Whats his Best and Worst film


bill madison and happy gilmore
all the other ones

Happy Gilmore
Little Nicky


>Little Nicky

Anything past 2010

Punch drunk love. Its not even up for debate you mongs.

His worst one? Not really worth discussion.

Billy Madison was his best and Happy Gilmore comes in a close second. His worst is probably everything else the jewish fucker has done in his career.

They're all terrible.


All I know I when Mr. Deeds comes on I finish that shit. Every time

Best: Punch Drunk Love
Worst: Everything else
Though the RLM Jack and Jill review was classic, and it couldn't have existed without Jack and Jill, so eh

Best: Dunkacinno
Worst: Dunkacinno

His best is Reign Over Me.


>best comedy
billy madison
>best acting
punch drunk love


Actual movie tier: Punch-Drunk Love
Extended SNL skit for middle schoolers to quote tier: Waterboy, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison
Sad imitation of above filmed with a camcorder in your backyard tier: Big Daddy, Little Nicky, Mr. Deeds
Sentimental bullshit TV movie tier: Spanglish, Click
Money laundering scam tier: Grown Ups, Jack and Jill, That's My Boy and everything else since then

Punch-Drunk Love is one of the best films regardless. His worst was made by him.

Click is unironically kino

best:jack and jill

Schindler's list
Schindler's list