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We already have a thread for this. Fuck off

>those nails

Wow. Disney is trying to turn star wars into harry potter.

That shit isn't even canon and he still used it to help write his script.

This is from legends/eu you retards. starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dopplegänger

Is he being payed extra for this?

What a pleb he didn't even get the cool collectors editons

>"I can't read" the post

That's what I just said, open your eyes, fool.

Which isn't canon anymore retard.

>complain when Disney reverses the old canon.
>complain when they bring some of it back into canon.

Those books are pretty cool. Ive got all 3 of them.

Doesn't look like pageturners to me

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

Nice try Rian. People aren't complaining about what amounts to an extremely advanced mind trick. They're complaining that Luke inexplicably exhausted his life for doing it.

I'm positive that Rian is trying to imply that it was a ruse.

Literally nobody was asking for obscure EU force powers to be canonized. If they actually care about EU powers then where's battle meditation? Where's Luke shooting green lighting? Why dosen't Snoke create a black hole since he is so much more powerful than Plagueis? Dumbfuck

Why did Jedi used latin words to name their techniques?

>Hurrr if they canonized this power then why didn't they do it for this other stupid shit!

>Book of Silh

Nu-Star Wars Fans in an argument
>Star Wars Fan: "I didn't like how they handled Luke, I liked him better in the books."
>Nu-Star Wars Fans: "The books aren't canon! Get over it!"
>Star Wars Fan: "But Luke's death is a little silly, along with the Fake Luke thing."
>Star Wars Fan: "B-But in this book it show's it a real thing!"
This shit kills me.

Luke was dead the whole time. He died when his x-wing crashed into the ocean.

At the end he finally let go of this world, which let his spirit be released.

>Hurr I'm just going to cherry pick this one power in this non canon book to justify my shit argument while ignoring everything else.

Shut the fuck up. It happened in Nu-Wars. It's canon now.

It's called Galactic Basic

Doppelganger is Germanic.

Doubt that's even canon now. Galactic Basic has an British accent for the core planets. American accent for the outer rim territories. Rey has a British accent for reasons.

bit late to do research now

That's what happened, and that's exactly how it works.

The EU was a massive shitshow and never canon. Buy idiots keep insisting it is/was. So Disney solved that, and now they are in a position to take the parts they want and add them to the official canon.

Why do this and not canonize the everything except for post RotJ era ( it wouldn't affect the ST by doing this )

Why would it matter if it's canon? Does it being canon make the books more enjoyable?

>makes force illusion 10x more OP and kills the user
>makes force ghosts summon lighting and hit people
>can connect people's minds across galaxies.
good job somehow making the powers even more of a shitshow than the EU

>good job somehow making the powers even more of a shitshow than the EU
There were people in the EU who could rip the core out of a star and throw it at a planet. The EU powers were ridiculous, and the stuff introduced in TLJ is no where near that level.

Honestly this was the coolest part of the movie. No complaints on my part, hope we see it in his new trilogy (if they don't can it).


>This fake webm counters your argument xD!!!

that webm like an actual webm to me

Wow hes
Literally a retard.

"Page turner's they are not. Read by autistic faggots, they are."
-Yoda, Times Literary Supplement

> RotJ: Luke defeats Palpatine by NOT fighting Vader.

> TLJ: Luke defeats Kylo by NOT fighting him. In doing so he does more damage to the First Order than any lightsaber duel could.

Alot of fans wanted Luke to fight Kylo, even though that would contradict the whole point of his arc in Return of the Jedi.

> The fanboys were upset at Luke thinking of killing Kylo but wanted Luke to actually attempt to kill Kylo.


>let's not this rape, into a murder turn.

>killing the little boy who did nothing wrong is the same as killing the boy who committed mass murder and patricide.

Why are TLJ defenders so fucking retarded?

Of the millions of things I hate about last jedi the projection is not one. It makes total sense. It's what he did when and after he projected that is the problem.

A force use I do have a problem with is yoda zapping the tree as that brings up a whole shit load of problems going forwards (and thinking backwards).

>the EU is trash except when it's used to defend Soy Wars

oh so eu is canon now? :^)))))))))))))))


>we want the Harry Potter audience

Could it be any more obvious a committee of women are making all the decisions?

why is he using a book that is not even considered canon anymore as some sort of objective evidence?

okay, where is the part that says they can project it across the goddamn galaxy rian

>think nuwars is shit? well the old eu was worse!
>here's an example from the old eu that justifies everything in nuwars

Lmao this guy is so pathetic

Can you imagine Kubrick acting this way? Someone pointing something out about one of his movies and Kubrick going on twitter and saying "hahahahahahahahahahahahahha"
Rian is so pathetic

So where does it say they die after doing that? Or that they can hold golden dice?

>it's canon now
Fuck this franchise m8s.

it's foreshadowed nerd. remember when kylo ren tells rey that she can't be the one projecting her image to him because it would kill her? well when luke projects his old self to kylo ren it kills luke. checkmate altright

I hope the book can explain what the fuck this is


>trick an enemy
Anything about fooling multiple people and physically interacting with them?

Also didn't his parent company disavow the EU and confirm anything associated with it as no longer canon?

The absolute state of the fucking mouse.

It's Schrodinger's Canon, it can both be canon and non-canon depending on whether or not a shitty director needs to validate his stupid plot decisions.

Well the EU was never canon, all Disney are doing now is drawing from the non canon material and taking parts that they can use in their films.

The EU as a whole was a mess, so it's better this way.

Well Kubrick was an asshole who made overrated movies but at least he always made it clear his adaptation was his own story

>The EU is SHIT unless the glorious Mouse uses it then it's FUCKING BRILLIANT!

No. The EU is shit, but parts of it are ok. learn to read.

meanwhile on /r/starwars

can we please stop talking about this movie? :\ it's getting boring
I don't think people really think its a good movie anymore

Regardless he's respected and definitely a great artist and I think we can agree he would never succumb to something like this

Reminder that TLJ dropped below 1 million dollars this Wednesday.

OHHHHHH that makes it okay then. Thanks Rain

Haha that picture. I see what they're doing

Not gonna lie, I am utterly fascinated by this place. I go there every day now, it's like watching monkeys at the zoo. Here's one of my favorites from today.

Shockingly tasteless.

>Lord Rian, is that canon?
>I will MAKE it canon.

>Shrinking mass to the size of an atom
I love when retarded people pretend to understand physics without realizing this would create a black hole

Jesus that person is retarded

>Only PARTS of Thrawn, and only because a new Thrawn book was written
>Hurrr how can this part of the EU that was used in the film be canon?

But it's true.

You post this as if it's in any way worse than the fucking Reylo general on here.

More like galactic basic bitch

I think everyone recognizes the Reylo general is pure cancer and guarantee you half the people in it post on reddit

coolest monkey in the jungle

>Negative a billion points for making accurate conclusions
It's like a give mind of retarded people

not exactly a page turner though, so..

>The EU isn't canon anymore
>Except when I want it to be
>People genuinely defending Rian about it

The only way I can see the sequel trilogy actually being redeemed is that Luke isnt actually dead.

He simply just used two dopplegangers (which is still dumb but I can overlook that).

It was all a part of his keikaku.

>soy fingernails

Its star WARS, sweetie, peace is a lie.

i too like to get small

Nice theory. How does his ghost milk the titmonster?

Rian's merely demonstrating some people's hypocrisy.
How's it similar to Harry Potter?

>Luke shows up in sick Jedi gear
>with his fathers lightsaber
>Kylo is shitting his pants and rage-bonering
>badass samurai duel incoming
>lol psych jk Luke was just astral projecting so the rebels could escape
>oh, and it killed Luke too, because, lol

thats the stupidest part of the movie. Kylo and Rey vs the guards was better.

Did all of those powers first appear in one book?

>Rian's merely demonstrating some people's hypocrisy.
Perhaps, but that does not change that the whole thing was just plain dumb.

It's really not as good when you break down the fight choreography

>tfw we will never get a good 1v1 lightsaber duel ever again

>It's sad that THIS is the best scene...

>already tried to murder your nephew
>hes a tyrannical genocidal psychopath
>hes also way too far gone in your mind
>"lol im gonna troll the fuck out of Ben, thats a good trick"
>if luke kills kylo then kylo wins

absolutely moronic

Nowhere does it say that you can do this from literally light years away.

Remember how much Luke stuggled to pull the lightsaber next to him and yet that kid just pulled a broom next to him like it was nothing? Shit was like watching DBZ, when Goten turned Super Saiyan at like fucking 8 years old.

>when you slow a scene down and analyze it frame by frame its really not good at all

I can over look things like that because I'm not watching the guards in the background, my focus is on Kylo and Rey, and I'm interested in the emotion within the scene, the conflict and tension, Kylo and Rey fighting with cohesion. Kylo becoming something more to save someone he loves.

He doesn't know he is a ghost, and the force ghosts are shown to be able to interact with the real world

>When you have to defend this piece of shit film so bad you're willing to ignore a person spinning in circles
I feel nothing but pity for you