ITT: celebrities before they were famous
ITT: celebrities before they were famous
post a picture from after he was famous because i have no clue who the fuck that is
am i supposed to know who this nog is?
lurk moar
get the fuck out
You need to go back.
Who is this semon demon
>robert has a black wife
lost all respect I got for him...
Hillary Clinton you pedophile faggot
Holy shit thats NOOB SAIBOT in the mid.
>t newfaggot
Faggot, get the fuck out
>Wow Mr Kennedy, when I grow up I wanna be just like you!
I don't recognise the back of that head.
Is that suppose to be Idris Elba?
this photo must be from the 50s but why does it feel like it could be from the 90s, ignoring the lack of color? is it just me?this one too, it looks like an 80s photo for some reason
What a shit thread that had such potential.
She was so fucking cute. What went wrong?
I wanna be a cute loli like Hilary-chan
Robert is a wholesome man who doesnt fall for the interracial jewish tricks.
Do not talk about him like that
>t. Got lost in the popcorn mines
>what went wrong
She's like a billion now.
Robert is a loyal and loving husband. What a good man.
fuck you
You'd recognise that dopey face from anywhere.
does robert know he's a meme yet
seppuku yourself kiddo
>What went wrong?
Nothing. I would fuck the shit out of her.
she looked like a fucking monkey. she's always been a slavic nigger
Sup Forums is trying to be epic. no one knows who he is.
I guess its that simple. Tine is a lolis greatest enemy...
I just can't get over how completely adorable she was. I'm jealous.
Fug. She's so prim and proper and sweet looking. Like she helps little inured animals. Pure.
I guess I have a Hilary folder now.
this is unironically what I picture my future daughter looking like, beautiful and pure and natty
h-how old is Emma and her classmates in this pic? Also I thought british women were supposed to be ugly.
you're weird
You just know that people who open their eyes too wide are up to no good.
Look at that, the eyelids are revealing the upper white part... just run.
>Sup Forums
Cheerleader effect, check again.
I respect you're right to an opinion user, but I'm sorry, loli Hilary is far superior.
Sometimes you're just wrong.
I know. I just can't help it. I love cute things. And I must admit, young Hilary-chan was cute.
>Also I thought british women were supposed to be ugly
that's just a Sup Forums meme to make british women seem unappealing, it's a pathetic attempt to mask their well known american landwhales. british gals are indeed extremely raunchy though
Because she acted like a child in the 90's too.
>straight hair
Who does she think she is?
sanpaku eyes
USA was 95% white when that picture was taken.
USA has never been 95% white...
me 2nd from right
giv green mummy
Before 1965, wasn't America 93% white?
why is there a dead body on the far right side of this picture
89% was the highest in history, that was in the 1940's and 50s
around blacks, never relax
Throw him in the popcorn mines BOYOS
sweet lord
me on the left
That's Jeffrey Dahmer in high school. His friends used to make him stand in yearbook photos for clubs he wasn't in. They got it in the final edition of the yearbook and when the supervisor teacher found out she marked over his face in every photo in the yearbook.
He then grew up to be a serial killer.
how the fuck did she age so badly? she looks like a dried up snake these days...
beware the porn dwarves and their falcons you noob
me at the top left
I don't see the resemblance. Sorry.
Who are you talking about?
Better days.
Emma Watson was already famous when this picture was taken.
How are you finding these rare robert pics?
How in the world did you find that and do you feel a little creepy having that?