What are some great films about people stuck in the same spot who seem completely fucked?

What are some great films about people stuck in the same spot who seem completely fucked?

Manchester by the Sea

inb4 porn

Brendan's new film

my life story

good post

He’s buried in paid per word hyperbole! could be the most obnoxious movie poster ever. it reminds me of the rerelease of that DS castlevania, that had the DS case for the game as the cover.

but anyway it’s not great but he’s stuck in the same place and is totally fucked. it’s watchable if you don’t hate ryan reynolds

The thing

Phone Booth comes to my mind, don't know if is kino but I remember it being entertaining when I was a kid

It isnt a thread about the best, and there are more out there.

Let me guess, you're a minimalist cuck with that custom blade runner poster hanging in your room?

My vlog desu.

Bat 21
Rescue Dawn
Source Code
Edge of Tomorrow
Sunset Unlimited (stuck in depression)

Whether they are great or not is subjective, but all my drunken mind can immediately recall.


Maze Runner kinda? Sequel is ass, but the first one was pretty comfy

terrible guess, but you tried

why didnt he just starve himself so he got super thin so he could slide himself out

Theres some 600 ppund boulder crushing his right arm so that complicates things. How did he get the boulder there though?

Wish these flicks could have a remotely realistic plots

Yeah like in my animays


Gerald's Game, one of the best dark horses of 2017.

Waiting for Godot

True kino


Truman show

>Its a truman sits at his computer everyday and whittles away his life watching porn and playing games that no longer bring him joy all day episode.

It truly is fucked

Creative interpretation

is this post for real