It was the RUSSIANS!

>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was Sup Forums!
>It was Sup Forums!
>It was Sup Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was BOOMERS!
>It was JUMANJI!
>People hated Empire back then, too!
>Dividing the fanbase was intentional!
>It did something DIFFERENT!
>I love how it subverted my expectations!
>It made me rethink my views on life!
>It emphasized muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!
>It was an "intellectual" film!
>It made some people uncomfortable. GOOD!
>It was expected to not make much money anyway!
>lulz it's just a movie turn your brain off!
>China doesn't matter anyway!
>b-but muh sexist MRA cut!
This is the most damage controlled Star Wars movie I've seen. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious to see what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It was a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's nu-Wars was made to pander to SJWs/baizuo and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice little copypasta, OP. Have a (You).

>people posting about how they're going to tank the score before it's even released


I didn't like the movie but this WE DID IT WE WON shit is retarded

next time add
>The Expanded Universe was worse!
>The original trilogy was bad too!

the funniest thing for me is the Russian angle. always makes me laugh. Kinda like nazis, the omnipresent boogie man

I agree it's fucking stupid. People are just doubling down on the hatred because it gets attention and they feel they have to. Also the ridiculous console wars with the prequels where people bullshit excuses for a trilogy they've only watched once, and all belong to same company which is milking them for money.

The progressive messaging is just a PR stunt by Disney to get liberals to obsessively defend a bad movie.

please, post the actual score, friend.

Kinda like Jews, the omnipresent boogie man.

add "It was DC FANS" next time. Some nigga in Sup Forums was excusing the movie score saying that.

(and that's a good think)

When talking about hollywood they kind of are omnipresent though.

It's still at 49%.

why rots have 33 milions rates? are they bots or real?

For now.


It actually was the alt-right though, lol

well, Sup Forums is honestly the dumbest board on Sup Forums with mostly literal retards, so I don't know

A fresh wall of autism.
Keep crying, Drumpfty.

All the people saying "I loved TFA but hated TLJ" are even dumber than the people who actually liked TLJ

the real reviews are not real either so this just balances it out

Sup Forums is actually the only place on Sup Forums when people can actually discuss star wars - much better than a cesspool full of alt-right retards such as Sup Forums

it was decent compared to tlj

RT themselves said all the reviews were real, soyboys

It's part of the reason why TLJ sucked. I'd hardly call it "decent."

The drama around this movie that you documented quite nicely there has been WAY more entertaining than the movie itself. It's interesting to see Disney try to pull every lever it has to impotently do damage control while tipping their hand about their capabilities and agenda every step of the way.

>wtf I like corporate shilling if it suits my agenda

That's not what I agreed, with. Read the spoler retard.

That sounds pretty crazy and schizophrenic. How do you know it was that?

I hate this made-up buzzword. Just say neo-nazi, at least that means something

Why Disney and Other Companies Like Them are Spying on You and Subconsciously Controlling You, But THAT'S OKAY!

It was Marvel and DC fans uniting for the first time. It doesn't matter that Marvel succeeds, Star Wars must fail.

I can't wait for this piece of shit to finish it's run in the theaters so people can finally admit it is bad.

>No laughing Haman gif.
>Excludes "since any of the Prequels" because Sup Forums's still cucked for that shit trilogy.
Look, if you're gonna copypasta, at least do it completely.

Le 49% rating face

>agreed, with
What did he mean by this?

One of the best things to come out of this movie

What's worse is that people are actively defending that stupid scene because "TEH FORCE!"
Nevermind the effects of vacuum, freezing, or how the explosion on the bridge didn't kill her.
We gotta see Kathleen "The Force is Female" Kennedy's dream become a reality on screen.
For real. The Super Leia scene was actually her idea. Look it up.


For anyone who still defends Rey against Luke and insists that Luke was "also a Mary Sue"...
>pic related

Not really

He's a tard


>it's another star wars thread
Consider suicide.

Weird. It's almost as if the people who made the movie and directly benefit from its success are biased towards it or something.

- Luke didn't get much more training from Yoda than Rey did from Luke - both spent only a couple of days at most.
- Rey had experience in melee combat after a lifetime of fighting with her staff, Luke had experience moisture farming.
- Rey is often berated and mocked by Luke during the lessons
- Once she's told that the Force is real, she believes in it wholeheartedly with nearly childlike naivety.
Album very much related

>Sup Forums is actually the only place on Sup Forums when people can actually discuss star wars
If by discuss you actually mean "felate the nu-canon" you'd be correct.

You mean actually following Star Wars content instead of jumping on the bandwagon when you heard it's a fresh opportunity to trigger some libtards and SJWs?

ever think maybe people just don't like it?

No. TFA and TLJ are different flavours of bad for sure, but they're still both bad.

>following content
Yeah it's a "Sup Forumsmrade" alright. You sick fucks will defend anything if it has a brand you like slapped on it.

Kennedy' end

I just wonder, why do you guys pretend to care about Star Wars?
It was about opposing fascism since its very conception, and now it's "ruined by commies and SJWs" because it... continues to be about opposing fascism?

>people posting about how they're going to tank the score before it's even released

You mean like with every big movie ever?

But this time it worked because you want to believe so right?

Never been to Sup Forums. Is it the cultural marxist board of Sup Forums?

Imagine if Luke attacked Yoda in ESB and beat him up with a stick.

This is how retarded you TLJ apologists are.

Thanks for including Metacritic, that usually gets overlooked. I find the scores and reviews on Metacritic to more accurately reflect a movie's qualities than either Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB.

Sup Forums spawned /mlp/ what the fuck do you think?

/tg/ is actually a better place to discuss Starwars.

Sup Forums thinks this is good Star Wars. Fuck off.

>- Luke didn't get much more training from Yoda than Rey did from Luke - both spent only a couple of days at most

Rey was training for less than a day because TLJ takes place in less than 24 hours. It's implied it's been a couple weeks with Luke in ETS and he's still shit enough to lose his saber and hand by the end of the movie. When ROTJ starts it's implied it's been an even longer amount of time, as Yoda feels Luke is NOW fully trained (after saying they'd barely started at the end of ETS) to use a saber properly

>- Rey had experience in melee combat after a lifetime of fighting with her staff, Luke had experience moisture farming.
As stated before, Luke was shit with his lightsaber until he'd had months of training. Being good with a staff is a completely different thing to being good with a sword you dumb fuck.

>- Rey is often berated and mocked by Luke during the lessons
Because Luke was written to have suddenly become a completely cynical asshole in the last 10 (or less) years since Kylo turned evil, all because of that stupid moment where he even lighted his saber, which Luke wouldn't do seeing as his entire OT arc is about Luke not making brash decisions and ultimately learning by the end to see good in all that is evil. Notice he didn't kill the Emperor, his father did.

>- Once she's told that the Force is real, she believes in it wholeheartedly with nearly childlike naivety.
And despite being told by at least 2/3 of the OT characters it's not just some toy to fuck with, and that being the entire lesson of the OT and the PT (don't be tempted by the force, use it only when necessary and only to do good and balance the universe), now the writers have decided "NAH YOU CAN USE IT TO GRAB YA BROOM IF YA FANCY, ALSO BUY MORE TOYS"

You seriously want to try and defend the writing in this movie? It was a mess

Yeah, I bet Disney took notice when the Ghostbusters remake got great reviews and good press reception despite the fact that it was terrible. I'd also be willing to bet that the movie would have made a lot less money without feminists going to see it multiple times to "make a statement".

the russians hacked episode II also..... mind blown

>ur votez rigged dis poll

I made that shit...
>Feels good man

I can never get over just how stupid that looks.

saw this wasnt posted yet, probably needs to be updated

Female GhostBusters 2


>Comparing Rogue Autism to Empire, implying it's just as good.
Get fucked.

>Rey was training for less than a day because TLJ takes place in less than 24 hours.
Except it's evident that she spends several days there, as indicated by, you know, a day passing and her sleeping outside Luke's hut.

>It's implied it's been a couple weeks with Luke in ETS
It wasn't. Luke and other split, they both arrive at their destination, the team gets captured by the Empire right away, and Luke dashes off to save them.

>When ROTJ starts it's implied it's been an even longer amount of time
ESB takes place in 3 ABY, RotJ takes place in 4 ABY. It's been a year, and Luke hasn't received a single minute of training from Yoda in that time.

>Being good with a staff is a completely different thing to being good with a sword you dumb fuck.
Oh nooo, she had a decade of experience swinging a long stick, so she needs to just flail helplessly when presented with the impossible challenge of a shorter laser stick.

>all because of that stupid moment where he even lighted his saber, which Luke wouldn't do seeing as his entire OT arc is about Luke not making brash decisions and ultimately learning by the end to see good in all that is evil.
You miss the moment where he almost killed his father and only came to his senses at the last moment. Just cause you overcome your emotions once doesn't mean you're completely impervious to all emotional impulse forever.

It's not for idiots. It's ok that you don't like it.
>Also you don't understand how to read flowcharts, pretty pathetic tbqh

Please go back to Sup Forums. We won't accept your obvious damage control, Disney shill.
Rey is a poorly written character. Period.

>Rogue One
>"realistic context"
>"expanded upon"
Can't believe marxists are defending this obvious globalist agenda borefest of a movie. It's still Disney's nuWars, you idiots.

>obvious damage control
>Disney shill
Please stop using these transparent placeholders for "arguments that don't align with the hivemind"

What fucking training does she do? Luke has her meditate, then later he tells her about the Jedi, then she goes into a cave by herself and literally nothing comes of it, then she leaves to go find Kylo Ren because all of a sudden she wants to save him or something
Luke is shown doing a lot of physical training, Yoda teaches him about the force and imparts wisdom on him. And it's pretty obvious that it's substantially more time than TLJ where it's less than two days because Finn and the fat asian had "eighteen hours" before the ship ran out of fuel.
TLJ defenders are much worse than prequel defenders

Rotten Tomatoes confirmed the score is real and no one talked about tanking the score you made that shit up, sorry shill but that's how it is

>wtf, things floating in star wars!?!!
>wat is repulsor tech??

>Toxicity of expectation
>Expecting the film to be coherent, have decent characterization, as well as development, ensure it doesn't break any of in-lore rules of physics, and move the plot forward is now "toxic."
I guess Rian really subverted my expectation that he could write and direct a decent a science-fantasy film for children.

every other movie has ratings within 10 percent or so between critics and audience.

this movie which Sup Forumstards and NEET manchildren almost all hate somehow is 40 points below the critics. yeah it makes total sense nothing sketchy about that.

Not really considering this

>cultural marxists
>globalist agenda
>it's a fucking pew pew lasers space movie

imagine being so hopelessly insecure that absolutely every single thing you come into contact with feels like an all-out assault on whatever it is you feel is your "identity"

at least the mccarthyists could come up with a coherent argument, you people just seem like you're being angry out of pure boredom

>below Jurrasic World


>Except it's evident that she spends several days there
She didn't. It shifts to nightfall where she confronts Luke, berates him, and leaves. There was no significant passage of time at all. It was morning, then rain in the afternoon, and then rain at night. On the same day. Period.
>Luke hasn't received a single minute of training
Indeed. He received a YEAR of offscreen training.
>she had a decade of experience swinging a long stick, so she needs to just flail helplessly when presented with the impossible challenge of a shorter laser stick.
Please, by all means, explain how transitioning from a long pole-shaped weapon to a sword without any training on utilizing the complexities of a sword as opposed to a single stick "makes sense." Clearly, a sword must be the same as a stick. Clearly, just like a stick, a sword requires you to to grab both ends of it, one hand on the hilt and the other on the a stick? Because swords = sticks? Sticks = swords? Sticks are sharp like swords now? Swords function like sticks? You slash with a mere stick the same way as a sword based on the mathematical angles of swinging a stick? Knowing how to swing a stick is the equivalent of using a blade? Go ahead, I'll wait.
>she had a decade of experience swinging a long stick, so she needs to just flail helplessly when presented with the impossible challenge of a shorter laser stick.
The problem is what led up to it. It was his NEPHEW! He was OLD by that point. The reason he almost killed his father was because he was enraged while he was still young. Luke was a matured adult by the nu-Trilogy, and yet, he retardedly decided to attempt to kill Ben in his sleep without seeking further guidance on how to save him, at the very least talk to him. The writing was so fucking poor because it felt like it was written by a shitty fanfic writer.
"B-BUT HE WASN'T IMPERVIOUS TO HIS EMOTIONS!" Get the fuck out. They ruined his entire character arc from the OT, and you know it.

>- Luke didn't get much more training from Yoda than Rey did from Luke
That's why h got BTFO by Darth Vader
>- Rey had experience in melee combat after a lifetime of fighting with her staff
A sword is a different thing, Kylo was trained with actual lightsabers and, you know, the fucking Force
>- Rey is often berated and mocked by Luke during the lessons
And still defeats the guy who was going to become so POWERFUL that Luke considered murdering him in his sleep. Twice.
>- Once she's told that the Force is real, she believes in it wholeheartedly with nearly childlike naivety.
Meaning what, she's still the most powerful force user in the galaxy a week after finding out it exists. That's a textbook Mary Sue and a still shitty character in a shitty movie from a shitty franchise made by a shitty studio.

>you people just seem like you're being angry out of pure boredom
I mean, it's almost as if this website has always been like that or something...

>Sup Forumstards and NEET manchildren
>It was Sup Forums!
Holy shit, the OP was right.
Also, see

>He received a YEAR of offscreen training.
Not from Yoda.

RT just confirmed that no bots were used it, but that doesn't really account for thousands of right wingers visiting the site to tank the score manually.
On a side note, it's funny how you guys suddenly like a corporation shilling for itself to save face as soon as RT does it (i.e. as soon as it firts your agenda)


>but that doesn't really account for thousands of right wingers visiting the site to tank the score manually.
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was Sup Forums!
You SJWs just keep moving the goalposts.
What did he mean by this?

based BTFO TLJ poster

moving the goalposts?
this is all just different terms for Sup Forumstards, reactionaries, alt-righters, whatever

>lol haha, you've made a typo

>stop hating the new movies reeee
>i'm gonna go easy on the new movies and ignore flaws I pick on all other movies for
>please like the last jedi please
>y-you just hate it because others do!
This video is by far his worst.

>RT only confirmed that no bots were used, but that doesn't really account for thousands of reactionaries visiting the site to drop the score manually.
>On a side note, it's funny how you guys suddenly approve of a corporation shilling for itself to save face as soon as it's RT that does it (i.e. as soon as it aligns with your agenda)
here, I fixed the post to satisfy your pedantry

No they confirmed there was no brigading too and you can check it with your own eyes. A brigaded or bombed movie would have way more ratings that expected (the normal ones and the brigade ones) and this one has just the regular amount. Sorry shill, the movie was just very, VERY bad

So "alt-righters" aren't entitled to an opinion too? Only the politically correct are allowed to do audience scores?

I don’t hate it, but I am doubling down on my criticisms. It’s really fucking annoying see tons of articles and shitty arguments purposefully attacking strawmen, then patting themselves on the back for a victory well won. I also wish we’d stop giving them strawmen to work with, but that’s just how it goes

They're opinions alright, but they're not opinions anyone should give a crap about.

This. TFA relied too much the sequel to explain everything and JJ with his mystery boxes. People kept using the "oh, well the next film will explain it!" as an excuse and now it blew up in their face.

Alt-right facts exist to counterbalance the dangers of Far Left opinions.
If the Far Left got out of control, humanity would've gone extinct decades ago.
Clinton wanted WWIII with Russia, which would've possibly led to nuclear winter within the current century. be glad she didn't win.