How do you stop her?

How do you stop her?

Fire her?

After Solo bombs that'll be the end of her.

She is doing that herself

tender sex


Crossbow to the heart

The Force is female there is literally nothing we can do.


She's so fucking smug, the cunt. She also looks like my fucking mother in law.

Let's kill her, Sup Forums. Let's do it!

punt kick to the pussy

I don't think any of you are aware of the level of backlash Lucasfilm is going to have to suck up if they fire her, regardless of the fact that she's a dream ruining wench.

She was p qt when she was younger pic related

She has clearly had plastic surgery in the recent past

by not giving her money, easy
Alternatively, a bullet

We all en-mass never go see any of the movies made by lucasarts while she's in charge, and we all pretend the entirety of the EU is still canon.
Let the soyboys rage, no matter how many times they say "y-you're not REAL star wars fans!", it won't make it true.
No matter what they say, they can accuse me of being a man-baby, a sexist pig, a fake star wars fan, I know what I like. And I like star wars. Not whatever this... 'thing' she made is.


>mfw Ron says the movie is unsalvagable and decides the best course is to insert himself as an Arrested Development style narrator to fill in missing plot points/character development and lampoon the idiotic moments in the movie

that's what i had been thinking too. her skin is too tight, it looks unnatural

That would be pure kino bliss

She would've been about 27 at this time if it was during the filming of ET



There's no way some backlash from a few feminist media shills is worse to them than tanking one of the biggest entertainment properties in history.

And yet again I am shocked at how low some of the standards of the people who post on this board are. She is fucking hideous.

Today, yeah, but not in these few old pics. Did you actually look at them?

Accuse her of diddling little boys.

You sure? Even considering that entire projects are falling apart just because someone makes an allegation that has repercussions before an actual investigation takes place?

She's not getting fired. The Last Jedi is a fart that everyone at Lucasfilm is enjoying the scent of and anyone who doesn't just doesn't get it.



You're not supposed to be here, Chad. This is our safe space!

you would have to work for disney and gut the disease from the inside, she probably is well aware of this and will try to ensure her radically feminist views are passed on to her successor, cunts like her dont just give up

How much prep time do I have?


Depends on what Disney cares more about. The money that the fans brought in that they are now losing. Or the opinion of feminists who probably don't even go to see the movie and just virtue signal on the internet.

MFW I found out George hired her.

Was this part of his plan all along?

Think about their reaction when Battlefront 2 started getting compared to actual gambling and they stepped in to slap EA around the back of the head.

They're not going to want to be associated with crushing the dreams of little girls who want to be powerful Lucasfilm bosses would they?

if you think about it, this entire fiasco was just Disney and Lucas long gaming each other in a tale of outwits
>Lucas creates prequels
>Disney hires reviewers to hijack and destroy the prequel's reputation in a long game so that ten years down the line, Lucas will have to sell Lucasfilm due to disgrace
>but Lucas is a long gamer himself, as he has hated corporations since he was young
>he knows that Disney will shoot itself in the foot because with the dawn of the internet the user reviews will contrast with the critic reviews that originally destroyed the prequels
>so he sells Lucasfilm knowing Disney's Star Wars will in fact be their downfall
>soon Disney in disgrace will bring Lucas back on board as a consultant to save the IP
>final part of long game: then Lucas soon will help them create even shittier Star Wars films so they will end up selling Lucasfilm back to Lucas, where Lucas can then create a final kino trilogy
>stay tuned
tl;dr Disney's long game was getting bad reviews to acquire Star Wars but Lucas's own long gaming was to let Disney fuck up so he can again require Lucasfilm

>Solo: A Spaceballs Story
I would watch this shit

Spielberg probably threatened to fuck him up if he didn't.

did you?

Stop feeding her shekels. She'll shrivel up and starve.

That's from like last year dude. Those other pics are from 1980

>implying Disney has a 'long game'

They just make decisions based on the day that might make them a few more shekels than what they already have. Hence buying into the 'pandering to feminists' meme

She's always been ugly. She probably reminds you of your mom.

>Disney hires reviewers to hijack and destroy the prequel's reputation
Fuck, and my dumb ass hated the PT for free.

As if Lucasfilm gives a fuck about backlash. Backlash won't hurt their bottom line. Missing out on 600 million dollars in box office taking hurts their bottom line.

we could hyperspace ram her
that's a good trick

that's a man in drag

>implying the jews who run Disney are that dumb
It's all about maximizing profit overall not just making the most money in a single decision/moment.

Name one franchise that has pandered to SJW and has come out ahead.
inb4 they are all playing the long game so I can't give you an example

Allow them to fund every dumb project she can come up with, they will not say no because vagina.
Then when it fails they will have to face the truth, its like when parents stop vaccinating their kids, gotta let the disease come back so they learn.

closet fags amd roasty yeasty vaginas larping will defend this

conclusion, less wymon in media please

Long game was never about SJWs. It was about getting the Star Wars IP. Pay attention never said anything about SJWs stop focusing so hard on them every waking second of you exustence

Star Wars IP is meaningless if they can't profit off it.
