The petition's at 500 signatures

The petition's at 500 signatures

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What's this all about? Is the witcher getting blackwashed or something?

They want accurate representation not some Anglo or 56% getting roles that are supposed to be Polish.

is a fucking netflix show bro

I hope the actor they get to play Geralt is as dark as Wesley Snipes, Sup Forums will lose it's shit.

There's not a polish man alive that looks like Geralt. They all look like fucking strongmen or bouncers.

Umm no sweetie Witcher is now a brave and powerful multicultural obese transgender woman of color with pink hair and grandma glasses and Poland is highly problematic for being white and Christian and refusing to take in refugees, thanks Netflix for punching these nazis with diversity kino

Post some Polish actors that would fit. I know none.

The Polish aren't white, so Hollywood shouldn't have a problem with it.

can't wait for idris elba to be cast as the protagonist


Oh no.

Because there is none. Do they even make movies in Poland? Yeah, didn't think so.

>wanting dirty poles

Why, is the Witcher set in Poland?

But the characters are not supposed to be Polish. They're from a fantasy world based on pan-European history and mythology. For example there is a lot of King Arthur stuff in the books. Should cast native British actors like Idris Elba and John Boyega

signed faggot

You do realise that the Witcher is a mix of Slavic and British Isles mythology, right? Literally has a place called Oxenfurt (Oxford) which has the best university in the land (Oxford has the best university in the world), place called Shaerwood Forest (Sherwood Forest), Skellige is basically Isle of Ireland. There is loads of Arthurian myth, which is a mix of Welsh, English and French. The video games were voiced purely by British and Irish accented people, with some others mixed in. So it being a mix of British and Slavic seems logical, if not outright British and Irish.

Great, another thing I love ruined. Thanks.

Is dat a shoop? Sheeeeeit ma'

Oh, have you already watched it?

fucking give up already. This show is beyond saving.

>Wanting some inbred poles with fucked up heads making movies

Who's she going to play?

>some woman says some things
You realise you're doing the same thing when they go
>some CIS white male says some thing

Showrunner means the person in charge of the writing team and creative directions.

El abominacion...

yeah because that dyke is burning every copy of the books and video games and using the men in black memory wipe dildo on you right?

I havent been here in awhile is this the level of bait Sup Forums has?


It's not bait, you're just reacting like a SJW. Wait until it's actually out and it's actually shit before you start screeching. Or, most likely, you'll never watch it and move on to another thing to screech about. But you'll save the images to prove it's 'SJW MARXIST JEW GARBAGE!!!!!'

oh lol, thanks.

Half Polish

Its already ruined.

What are you, a nigger?

Watch out, here come the individualists!


Obviously she's a tumblrina. After reading that image with her interview, i also am nervous for this show. I wont judge it until it comes out, but it doesnt look good.

They don't need to cast Polish actors, they just need to not cast niggers, that's literally it.

Peak jewishness.

Good. That's my point. Wait until it's out before saying it's shit. Will it likely be shit? Yes. Will it be shit? Who knows. So wait. The last Witcher shit was awful.

Have you actually seen Daredevil? Elektra is pretty boring desu but most of that show is hit or miss. She does sound eager to please albeit completely unqualified. 50/50 chance it sucks

most polacks want idris elba though

>A wie pan, że jest całkiem sporo ludzi, którzy chcieliby zobaczyć Idrisa Elbę jako Geralta?
>Zabawne, bo sam kiedyś rzuciłem żartem taki pomysł. Być może stąd to się wzięło. Swoją drogą, jestem wielkim fanem Idrisa Elby

which basically translates to interviewer asking the producer about the fact that polacks would love idris elba as Geralt, which the producer says he would love to have idris elba as geralt

it's happening, you can't stop the IDRIS train.

Fucking end yourself you no talent

Not bad.

name 5 good polish / eastern european actors
go on i'll wait


oh yeah didn't think so

For the love of God, can somebody please nuke the US?

Just like galbusters wasn't shit? Just like TFA R1 &TLJ weren't shit? Just like everything that has been repurposed by SJW's, feminists, and nu-males to reflect their "progressive" ideology isn't shit?
The record shows that you're wrong and also a faggot.
Now, I'm going to go whip myself for replying to b8. Goodbye.

I repeat, can someone please nuke the US and this roastie/faggot along with it?

Well at least I won't get my hopes up now.

Dirty Poles

>literally making fun of individualism
What are they teaching you kids at Sup Forums?

Except Idris who is above being shoved into stuff as a diversity hire. He's said he'd even turn down Bond because he says he doesn't want to be a racist gimick.

>guy points out you're acting like the people you hate
>'hey guys, wait until it's out before saying it's shit. It probably will be, but just wait, huh?'
Holy fucking shit, Sup Forums is literally a parody of it's self now. I'm gonna copy this guys moves though, saying logical fucking things gets the Alt-SJW really pissed.

Are you shitting me or is this for real your level of awareness of the implications here
>can't tell what is bait

>how do you know my dump on your dinner plate tastes like shit? You haven't even eaten it yet!

I have seen Daredevil and i skipped passed the Elektra scenes after i realized shes boring as fuck.

I would have taken an over the top mary sue version over the wooden shit we got. At least Rey is tolerable to watch

fuck this stupid world, go make a polish film industry you goddam plumber

>The petition's at 500 signatures
So like ten times more than Poles who have netflix

>Hey thing is comnig out
>Well, it's not out yet.. could you wa..
>Why are you here?
>You do realise you're the same as...
>You're an idiot
howling @ u lad.

false equivilence, not all media creations are shit, but every time you shit on a plate, it will taste like shit. there are things Sup Forums likes so that must mean it's possible to make something good, so yes, wait until it's out. Stop using Sup Forumseddit shit.

>saying logical fucking things gets the Alt-SJW really pissed
Top bugman

I want the entire cast to be black now just to see how Sup Forums will flip out. Literally flipping out cause people have said 'Wait until it's out before saying it's shit even though it likely will be'.

Samefagging doesn't validate your opinion.

does it matter? we already got witchkino

wow just wow you rekt us all


John Krasinski as Geralt

Oh shit you proved everyone worng now what i guess we all just go home well done sir *tips soymilk*

You're an idiot. I'm not going to go into it because you're not even worth educating but I can assure you you're a pathetic brainlet who thinks he knows a lot more than he does, Mt Stupid personified.

Jews and Anglo-Saxons were a mistake.

>oi witchah oive got a task for ye
>jim looks at camera

>Office theme plays

Marek Kondrat
Cezary Pazura
Janusz Gajos
Szymon Bobrowski
Jarosław Boberek (I like him mainly because of his voice acting, to be honest)

any black polish actors to black wash the whiteys will do. bonus points for changing male characters to female and POC.

Polish actors as shit tier. Acting jobs should be given based on merit and skill not race.

There is none, Poland is a 3rd world country that produces no acting talent. Anglos are the only ones who can act.

Now that you've proven yourself authentic and restated your opinion with an image, alow me to do the same.

So we aren't allowed to speculate? How about I speculate about how much you suck dicks? My prediction: a lot.

Also: fuck you I won't do what you tell me

I could give 2 fucks what race the actor is as long as hes right for the part

Ok let's get a grey-colored dog then

Half polish actresses are so hot

I would slam my penis into her so hard that we'd being nuclear fusion

If hes right for the part fuck yeah

Says the 56% Anerimutt lmao

How many levels of irony are you on, my dude?

la creatura...

Mads Mikkelsen


If hes anything but a slav he isnt right for the part...

sry but all dogs are fags

> Most """polacks"""
Heres thousands of polish yelling about removing jews and other shit a few months back.

>Implying watching a black man on TV means you want thousands of them moving into your impoverished neighborhood.

Dagmara Dominczyk for Yenn

> implying a bunch of young men yelling about removing shitskins and jews want them to coopt their culture in television and film

that's the difference between actual talent and just being, as you/he put it, a diversity hire

people who are actually skilled at their trade don't need handouts or affirmative action

Think he's Danish but Nikolaj Coster-Waldeau(Jaime Lannister) would be fucking great as Geralt. Saw people campaigning for him here also, dont know if hed go back to another tv show after GOT is over though

Now that's a good fucking idea.

>young men yelling about removing shitskins and jews
fake news

Not sure why you niggas had any hope.