Would Batman have approved of their methods?

Would Batman have approved of their methods?

Something tells me Batman would have been like "Nuuuuuuu brainwashing!!!!"

Batman is too defensive of his shitty methods.

Many would be against it, I wonder how beings like Strange or Zannana would think about it?

Would Batman agree that Ann is best girl?

This. Batman is a huge autist when it comes to doing things his way.

What would happen if Joker got wind of the whole phantom thieves thing and took a trip to Japan to mess up the kid stealing his act? Assuming Bats didn't make it over there, how would they deal with him, since his mind is too fucked to sort out with their normal methods?

Probably not because Batman only approves of Batman's methods. Even if he was doing the same thing he'd say that they shouldn't be doing it.

Joker's heart would probably be too stubborn to change and he'd have a psychotic breakdown or die.

But then Martian Manhunter was briefly able to restore Joker's sanity with his telepathy. If there's still a sane man in there somewhere, the Phantom Thieves could probably find him.

The spectre operates similarly to the Phantom Theives and worse but there's not a damn thing Batman can do about it seeing as he's an extension of the Presence itself and nigh omnipotent.

He's probably used to these types already and let's them operate in their own sphere as long as they only stick to hurting criminals.

"Briefly" is the key. If one of the most powerful telepaths in the DCU can't fix him permanently, I can't imagine a bunch of kids with some degree of supernatural power can do it. If you consider the "multiple choice past" thing canon, it would probably be even harder for them to find out what his "treasure" is (inb4 his love for Batman) since he doesn't even know himself.

>he'd have a psychotic breakdown
That ship sailed long, long ago

>or die
user, you know as well as I do that won't happen. Joker has the strongest plot armor in the DC multiverse.

Sure he has plot armor but we're speaking hypothetically anyway so if they were to actually try and stop him they probably could tear his mind apart from the inside if they were OP enough. Of course it's just as likely given how messed up J is that the shadows in his palace or "Funhouse" in his case would be incredibly powerful and would overwhelm the thieves.

No one the Phantom Thieves encounter in P5 is clinically insane so there's not a lot to go on, but we can assume a mind like that would be a dangerous place to be.

Whatever the case, I bet his Palace would be turbo hard mode.

>The Phantom Thieves will never invade Wayne Manor and the Bat cave
>No Robot T-rex mini boss

man that dungeon just writes itself

They probably could steal his heart considering the shit they pull near the end

it would just be a VERRRRY difficult palace

No because she i not


What do you think the Joker's palace would look like? What would the theme be?
Would it cause pure insanity just by trying to comprehend it?

I imagine it would alternate between a bunch of different themes, like a funhouse, a chemical plant, a mob headquarters, all the possible pasts he's had. To reflect the state of his mind, it would have to be completely fragmented and have no real order to it, so that they couldn't even navigate it without some special power.

A giant erotic Batman statue where they are must enter through the anus and find the golden mini erotic Batman statue.

That's the best part.

They need a name.

If they fix Joker, then Batman would pull a "Loki" seeing that his BF is gone. He would start killing people shadows, seeing that Yog would find it fun to pull him in the game.


They didn't kill enough cops