming a few transports into the Death Star? They're all potentially about to die anyway, so surely sacrificing a few transports is worthwhile? Or maybe the galaxy is so retarded that they simply never considered that things going fast could cause damage? The fact that I now have to ask these questions is what makes it a plothole, simply because there is no reason it shouldn't have been an option before.

If it were actual light speed not an alternate dimension out would take v decades to get anywhere

It's half a good movie chopped into bits and mixed into a somewhat bad movie.
>Horribly inconsistent tone
>Painfully unfunny attempts at humour
>Unnecessary narration that just describes what's happening on the screen
>Finn's story serves literally no purpose other than to pad out runtime
>Poe's story serves literally no purpose other than to pad out runtime
>Rey's story is half-baked and doesn't really give her character desperately needed growth and depth
>Snoke is both a complete nobody but also a super-powerful Sith
>Luke Skywalker, the man who tried and succeeded in turning Space Hitler to the light, is willing to kill his nephew because "he's lost to the dark"

The reason of Luke's asceticism and Kylo's edge is incredibly stupid. It could work if it was a stand-alone movie, but not as a part of the series.
Overall it's just a big dissapointment, two and half hour for nothing. After TFA everyone had a high hopes for a new trilogy. But TLJ didn't fulfill them and give nothing interesting, only enspire Kylo and Rey pairing, several decisions causes only hate. So it's obviously that people kinda exaggerating.

Casino and most shit related to the casino plot
Poor characterization of Luke
Unsatisfying villain and overall conflict with villain
Pointless Chewy
Force powers

Ok, so you do sort of understand the problems. The rage comes later on when you realize how much of the movie is pointless or completely unsatisfactory. The ending only gets stupider and stupider the more you think about it.

>everything done and said by Rose at the end
The prequels were never this cringeworthy.