What was so disturbing and weird about this?

What was so disturbing and weird about this?

I mean, I liked the movie, but its not nearly as scary and disturbing as people say.

The guy with neurofibromatosis would have been pretty disturbing for most people

it was pretentious: the flick

He's kinda cute in the movie.

Yeah, unfortunately. The movie just holds up to me because of the score and cinematography.

I literally just watched this last night and holy shit did it fuck me up

stick to blade runner 2049 and baby driver, kido

she actually picked up men in real life while filming. that's fuggin creepy on its own.

>almost no dialogue
>no overt message

That scene with the baby on the beach fucked me up good.


>when she hits that dude in the head with a rock
I was a really edgy Sup Forumsfag when I first saw this and it fucked me up.

do not put those two in the same sentence

she killed a couple of hobos to get into character, too

I guess my problem was seeing the movie knowing what the general plot was going to be.

>ITT pleb
I dont blame you. I blame society

Complete the trilogy:
1) Neon Demon
2) Under The Skin
3) ???

Mysterious Skin

actually she fucked the but its true in general

Just the story to it, the people getting led into the void in her apartment, the baby on the beach, and holy fuck the ending.

I liked the movie, it just didn't scare me or let me uneasy.

The ending would shock me too if I didn't already knew she was an alien before I even saw the flick.

Thanks, YMS.

if you put Neon Demon id go with Tron for the third

the music. Come on. You cannot be so dead inside

Think about it. A shapeshifting alien from another star system is pimped by its overlord. Its main weapon of choice is sexual coercion via a prime voluptuous body that tricks you at your most vulnerable, in euphoric nightlife. However, unlike the AIDS virus or Syphilis, it snares you in an amniotic dimension at which you become petrified and have your entrails sucked into a wormhole to ostensibly feed an outer dimensional life form. Whilst the fattest ass you've ever encountered walks away from you at the z-axis of a mirror plane. I was so fucking high when I saw this film and that death scene replayed in my mind for months afterwards. It's a different type of disturbing.

the message was that scots are disgusting '''''''''''''people''''''''''''''''

I loved the score, more than the film itself, actually.

Mica Levi is a genius.

But the scenes didn't left me uneasy

No to mention you see a preview of your death with the guy slipped up before you.

*shifts the pitch*
wow genius!
I love her though, would've preferred she got an Oscar nomination for this instead of Jackie

>But the scenes didn't left me uneasy
I don believe you
>black goo scenes
>child scene
and awesome scenes
>bike scenes
dont report me

i havent seen those so there

>checks her pusy

It's disturbing because it represents the risk of sleeping with any random thot

Women are evil

The child scene was the biggest let down for me.

I was expecting something like Trainspotting, but more disturbing.

I know, I know, it's subtle, but I didn't really felt anything

desu if I was in rural Scotland and ScarJo pulled over and was like, "Do you know the way to Tesco's nah jk wanna go back to my place?" I'd get in her van and Olympic dive into her black goo knowmsayin'

>What was so disturbing
the fact that this movie was made after scarjo cut her tits, and not before.

>want to see this
>manage to watch Lucy

I guess it wasnt that bad

well its not sooo bad but its just stupid