And that TLJ was a good movie?
When will Sup Forums admit the prequels and EU weren’t that great?
Disney should have just cleaned up the Vong; get rid of the stupid shit and loose ends. and you have a nice sequel trilogy
Your doubling down on shilling TLJ and bashing the prequels/EU won't work.
Why'd they make the EU non canon when they only needed to make post RotJ non canon?
they did clean up the vong. The result is they were wiped from existence.
>Star Wars
>implying any of it is good
They're all silly movies with a silly fandom. I can see how people get into it, and that's fine, but there was never much substance to begin with.
On April 1st.
Disney/Kathleen Kennedy has made a hard pivot in marketing the Star Wars brand. They'll say something along the lines of "We want to bring the magic of a Galaxy Far Far Away to new and diverse audiences". But that's corporate for "We want to double our target demographic by making the brand appealing to girls."
Part of this pivot is the obvious addition and elevation of female characters (Rey, Jyn, Hera, Sabine, Iden, Holdo, Rose, Kira) and including girls in product commercials.
A less obvious part is shedding the image of Star Wars as being the domain of autistic boys fussing over the details of the universe and technology. This is done more subtly: decanonizing the EU, redefining the nature of the Force, and diminishing the importance of the OT and PT.
Trying to attract new (casual) fans to an established franchise can be challenging and Disney doesn't want their new female demographic put off by a backlog of games and books because:
-that media is already in circulation
-that much lore presents a steep learning curve to new fans
It's not fun to be constantly corrected by "Well, Actually..." or to have your nerd cred measured by encyclopedic knowledge of obscure facts from the Expanded Universe.
So Disney solved this challenge by negating and replacing the EU. Now when a nu-fan is confronted by an obscure fact
>the Rebel mission to steal the Death Star plans involved Kyle Katarn and Havet Storm. It took place on Toprawa. Facet Anamor was the daughter the superweapon's designer: Druth
they just chuckle "lol, Nope, non-canon"
>now the Rebel mission to steal the Death Star plans involved Captain Cassian, took place on Scariff, and Jyn Erso is the daughter of the superweapon's designer: Galen
This levels the playing field. Signaling a high level of fandom today simply requires buying into the latest line of merchandise or keeping up to date on the latest trickle of hints and sneak peaks carefully released by the studio
Most of the eu is shit
The prequels are shit
The sequels are also shit
where do the star wars marvel comics fit? Some are great (Vader, Aphra and Star Wars)
>where do the star wars marvel comics fit? Some are great (Vader, Aphra and Star Wars)
>Signaling a high level of fandom today simply requires buying into the latest line of merchandise
I don't recall ever saying that the Prequels or the EU were "great". And I don't remember anyone else calling them "great" either.
I do see people reevaluating their stance on them now that something as undeniably Godawful as The Last Jedi has been set before us, but nobody's calling the PT or EU "great" though. In fact, most people seem perfectly willing to talk about their faults and failings and even call them "a mixed bag" if not "mostly crap".
Comics is not a type of merchandise that you usually brandish like a t-shirt or some toys to display in your shelf. When I read those comics I find what I like in the SW Universe and with TLJ I feel nauseated.
TLJ is unironically the single biggest disappointment in movie history, eclipsing the likes of iron man 3 by a mile.
it is a really really bad movie and potentially a franchise killer.
4 8 %
Some of the EU pertaining to the PT should be canonized or at least most of it where it doesn't conflict ( usually minor details here and there ). Disney only wants to touch post RotJ, so there's no reason to scrap the older stuff. They do have those compendium books released from time to time.
When the next thing to be contrarian about comes along
>Trying to attract new (casual) fans to an established franchise can be challenging and Disney doesn't want their new female demographic put off by a backlog of games and books because:
But the EU was always take it or leave it.
into the shit like the old star wars marvel comics, and saiying Aphra is great you have to be retarded
Never read the EU, only know some details.
I don't care about the Prequels.
>prequels were shit
>TLJ was shit
>EU isn't canon = no fucks given
Am I supposed to feel conflicted here? Because it looks pretty simple to me
Like 5 years ago. Before all those underaged faggots turned 18 and started shitting up this board.
Here's an idea, shill.
Go eat some laundry detergent and wash it down with some delicious bleach
Because you know The Last Jedi is a horrible movie, and that shilling for it makes you look like a bitch, and that we should move on and talk about other movies
I never thought about it like that, but it makes sense.