>ITT kino moments
ITT kino moments
hiya reddit
who are you quoting?
ITT Sympathetic villains
Retarded scene.
All of that shrapnel and splinters should have turned him into ground beef.
There it is
Pirates of the Caribbean is kino, take your soy somewhere else.
>ground beef.
More like maritime beef
whats the point of this scene anons?
It wasn't a good business
All his bullshit fell apart and blew up in his face quite literally and you get to watch his face when he realized it
Can someone explain this retarded scene to me? All he had to do was give the order to fire. They had more cannons on that one ship than the two enemy ships combined
Is this bait? I see this all the time.
Because he lost the control of the ghost ship, how is he supposed to control the routes from a ghost ship that cannot be sunk? thats what i tell myself to sleep at night, use that knowledge as you wish
That guys murders thousands, enslaves sea phantoms, and slays the kraken so he can sell sugar. Underated bad guy.
He thought he had won beyond doubt. Then he's confronted with the fact he has lost control of the Dutchman and his presumed victory. It completely shocked him.
>Pirates are the heroes we need to fight monopolies and corporate greed
What did Disney mean by this?
He was in the right, wasn't he? I had this feeling he was during all the two movies.
If you were part of Becketts crew during those final moments, how would you react, Sup Forums?
>tons of loud explosions
>splintered fragments of wood shooting in every direction
>doesnt even blink
what a fucking legend
He's fresh off reddit. That's how they quote people
good choice. this too imo
I sincerely love the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise for the first three movies. The fourth was watchable but lacked the magic of the original cast.
I cannot excuse the final movie from over the past summer and hated it and it made me angry knowing that a franchise I loved from when I was younger was butchered so badly. The only good thing it gave was JAG-posting.
Was the new Pirates movie any good?
Oh, I just remebered the worst part: Barbossa's shitty fucking death!!!!!!!! He was my favorite character and he was killed off for nothing!!!!!!!!! So angry.
I too am a pirates connoisseur. AMA.
I am this guy and It was a terrible excuse for a movie! The plot was nonsensical, it had the Trident of Neptune or some shit like that which did not fit the themeing of the franchise and it introduced pointless characters. William Turner's son was only okay and his girlfriend was pretty bad.
The movie was too funny in a different manner than the past movies with Jack Sparrow becoming a full-fledged joke character. There was this recurring "She's a witch" joke about the lady main character and another joke targeted at her about her study of something that sounded like whore. There was also an entire fucking scene where Jack Sparrow is married off to some hicks on an island where one of the hick-pirates is played by an old Beatle? I did not understand it at all...
The villain was pretty much just a rehash of Cutler Beckett but with a different coat of paint. Barbossa was nowhere near as cool as he used to be! I have mixed feelings about the after credit scene that showed William Turner and Elizabeth together- I enjoyed the throwback but I wish that the actor/actress would have shown more love to the movie.
All-in-all, it was bad and it was the only movie I looked forward to over the summer and I was sad that it was so thoroughly disappointing...
This gif is very kino
Crashing this thread
Which is your favorite movie and character and why?
This scene is pleb-filter. In fact the entire trilogy is. Gore Verbinski a master
Also, do you or do you not agree with my conclusion that the first movie has some good similarities to the structure of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly?
I can expand on this, but I have a headache and am considering going to sleep and am trying to avoid supporting my opinion if I can.
I got an audible chuckle out of this
My favorite movie is At World's End because of the scale of the adventure and for the lore. My favorite character growing up was always Jack Sparrow, but I also held Davy Jones in high regards as a character too. He's merciless and threatening, but at the same time just a man scorned.
What was the point of this scene?
Nice to see another fan of At World's End. Amazing how they made those movies. Nothing like it today
Is this the literal movie film adaptation of keep calm carry on?
Jack Sparrow did actually have a pretty good arc over the course of the three movies with only slight bastardization in favor of silliness. Will Turner is, however, the main character of the first three movies, in my opinion, as he is the 'good guy' until the very end.
I have not watched At World's End in a long time. I think I know what I will do tomorrow.
Why not Salisbury steak?
Oh shit I just realized where I have seen this guy before. He plays some low level MP on that BBC version of VEEP
Agreed. It's incredibly depressing how terribly they butchered the last two movies. Like you, I enjoyed 4 for what is was, but nowhere near the OT. And 5...dear god. Pirates deserved better.
its a meme ya dip
I'm sorry, explain what you mean by structure?
Despite having his most silly moment in At World's End (the multiple Jack's), he's more serious overall throughout the movie than even the first film. Like the scene with the dead kraken and when Will gets killed. 2 & 3 get lumped in with the other sequels for being bad and flanderizing Jack when they really just expanded on the first film's themes.
how would you know, cuck?
Jack Sparrow sacrificing his desire for immortality to save Will really sold him as the main guy for me. However, I do see what you mean as Will being the traditional good guy, but I think he does have some grey area as well.
I used to hate 4 but after seeing 5, I've grown to appreciate for what it was. It was so far removed from the first 3 that it can be it's own thing while 5 just clings to the trilogy so hard and fails. Ironic considering I wanted 5 to be like the first 3 and it just made a mess. No interest in 6 sadly, unless Gore Verbinski comes back.
I feel like Jack, Will, and Elizabeth all the main characters. The audience go for Jack but the story needs all three (which is why 4 & 5 are such a mess).
So, you're here from one of those SJW college classes right?
>Doesn't understand metaphors
literal reddit scene.
Gore, the original cast, and even later Hans are what made the movies great, without them I knew there was no hope. It's sad, but at least we still have the OT to love. Also, if it were up to me, the 4th would have been about Elizabeth finding the fountain of youth to try to make sure her and their son can be with Will forever.
I do agree with you. The best part about 5 was just seeing Will and Elizabeth together again.
>Gojira is now infected by the Blade 2 vampire strain
how would they even do a 6th film now that magic literally don't exist anymore
best scene in the movie IMO
At World's End was my favorite too, for all the reasons described. My dudes, its an honor to share this thread with you.
It's been great lads. Now post best scores
What movie and what's happening here?
check title and it's a scene describing a sacrificial lamb
The multiple Jack sequence felt correct in the movie as it represented his growth during the 2nd and 3rd about being the greatest pirate or surviving a long time. This paired with the fact that the scene was chalked up to delusions in his head- literally delusions of grandeur- that made it work well in the movie. It was funny but it worked and was done well. Furthermore, Johnny Depp was still enjoying it during this movie and, hell, it showed in this scene.
With you as well. Pirates of the Caribbean is my favorite movie franchise based off of an amusement park ride AND (for the first three anyways) also being good movies on their own.
They have a special spot for me as it was a Christmas Break tradition for my mom, my sister, and I to watch them the day after Christmas for the only day she had off of work while we, the children, were home from school.
>check title
god you at world's Pleb fags need to fuck off Dead man's Chest is the kino film of the franchise no debate
>people still don't use 4chanx
do yourself a favor
I just absolutely love the transition to the build up and transition to the theme music. Kino as fuck track to wrap up the trilogy.
You are wrong. It was Curse of the Black Pearl. hands down.
2 and 3 are special, though, for having the connected story, however.
This is kino if you turn your brain off. But should anything that is 80%+ cgi/green screen really be considered kino?
Zimmer knocked it out of the park with AWE