The chess playing robot would be my choice
Which historical event needs a movie?
The life of Francisco Macias Nguema, president of Equatorial Guinea.
>The president's paranoid actions included mandating the death of those who wore spectacles,[6] banning use of the word "intellectual" and destroying boats to stop his people fleeing from his rule[2] (fishing was banned).[7] The only road out of the country on the mainland was also mined.[8]
>During his presidency, his country was nicknamed "the Dachau of Africa".[5] He was known to order entire families and villages executed.
>In 1978, he changed the national motto to "There is no other God than Macías Nguema".[9]
>During Macías Nguema's government, the country had neither a development plan nor an accounting system for government funds. After the killing of the governor of the Central Bank, he carried everything that remained in the national treasury to his house in a rural village.[3]
>On Christmas Eve of 1975 about 150 of his opponents were killed. Soldiers dressed in Santa Claus outfits executed them by shooting at the football stadium in Malabo, while amplifiers were playing Mary Hopkin's song "Those Were the Days."[10]
They had to bring soldiers from Morocco to execute him because the ones from Guinea were afraid of his magical powers.
the Babbage computer of the 19th century
1453 fall of Constantinople
I'm amazed in general that there has never been a Byzantine blockbuster in the style of 300 or Kingdom of Heaven
That's because the false side won. No one wants a movie where arabs are winning
Vegas shooter
The story of the Sydney Spanish Paralypmic basketball team in which 10/12 athletes were not disabled and one of them was an undercover journalist
then why do we see so many WWII movies?
Not in the superior chinese blockbuster style a la red cliff
There's one in Turkey but it's basically cheesy nationalistic propaganda for Erdogan
They're from the eastern steppes, not Arabia
More or less the same. Both are muslim
This could work the best as a comedy
Soros biopic
Kissinger biopic
Trump will get one and it will be a mess
Holy fuck how can you even cast that level of kino?
The ringer
christian bale in blackface
Comedy kino
A Dunkirk movie that doesn't sucks big, sweaty, spermy nigger dicks.
I'd watch that
just make it a black mirror episode
These are Ethiopian Christians. Are they white now you retard?
Idris Elba xD
He can play black characters too
who would play him in a biopic?
>Timothy Dexter (January 22, 1747 – October 23, 1806) was an American businessman noted for his writing and eccentricity.
>Some of his social contemporaries considered him unintelligent. Many of them gave him bad business advice to discredit him and make him lose his fortune
>He was inspired to send warming pans (used to heat sheets in the cold New England winters) for sale to the West Indies, a tropical area. His captain sold them as ladles for the local molasses industry and made a good profit. Next, Dexter sent wool mittens to the same place, where Asian merchants bought them for export to Siberia
>People jokingly told him to "ship coal to Newcastle". He did so during a miners' strike at the time, and his cargo was sold at a premium.
>Members of the New England high society rarely socialized with him. Dexter decided to buy a huge house in Newburyport from Nathaniel Tracy, a local socialite, and tried to emulate them. His relationships with his wife, daughter, and son also suffered. This became evident when he started telling visitors that his wife had died (despite the fact that she was still alive) and that the woman who frequented the building was simply her ghost. In one notable episode, Dexter faked his own death to see how people would react. About 3,000 people attended Dexter's mock wake. Dexter did not see his wife cry, and after he revealed the hoax, he caned her for not grieving his death sufficiently.
>At age 50, Dexter authored A Pickle for the Knowing Ones or Plain Truth in a Homespun Dress, in which he complained about politicians, the clergy, and his wife. The book contained 8,847 words and 33,864 letters, but without punctuation and seemingly random capitalization. In the second edition, Dexter added an extra page which consisted of 13 lines of punctuation marks with the instructions that readers could distribute them as they pleased
Was is autism?
He was the proto-chad
A movie about 'mad' Jack Churchill would be good.
Here's a pic of him charging into battle with a longsword (far right)
A French Revolution movie/series which is historically correct, doesn't suck and doesn't take sides. Sadly, still impossible, and will stay so for at least 1000 years from now, probably.
War of 1812, show the sacking of D.C. & the burning of the White House.
Retreat from Kabul, 1842:
>The 1842 retreat from Kabul (or Massacre of Elphinstone's army) took place during the First Anglo-Afghan War. At the beginning of the conflict, British forces had defeated the forces of Afghan Emir Dost Mohammad Barakzai and in 1839 occupied Kabul, restoring the former ruler, Shah Shujah Durrani, as emir. However a deteriorating situation made their position more and more precarious, until an uprising in Kabul forced the then commander, Major General Sir William Elphinstone, to withdraw the garrison. To this end he negotiated an agreement with Wazir Akbar Khan, one of the sons of Dost Mohammad Barakzai, by which his army was to fall back to the British garrison at Jalalabad, more than 90 miles (140 km) away. As the army and its numerous dependents and camp-followers began its march, it came under attack from Afghan tribesmen. Many of the column died of exposure, frostbite or starvation or were killed during the fighting
>Out of more than 16,000 people from the column commanded by Elphinstone, only one European (Assistant Surgeon William Brydon) and a few Indian sepoys reached Jalalabad. Over one hundred British prisoners and civilian hostages were later released.[4][5] Around 2,000 of the Indians, many of whom were maimed by frostbite, survived and returned to Kabul to exist by begging or to be sold into slavery.
>Gets told bad business advice, makes profit anyway
part is straight out of Virgin/Chad comic
A 90 hour multi billion dollar budgeted theatrically released miniseries about Napoleon.
Then a speculative fiction follow up where france clones napoleon to defend them in WWII and against Godzilla.
This sounds good.
>Soldiers dressed in Santa Claus outfits executed them by shooting at the football stadium in Malabo, while amplifiers were playing Mary Hopkin's song "Those Were the Days."
The social justice wars and the proof that there is a right side to history.
Timothy Dexter is a hero
But they were Austrailian, thereby deeming them retarded.
>People thought they were disabled... but they were just THAT bad!
The Great Emu War.
In the end, nature always wins, especially against Australians.
>The book contained 8,847 words and 33,864 letters, but without punctuation and seemingly random capitalization. In the second edition, Dexter added an extra page which consisted of 13 lines of punctuation marks with the instructions that readers could distribute them as they pleased
> The Roman army’s Ninth Legion successfully conquered England in A.D. 43 and—with the exception of the odd rebellion—kept control of the bottom half of Britain for the next 74 years. Then, from A.D. 117 onward, the entire legion suddenly vanished from the historical record. Today, no one has any idea what happened to them.
> One of the most popular theories is that they marched north into Scotland to fight an uprising of the Picts. This story has gained traction in fiction as the basis of several books and films, but some historians believe the legion simply left to go fight elsewhere. It’s also been speculated they were defeated in a battle against Rome’s nemesis, the Parthians, in Iran. Another possibility is that they lost against a Jewish uprising in A.D. 132.
> One clue suggests that things had started to go wrong for the Ninth even before that time. When Emperor Hadrian turned up in A.D. 122, he brought another legion with him, the Sixth. He proceeded to build a wall across the north of England, then called Britannia, to keep out the people north of the border. If they had recently wiped out a renowned arm of his military, that would have been a very good reason to erect such a structure.
> The people of Scotland have one of the lowest average life expectancies in all of Europe. This average is heavily skewed by the people of Glasgow, where life expectancy can be as low as 54 years in some areas. Poverty is a partial explanation, but there are plenty of cities in the UK that are just as deprived and experience a much lower rate of premature death. The usual candidates of smoking, alcohol, and drugs are also significant factors, but Glasgow’s life expectancy is inexplicably low, even when all of that is taken into account.
> This phenomenon has been called the Glasgow effect, but no one knows what causes it. There are numerous competing theories, blaming everything from the weather to the local culture to political scheming from both sides of the spectrum. It’s not just Glasgow—the figures for Scotland as a whole don’t look great. Life expectancy has been increasing more slowly than in many places, as other countries that used to lag behind Scotland’s rate shoot ahead. The reasons are no better understood than those behind the Glasgow effect itself.
Are Indonesians also the same?
Battle of Alesia
Julius Caesar sieging Alesia, gets surrounded by numerically superior reinforcements, builds a double sided fortification around the town and defeats both armies. Rome declares a holiday in his name, Caesar crosses the Rubicon at the head of his army, and the rest is quite literally, history.
This kills the soy
The Punic Wars need an HBO series with the funding level of Game of Thrones
Someone get me Ridley Scott on the phone, I've got an idea for the sequel to gladiator.
>theatrical cut of Kingdom of Heaven
Seriously, why does this even exist anymore?
based kraut
Im waiting for it, also kino about opium wars when
I had an inkling that the chernobyl disaster causes it and I googled it and lo and behold just got to connect the dots, people
4... u's....
>the punctuation looks like a man with a monstrosity on his face, perhaps a mask?
4 u... a masked man...
> average man in glasgow
around Turks, never relax
just be around by their feminine p3nis
Will happen within few years... all grand scale false flag terror operations get their narrative backing through a high profile Hollywood production within couple years. Took 3 years for the boston bombing to get one (amongst myriad of other examples) so we'll be looking at 2020ish release.
balding roach
This reminds me of a Robert E. Howard story where a pictish warrior gets revenge for his comrades who were slayen by a roman legion by summoning the "Worms of the Earth"; malformed creatures who burrow in earth, to raise the roman camp to the ground..
the absolute madman
>tfw no Donald McBane dueling film
/our guy/
Histories first ascii art
Truly one of us.
The Siege of Vienna
Could be the first alt-right motion picture
He had the only confirmed kill with a bow in WW2