We follow a hapless, nearly useless beta-male as he makes terrible decisions

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Sounds like kino

>it's entitlement to want to not be shit on by everyone

as a white man in the west this numale cuck soyboy SJW white guilt stuff all made me feel sick and enraged at first but now i see the silver lining:
my competition is almost non existent, all i have to do is not be a gigantic faggot pussy pushover

Of course the useless beta male is white and straight. Of course.

but that was already a show

>people using betamale outside of /fit/ and Sup Forums

>3 RTs

Why are you following this literal nobody and posting their shit here?

we are now taught to self flagellate for social kudos and acceptance
it's rian johnson's girlfriend
makes you think huh

Fucking faggots plays himself in his life biography. Is this supposed to be interesting?

>diverse group
>fully actualized
yeah no they're not adults

>t.butthurt beta-male

Is there any hope for white males anons?

What is this "expecting a lot from the world with no reason to"?
Everyone should expect a lot from the world, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being optimistic. It doesn't matter who the hell you are.

Actualized adults doesn't even make any fucking sense. Fuck these people.

Pretty sure the actor is a gay jew, not a staright white male.

Isn't that every indie movie? Sounds exactly the same as every Zach Braff or Duplass Brothers piece of shit only maybe this one doesn't have some manic pixie dream girl who rescues him from being a loser.

it just means that women and minorities deserve things and white men don't

No, not really.

but will it top Buzzfeed's betakino?


Shut up soyboy

Please tell me more about "us" white people, (((Noah Segan)))

the hope is inside of us, our ideas/art/ambition
the less whites there are the closer and more tribal we will become until something VERY extreme happens (again)
but this time we will finish the job
the jewish race will not exist in the year 3000

It really is his other half. What an absolute fucking faggot this guy must be

I'm never siding with a Kraut ever again. Fuck them I hope they all get run over by a giant country-sized truck of peace.

go away bugman

No u estronaut

thats a new one

It really isn't, de-gene-rate newfag

So they made a movie about a woman but switched the genders during casting?

You could have gone for de-gender-ate

That's enough Twinkle toes

>fully actualized adults

So what's a non actualized adult?
Is there a half-actualized adult?
Is it like activating my almonds?

>the absolute state of white men

Jesus Christ. Hispanic here who felt sorry for you guys but you're better off replaced

Anybody else read this crap and just know that theres going to be a "murdered south african farmers" style situation in America eventually? After the kikes bring down the economy?

This already exists

Well it's based in reality

A man who doesn't enable a woman to sit at home and do nothing all day is a non-actualized adult.

Which inverted racist trope are they using

>The Uncle Tom stereotype presents black men who are unintelligent, simple-minded, and subdued, but simultaneously content and happy with their situation

>Minstrel shows portrayed and lampooned black people in stereotypical and often disparaging ways, as ignorant, lazy, buffoonish, superstitious, joyous, and musical

you fucking idiot

So they adapted a Truman Thread into a screenplay?



So it's a Scott Pilgrim sequel?