Looking forward to this!

They canned the showrunner after butchering his planned finale for season 2.
I predict bad things for this show.
It's almost nice that they changed his finale tho. Cause even though it's an inferior ending, it does work as an ending and we can all just walk away from the show if it turns to shit.

I watched it all on Netflix. It was surprisingly fun to watch. I'm just glad it included all the movies into the canon

Liked the trailers, I'm sure the show will get better without DiGregorio, still fun but less "cartoony" and more creepy.

i really hope they don't end up in the fucking cabin again at the end of the season

Was season 2 better or worse than the first one?

nice digits

Same. I'm hoping he ends up in the past again at some point.

What if Ashley and Ruby fuck in the cabin?

i hope the showrunners learned from their bad season 2 ending and what not to do. but it seems they fired the only guy who knew what it was about. hope it´s gonna be good.

Which came first?

wtf is this

Id say better

wtf i love berserk now

I just read an article with an interview with the guy they fired. He summarizes the original plan for the finale.

Apparently all the writers got their shit erased so the dick swinging producer could make it what he wanted. Disappointing.


Dark Horse Comics made a joke with this

Evil Dead, duh.
Japs love Evil Dead.

I'm not, Mr. Marketer. They jumped the shark by giving him a kid.

what was the ending suppose to be originally?
please kill off kelly

Ash fucks Kelly's mom in 1982 making Kelly his daughter and providing a reason for him being protective of her as well as a reason for her to be badass. Then they travel to present day and she is kidnapped by still evil Ruby and Baal and Ash has to rescue his daughter with Pablo.

kelly was supposed to be Ash's daughter

eh, i could still get behind that
shame about her character though

I didn't know it was even a thing over there.

I love this show a lot. Perfect mix of gore and humor