What was the best comedy movie of this generation and why was it The Wedding Crashers?

What was the best comedy movie of this generation and why was it The Wedding Crashers?

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>this generation
>posts a movie that came out 12 years ago
grandpa, leave.

Did you have kids in high school or something m8? Since when is a generation 12 years


My generation includes happy gilmore so that

a generation is a decade dumb fuck

Also kino but not as masterfully crafted as Wedding Crashers. And as for Adam Sandler movies go it is either Little Nicky or the Waterboy. He made some serious fucking comedy kino back in the day... Almost brings a tear to my eye

This generation? Probably Superbad. Wedding Crashers is a bit too old grandpa

Also it's not a well written movie. Crazy redhead is extremely poorly written.

>Citation needed

the average span of time between the birth of parents and that of their offspring"

Literally none of these definitions are 10 years.

you all will probably laugh at me, but my favorite comedy of all time is This is The End

Out of all the comedies I've seen in the last 10 years, nothing quite made me as happy as this movie.

Pay attention in school, and post on Sup Forums less.

The redhead is fucking hilarious if you've ever dated a crazy girl.

I'd consider Superbad to be a contender with Wedding Crashers.

>Classic stoner movie

So what's that, around 22 years or so?

1. Borat
2. Kung Fu Hustle
3. Napoleon Dynamite
4. Freddy Got Fingered
5. In Bruges

Is Vince Vaughn you dad's favorite actor too?

Dirty Work
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

Never Stop Never Stopping


shit I loved Dirty work too user.
I don't even know of another person that knows that movie



I agree the rest were shit.


Good taste, gents.


The 40 Year Old Virgin is unironically one of my favorite movies.

Walk Hard is the best comedy of this generation

it's probably a good movie but it makes me feel uncomfortable/inadequate

>excluding Black Dynamite

What happened to good romcoms being written? We transitioned to stoner comedy and now all comedy writing is pretty shit.