I don't see gen x millenials and soyboys ever talk about this masterpiece

I don't see gen x millenials and soyboys ever talk about this masterpiece.

Prove me wrong but this movie is perfection. 10/10 from the first scene to the last.

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Nic Cage is always awesome as a nutcase, and Travolta flirtig with his not daughter was creepy, but the two def looked awkward, but I still like it 7

Corny guilty pleasure


I like the movie but hate the actors (or direction)
Every time we see a switch in characters the other person always overplays it.

I am a millennial soy boy and I love this movie, it’s a classic among my group of friends

I kerl off to trannies and I lile this movie

Bad premise + bad acting = bad movie.


But one of the actors is great, cage kills every scene as Castor Troy. If they dropped the Faceswap and just made a Castor Troy movie it would be amazing.

the acting, the sublime melodrama, the delightfully over the top camera work and john woo action.

My favourite movie and the greatest movie of all time in my opinion

>buncha doves

This is fucking incredible

me and my mom love this movie

I remember, after I got a short animated film my buddies and I made for High School screened at a High School Film Festival, we won the audience choice award so we went out to Applebees because it was right across the street.

At some point during the meal, I mentioned Face/Off because I had a massive John Woo fetish at the time (and still do!) and literally EVERYONE AT THE TABLE does the “I’ll take his face...off!” hand motion that Cage does at the same damn time. It was the most surreal thing but I fucking loved it.

Anyway it’s one of the lesser Woo films but still a fucking masterpiece of action by any measure.

Wasn't this originally planned to be a Schwarzenegger/Stallone movie?

O&A bits on movies

1. Independence day
2. Face off
3. Arnold
4. Rocky
5. Taken

>no Jim and Patrice riffing on dumb Vice Squad
An underrated classic

forgot about that one, thanks, this one is also still great


Absolutely could not agree more. It is overlooked gem in the action genre. Easily top 5. This movie had style coming out its fucking ears.

I like con air and the rock as well, but Face/Off would be the top 90s action flick if it wasn't for T2

i hate this movie its ridiculous i am not even baiting or trolling this thing is stupid as shit


Holy fuck, that one was great.

>I don't see gen x millenials and soyboys ever talk about this masterpiece.
Is this going to be the new method of trying to validate throwaway shit that impressed you when you were a child?