"Times aren't changing fast enough"

Do you agree?

now instead of cock sucking directors will demand pusy lickings!!

There will be competent males on set for all their projects to ensure they don't fuck everything up

And they keep insisting with this shit, Trump is staying 7 more years, not 3.

The gradual change of time isn't good for anyone. We need an instantly different world that no one is accustomed to at all. That's how you build a stable future.

What does it have to do with Trump, he's a cuck and endorsed the Disney-Fox deal, he's good with Bob Iger. Take off your blinders.

Who gives a fuck?They can direct 20 SW movies for all I care

Will Captain Marvel be Marvel's first rotten movie?

That's just 6 million D chess

I honestly miss the pre-crusade era.

time for the mongol horde to step in, china MUST own hollywood, at this point only they can stop the the divisive class warfare agenda in mass media


>only has three female directors

it's certainly got the potential

They look so oppressed.

Disney must be spinning in his freezer

Why the fuck don't they understand that just having female directors doesn't do anything except tick diversity boxes? They have the imagination of a pebble and the creative skills of tofu.
The big problem is that if their movies don't do well, people will be too afraid to blame the director and unlike Snyder who eventually did get the message they'll be left in charge to ruin the industry.

Who knows? How about we judge the ladies by whatever they produce, not what lies between their legs. if they are productive and awesome, then great, we should move forward with like minds. If they on the other hand suck, then leave it at that, it's not because they are girls, it's just because they suck. Merit over genitals imo.

sounds like chicks debating in starbucks


>"times aren't changing fast enough"

You know, there's a reason Max Weber called politics the "strong and slow boring of hard boards". If you try to push too hard, move too fast, the board cracks and splinters, making it useless and forcing you to start over. But if you're slow, steady, and consistent, not only do you get through the board, you have something that you can use to fit in to the greater whole.

get the fuck out no one respects anyone here fuck off bitch fag cunt nigger

Disney is heading straight to a financial disaster. Once they reach that point, they will start cutting heads and we'll get back to kinos as usual

based pusy poster

what the fuck does CM want, i cant follow that nothingburger discussion

I agree that times aren't changing fast enough. Disney is forced to turn to women directors because men don't want to sacrifice their visions to be a glorified manager for the boardroom. We need all studio driven drivel to be made by women so we can get real art back.

Why don't you let your work speak for itself?

Cuntain Marvel is a terrible character and nobody likes her.

How does he do it?

I was very confused about Mulan, since that was directed by someone else.
Live action remakes are a mistake.

I don't even care that they're female. If they suck, they suck. Disney needs to stop going down a list of tick boxes of diversity.

>"tell him I'm not Satan"
>"she's not Satan"

The absolute state of comic book writing in 2018

We're not coming through this whole "women deserve to be in charge of something they had no hand in building for inexplicable reasons" phase quickly enough

What is this shit, is she channeling admiral Holdo? Why is the white girl so calm and detremined, forced to put up with all this men acting emotional and irrational? And how they make the black dude talk is borderline racist. that's the true face of white feminism. It's all about white female supremacy.

I agree. The conclusion to this retardedness is the return of more principled men and less shitty movies. It can't come fast enough.

They're accelerating all of this because they know they're losing and time is running out. Not much longer left, lads.


Why do you think they hired Patty Jenkins for WW? Was it her skills or what lies between her legs, just to make a political statement that will immediately gets the approval of millions of idiots who thought watching the WW represented something.



>>times aren't changing fast enough
>>not enough

remember those two words, cause no matter how much you give it will never be enough.

that picture is racist. The white women are buddies while the black one is awkardly trying to get in there. White matriarchy is next

just like white dicks lmaoooooo

>there are people that will pay money to watch their movies

What do they actually want? The womean of the 21th century. What do they want? What are they trying to achieve?


This is a humorous conversation you can see actual human beings having. If you don't realize this, you might be a robot or at least autistic.

what are those things in his hair?

>not supporting disney historical efforsts against capitalism/imperialism

Wow, this is some THE HEART-tier background work

Do british women actually walk outside in just socks?


Kathleen Kennedy is considering this woman for a SW movie. Needless to say it's not because of her track record

When the fuck did hawkeye become a chick?

You can see the shoes she was wearing right above them.

their streets are cleaner after muslims enforced a no-dog policy

is that fucking optimus prime?

Yeah I think in terms of Hollywood there's no excuse for the status quo. They are supposed to be forward thinking yet all the directors etc. are men which you don't see for like, book authors etc.

isn't mr. clops a villain?


N'igger DuName

I'm not even a Sup Forumsfag but does anyone else think the way that Iron Man suit is drawn is just uninspired?

it's diversity iron man

Maybe because carpet muncher directors can only do disney princess movies like Wonder Woman. Or, sometimes they kill SW in two movies.

Same time Thor did

These are drunk chav skanks. they probably suck dicks for that pizza

>let me hold this camera for five seconds before handing it back to a large man

DuVernay is the dumb bitch that started this whole movement, I'd say wrinkle in time will bomb, but the other 2 will obviously do really well. DuVernay is also a shit tier director

that's cyclops from the 60s who time traveled and now the original 5 x-men are in the present (there are two beasts now). meanwhile hitler-clops died off-screen and they looped back around to explain his death in Death of X (pic related)

Yeah, especially because Brie Larson is ugly as fuck, there's a million hot blondes in Hollywood and they pick the ex fatty ugly Brie Larson

That sounds almost like a... revolution?

what is chav

>Maybe because carpet muncher directors can only do disney princess movies like Wonder Woman. Or, sometimes they kill SW in two movies.

Uh then include more women in general? Like, women have different kinda stories and perspectives they can tell, with different strengths.

Again look at books, women write a ton of different books. Women are creative and have stories they like to tell. But when it comes to cinema all of a sudden women are 100% 2nd class and no putting some empowerful girls to get feminist blogclicks isn't the same as appreciating women's artistic contributions the way they do for men.
Fuck Star Wars and Super hero movies btw.

Eastern European gypsy blood
Slavic ancestry if I'm not mistaken

For a picture that's supposed to be dynamic, it looks awfully stiff outside of cyclops getting rekt

I'd ask "Why can't we have comic artists like Frazzetta?" because of how he got how to provide a sense of motion, but then I recall that sort of thing requires practice and talent.

>Gwenpool is real life

what's happning?

Oops wrong I was confused
Lower class undeclass citizen
Uncultured people
For lack of a better term, pleb

So she is british?

Whatever, hollywood filmmaking is so dead they can't possibly make it worse.

She's looking at the camera, not the subject

Ameriimutts are unironically trying to force God's hand and have us all killed

>kinda stories and perspectives

About real life issues? Personal issues? Social issues? They fucking suck. Can they write anything else? No? Disney princess then or fuck off.

She's not even a director she never went to film school or anything, she was in finance on something like that. Nobody knows how she got there.

>About real life issues? Personal issues? Social issues? They fucking suck.
Disagree. Also men aren't doing this either so.

> Can they write anything else? No? Disney princess then or fuck off.
I wouldn't mind better romance stories made by women who actually like romance stories/novels and not (mostly) male and occasional female retards who obviously make it to pander and not due to love of the genre.
If thats what you mean.

Actual worst character of all time. Most aggressive fan service.

A wrinkle in time looks like dog shit, I'm saying it unironically, I almost vomit when I saw the trailer and I had no idea who was the director.

go back to tumblr bitch

I wish I could say you're wrong, but your not. Sometimes my fellow citizens do really degenerate shit. The amount they do seems to be increasing

Why does black bolt look like a faggot?

What have I said that is bitchy? Cuz I said "fuck star wars and super hero movie"? May sound harsh but I am just tired of them both. Its all lowest-common-denominator franchises and I don't care for either one. Pretend I said "forget star wars". Forget tumblr too.

That's strikingly similar to Fallout power armour

>Uh then include more women in general? Like, women have different kinda stories and perspectives they can tell, with different strengths.
yeah, we know these movies, the kind that Sofia Coppola does. They're all the fucking same shit, introspective vajayjay monologues. And then they don't understand nobody will give them a big budget. Why are these women doing capeshit? You think because they want to make movies with their own perspective or because they want free money in the name of their vagina?

>times aren't changing fast enough

It's true. If times were changing fast enough, Islam would already dominate the world, and women would be again modest and respectful of men's authority.

There's something oddly offputting about this art style

Were gonna spend the next twenty years where women will be moved to directorial positions regardless of their actual talent and then blaming sexism for their failures, meanwhile, actual women that earned their shit producing already great movies are going to be ignored.

Two Mortar Rounds. One with nerve gas. One with a mini-nuke made in the 60's. Kills all these faggots.

Real life weaponry > Capeshit

Will times turn back if they can't make a profitable film?

never underestimate the power creep

wait a moment is there a character really called captain marvel? whats the inuiverse explanation?

Intorspective vajayjay monologues are only a minority of women taste though you know that right?
And yeah idk, it seems that its very skewed to me, do you disagree?

to party go shoping and fuck chad, for eternity