Enters your casino

>enters your casino
>releases your horses
>destroys your casino
>inspires your orphan
>this frustrates the insecure white man


Was bobby lee responsible for the death of madtv?

You forgot
>gets banned from China

post that webm

>fails in china
>makes your toy industry to crash

oh fuck she does look like bobby lee

Jesus Christ she's even ugler in real life

She's the kind of asian you swipe left on

Nah never swipe left, always have backups

>>this frustrates the insecure white man

Great job leftists, keep alienating normies, you are doing Sup Forums`s job

Whoah Bobby Lee looks like THAT?

>panders to Chinks
>Isn't Chinese
What did Disney mean by this?


>rey is a flat chested boy
>finn looks straight out of racist caricatures
>kylo ren looks like 14 y.o. emokid
>that fat asian bitch
you know why dwayne johnson's shitty movies succeed? Because actors are actually likeable, if you're not a cuck you want to be powerful human ape who is the Rock. Girls want to be attractive models, men want to be rich, powerful, and muscular. Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams are cuckolds who will never understand that.

Sup Forums is normies, Trump didn't elected by being unpopular faggot

anyone who disagrees with this is either a cuck, or a shill.

Rock = Likeable
Kevin Hart = Likeable
Jack Black = Likeable
Karen Gillam = Likeable

It's not just "durr Dwayne is hot that's why people like him". Much more than that.

>It's not just "durr Dwayne is hot that's why people like him"
I never said that

>if you're not a cuck you want to be powerful human ape who is the Rock. Girls want to be attractive models, men want to be rich, powerful, and muscular

That's exactly what you said

>what is insurance


Is this one of those photoshopped pictures to make her face look fatter?


>men want to be rich, powerful, and muscular
>durr Dwayne is hot that's why people like him
Are you actually retarded?

I legitimately think she's cute an would go on a date with her


Kevin Hart may be rich but he's certainly not powerful or muscular. Same with Jack Black

Why are they likeable?

Can someone tl;dr me about the whole point of her and Finn's sublot? I was probably very bored and didn't pay much attention to the movie, but that part, especially the casino section, felt 100% useless to the overall plot.

Because they're naturally funny

Also they're pretty much the supporting cast for Chad Dwayne Johnson

In fairness, the movie had no overall plot.

this is the kind of asian 80 yo retiree go aftet

Pudgy potato donated to save the animals, HYYYYPE. She ruins finns heroic moment. Doesnt even help the enslaved orphans. A whole bunch of nothing that led to nothing

It was. Or better, it would have never happened if general brighthair explained her plan to a veteran who definitely was not a spy.

Socio-economic background and ethnicity, please?

Upper-middle class white

but what was the plan? doing kamikaze? the movie gave me the impression that she just decided on the spot, but, again, I was so fucking bored that I didn't really follow the story

>Sup Forums is normies

They're literally the most rejected people in society what the fuck are you even saying.

>I want the working class to rise up and take down this sick, patriarchal, capitalist planet

Really Disney?

It's supposed to be nowhere because Rose is supposed to be an inspiring character

Although she fails, she inspires people by trying

This is what producers actually say

he look like a man

Actual response: middle class white male

they pretend

I this edited to make her look like Alex Jones or am I just seeing things?

>anticapitalist movies or cartoons are something new
children these days, I swear

Gives you this look

>Nah never swipe left
lol the algorithm is registering you as the bottom tier, and only giving you bottom tier selection if you do this.

Kevin Hart is a fucking annoying manlet who can't into comedy, yet 56%ers eat it up as the best shit ever

that explains why I'm getting morbidly obese black bitches 75% of the time

7 'mo years muh nigga

if you only swipe right the algorithm considers you on the bottom rung. you might as well delete your account and create a new one.
if you want to be successful on tinder you need to learn about the algorithm and play by the rules to get the top tier selection.

Fuck you, Kevin Hart is a funny little guy

Sad that your racism stands in the way of enjoying a comedic talent like Kev


I disagree
he can make le funny faces and that's about it, and im not racist

From the Soy Lands.

fuck im hearing that japanese sushi store owner voice from south park

>this is a 10 to scrawny soyterian whitebois


Just roofing and chill, ese

(the secret is every woman is a 10 to scrawny soyboys)

Why didn't they make her an alien? Imagine her as a cute chubby twi'lek.

>Horses get rounded up again, get painful punishment beatings, if not killed
>Casino is rebuilt in Force sensitive brat is forced to live as a slave literally until he dies

:^) :^) :^)

Her bringing Spanish hacker man to the First Order caused them to learn of the plan of fleeing ships causing hundreds more rebels to die.

She achieved less than nothing, her impact was negative

Oh boy ... what a successful character.