This is the only interesting Star Wars character of the Disney era.
This is the only interesting Star Wars character of the Disney era
I feel bad for Donnie Yen. He thought he was going to have a real role in the movie, not get turned into a wacky blind chinaman.
Unironically a better Jedi than any of the actual Jedi.
I unironically spent the whole movie thinking they were building him up to have a meaningful confrontation with Darth Vader where they could discuss the nature of the Force and life etc where Vader shows a glimpse of humanity before killing him reluctantly.
I give Disney way too much fucking credit
He was Mexican.
that's not kylo ren
That would be shit. Anything that humanizes Vader before Luke is retarded.
I said interesting, not Reddit
I agree. Him and Kylo Ren (sometimes)
Also thay Robot in rogue one was a better chatacter than most of the new ones.
Explain his motivation, OP.
During his last scene I was wondering "Are they gonna give him a fade away into the force moment to show that in his final moments, his devotion to the force was rewarded with the power to accomplish this feat and save his friends?"
obviously not
I don't even care if it "cheapens" the 'fading into the force' death, it would have at least given his character SOMETHING besides a line to chant.
>Donnie Yen as a blind kung-fu master but somehow in Star Wars instead of china
I love kung fu movies. I love Star Wars. I love Donnie Yen.
But why the fuck did I watch Donnie Yen doing kung-fu in a Star Wars movie?
you're a retard. Vader's arc with Ahsoka and Ezra was better than his arc with Luke. Also having him show a pull to the light side makes his eventually turn to the light side have more meaning than "the emperor was frying muh son"
Fuck off mouse shill. Ezra is shit and Vader immediately tries to kill Ahsoka.
Luke being the only to try and save Vader and being the only one Vader cares about is what makes the plot of the OT work.
>why the fuck did I watch Donnie Yen doing kung-fu in a Star Wars movie?
China also has movie theaters.
*blocks your path*
>Luke being the only to try and save Vader and being the only one Vader cares about is what makes the plot of the OT work.
>muh OT had deep themes and was done perfect and flawless
i always felt like it was a cheap storyline, literally "muh son" It would make Vaders turn superficial if he didnt do it for ideological reasons (which he didnt, he did it for selfish saving his son reasons) Vader shouldve never gone to Jedi Heaven and become a Force Ghost. Saving his son doesnt erase his crimes
you retarded faggots disgust me, you're why star wars is where it is now
fuck Star Wars
What ideological reason did he have to turn on the Emperor? He'd already killed billions of people for him and the Empire.
He sacrifices himself out of love for his son and helps save the galaxy. Your retarded idea of having him get all weepy talking to a random stranger week before he blows up a planet just cheapens it.
Do you even Star Wars?
that sweet pandering to china plus he suggested the whole being blind thing himself so if that is really a part of his character you like don't thank the director
This nigger is right
cringe as fucc
one hit from a stout black nicca and this guy would be on the floor
>thank the director
kek which one?
Vader was almost civil in ANH and wasn't demonized until ESB, and even then he's only savage to his subordinates. He stopped boba fett from vaporizing chewie.
That said that user's idea is still gay. Vader was always a jedi killer and he's not interested in the survival of the force religion. The goal was to keep it dead.
Rogue One had lots of problems, but watching it again after I watched the Last Jedi, it's amazing how much of a better star wars movie it is & how it did everything "star wars" better than TLJ did
>which he didnt, he did it for selfish saving his son reasons
Yeah it's thematically murky.
But I always felt the power of "I am a jedi, like my father before me" line on vader. There's no reaction shot or anything, he's not even on screen. I wish there was a visual way ROTJ could've shown anakin breaking through vader at that exact moment.
Perfect reply
I mean they checked the box of:
>It's an adventure movie where the heroes do a thing at the end
which apparently Rian "subversion isn't my middle name" Johnson didn't think was necessary
I disagree, his character was fine for what it was. Although I don't think it was necessary for them to kill all of the character, R1 was the best of the nu star wars movies by far, its a complete movie with great sets and action sequences/effects, a lot of fun on the big screen. The Force Awakens was fine but flawed, the last jedi had its moments but overall felt like a mess. It felt like the writers weren't SW fans.
>you're wrong but i won't tell you who i think otherwise
>This is the only interesting Star Wars character of the Disney era.
It is all garbage. 100% of it.
I like his character being blind, but he should have been a Jedi. I'd have used him in the trilogy. It would have helped them with their minority quota.
>What ideological reason did he have to turn on the Emperor? He'd already killed billions of people for him and the Empire.
Literally the millenia old light vs dark conflict would be the ideological reason
>He sacrifices himself out of love for his son and helps save the galaxy. Your retarded idea of having him get all weepy talking to a random stranger week before he blows up a planet just cheapens it.
you stupid cocksucking faggot, no one said getting weapy, just have the chinaman say something that shakes vader and reminds him of his past as a light side-loser then Vader gets angry and kills him after a cool discussion, something like when Ezra says 'i dont fear you.' and vader answered "then you'll die braver than most"
>Do you even Star Wars?
Fuck off, Vader is literally Snape, people hold them up as heros, but both are selfish cunts who arent really redeemed, they just happened to hate the villain for selfish reasons (snape hated voldy for killing Lily and Vader hated Palps for hurting Luke) neither are heros, if Palpatine had never bothered Luke Vader wouldve been his slave for life and if voldy hadnt killed lily snape wouldve been his slave for life
>samefagging this hard
fuck off
Looks like the soy has rotted your brain.
light-side user i meant
Absolute nigger-tier post
>referencing harry potter
KYS Reddit
And this guy
>"look mom im answering with multiple insults to make it look like im winning the argument and everyone is agreeing with me"
But Vader doesn't give a shit about the Jedi/Sith conflict. He betrayed the Jedi to save Padme and then stuck with Sheev to bring order to the Galaxy.
What the fuck could some random chink say to shake a man that coldly massacres thousands of people personally and then blows up a planet to kill billions more?
tl'dr you don't actually Star Wars and have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. You're either flat out retarded or Disney is paying you to shill their garbage here.
>Harry Potter
How fucking numale can you get?
Fucking state of this soyboy cunt
Good argument.
Stop being a faggot.
God is Ahsoka the shittiest most overrated SW character or what?
>le stuttering spic hackerman
Honestly, I wish he would get a side movie as an interquel between 8 and 9 instead of the Han Solo film though admittedly his whole speech impediment thing would get old quick.
>But Vader doesn't give a shit about the Jedi/Sith conflict. He betrayed the Jedi to save Padme and then stuck with Sheev to bring order to the Galaxy.
Thats exactly my point you idiot, im saying everything vader/anakin does is purely out of selfish motivations, he shouldnt have gone to Jedi Heaven with Obi Wan and Yoda, the whole main point of the Jedi is selflessness
The whole "he was redeemed just because he killed someone who was killing his son" is just flawed and superficial.writing. A mass murderer whos "killed billions" as you claim wouldnt be a hero if he killed his boss who was killing his son
>What the fuck could some random chink say to shake a man that coldly massacres thousands of people personally and then blows up a planet to kill billions more?
>what the fuck would a light-side user say to a fallen jedi
literally something as simple as "you were once one of us"
>tl'dr you don't actually Star Wars and have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. You're either flat out retarded or Disney is paying you to shill their garbage here.
muh shills reeeeee
>implying Star Wars isnt equally as cringy as Harry Potter
its the same capeshit from a different asshole
>I am one with The Force and The Force
>I am one with The Force and The Force
>I am one with The Force and The Force
>I am one with The Force and The Force
just watch the usual suspects faggot
without googling it, what is this character's name
>its the same capeshit from a different asshole
So why are you here trying to shit all over the plot with your nonsense?
That line chanting has great meme/quoting potential. Disney definitely invested in the right stock
Liked rogue one, but I hated that guy.
He was way too overpowered in his opening scene.
Seeing how some people find Kylo hot and others find him hideous is the most interesting part.
>Vader's arc with Ahsoka
kill yourself queer
Get a load of this guy
Cartoon shit with some neckbeard's fanfic waifu. Don't bother with it.
He filled a weird gap. If the force guides everything, then there should be force insensitive individuals that can't control/feel the force but are clearly puppeted by it anyway, and a very small subset that are puppeted exactly like jedi.
Hi Adam
are you saying, from a moral standpoint, that Vader was redeemed just for saving Luke?
And the galaxy by association, yes. At the end of the day he was always a pawn of Palpatine, even if he had fought him head-on he would've lost.
He saved Luke and he also saved the galaxy, so yes. You clearly both don't understand and hate Star Wars so why are you here?
literally soyboy: the post
nah a good deed doesnt wash out the bad nor a bad deed the good. 20 years of opressing and killing the galaxy isnt just redeemable by ending the reign of the ruler.
>you clearly both don't understand and hate Star Wars
>machinima shit
potter and thrones fags btfo
what was so special about his stick? How could he knock out guys in full armor with it?
Literally a shaolin monk dropped into the movie to bait chinese people. Donnie is great in IP man, but this character is trash