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Comics #936
>ITT: Cliches thread that you love/hate
Would you date Gwen? Or just hit it and quit it?
How big of a flop will it be Sup Forums?
Anyone watch Camp Camp? Don't usually enjoy Rooster Teeth stuff, but I love the characters in this
X-Men: Blue #7 PREVIEW
Hey Sup Forums. Sup Forums here
Any good comics about the Crusades?
Spider-Men II #1 PREVIEW
Because it's summer for you yanks, and because it's swimsuits drawn by DeCarlo, dumping Beat the Heat
What went wrong?
WWYD Green Goblin
An age for the Miracleman Family
Shes hot baby, real hot. Just the way she likes it
Hanna-Barbera thread for their 60th anniversary
Is it normal to be extremely sexually attracted to her? She's thiccbrapp as hell!
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Why don't heroes fail anymore? And I mean really fail, with consequences for the character...
Vulture was boring
What would a top-tier viewing list for BTAS look like?
This is the ideal western animated show. You may not like it, but this is what peak western animation looks like
How shit is your taste in waifus and husbandos, Sup Forums? Post your chart and rate others
How would Superman defeat a villain whose Superpower is being able to beat Superman?
Dark Nights Metal
Itt: villains that did nothing wrong
What's going on with this?
Moon vs the Forces of Toffee
The Lion Guard
Action and Detective #777 Storytime
What is your honest opinion on Tumblr artists?
Now that Gwen's comic is canceled what cute blonde girl comic should I read next...
Shade The Changing Girl #10 Storytime
Why through their whole diversity push did Marvel never make one of their characters transgender?
Comics scam
Same Voice Actor Thread
Any good stories about Clayface? I'm specially interested in how Batman usually deals with him...
Why was this show cancelled after one season?
OTP Thread
You who I called brother
What was so bad about this movie that it ended 2D Disney animation?
It's official, Gamora is a man now
His wife died! Most husbands don't live long after their wives at that age
Gunnerkrigg Court
Is it safe to say muscle mouse could beat up any Sup Forums cat?
What's the worst thing he's ever done Sup Forums
Who do you think should be the villain of the next Spider-Man movie?
Oops he did it again
What the fuck did I just watch?
Why don't we ever have Pearls Before Swine threads?
Why did it fail?
So, if Avengers 1 takes place in 2012 and Homecoming takes place explicitly 8 years later...
Why did Cartoon Network have to ruin it?
This show was too fucked up for kids
6 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 5 > 3
Board-tan Thread
Infinity War can only end in two ways:
Castlevania Netflix Series
Are there any Sup Forums related characters that could defeat Stopman?
Dumbing of Age
ITT: cartoons that failed before they got made
Has his own Friday/Jarvis
"Do you think, like, doing all that bad stuff makes, bad people?"
Who is the hotter, Sup Forums?
Spongebob Comparison Chart Thread #2: Electric Bugaloo. Continuing requests from the last thread...
Black Cat is sexier than Catwoman
Lackadaisy Thread
What are some good /k/omics Sup Forums?
Are there any red pilled cartoons I can sink my teeth into, Sup Forums?
It was... Okay. How did this get a 93% on RT?
Stupid shit you do because of cartoons
Top 5 favorite artists
Is Garfield a good comic strip?
MvCI Variant Covers
Tropes You Love
Which pleb girl is the hottest desu
Rocko is gonna feel weird without cel animation
Why though?
LIVE you son of a bitch LIVE
What was the worst ever era of Batman comics?
When that one guy who's never touched a Superman comic in his life starts explaining to you why Superman is bullshit
He's getting desperate. His power is almost at its peak
Why is Doom a bad guy again?
I enjoy Sonic and Tails friendship in this show
Beefcake Thread
What went so wrong?
Mike Tyson Mysteries is the best Adult Swim show
Well i'll be DAMNED
JSA Storytime: Starman
I'm every bit as cool as Larry
Rewatching some Beast Wars
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Remakes better than the original
Is Wonder Woman, the TRUE villain of Injustice 2
He's getting desperate. He doesn't have much longer. How will you remember Stan the Man?
This story will show you the evils of Communism
Let's do this, Sup Forumsalas. Who will die? and how the hell will they make the porn parody?
Joan Lee, Wife of Marvel Comics Legend Stan Lee, Dies at 93
What books would you want as book gum?
Welp, seeing as the Multiplayer for Pocket Mortys fucking sucks...
ITT: Movies that aren't officially adaptations, but are still highly influenced by comics/cartoons
Comic con
Don't worry about it guys, I'll just use my telepathic powers to--
Thoughts on Saga?
Hanazuki Thread Ep 26
Code Lyoko Thread?
Spiderman was fucking brown midget pussy
Oh, never mind me. Just the best MCU movie villain flying through
Marvel utterly ruins Kurt again
Legacy: Iron Man
The Gremlin
Where's my fourth season, Sup Forums? Where is it?
Marvel Legacy: All-New Wolverine #25
Does Marvel need Sup Forums to save it?
Eltingville Club
DC Yuri-Verse Extravaganza: Bombshells
Do you agree?
How do we get Godzilla back Sup Forums?
Canada has tons of money and forces its citizens to fund crappy cartoons with their tax dollars
Take a seat, Sup Forums
Star Vs the Movie
Will we ever get another thing like the Ultimate line...
Sup Forums boys thread?
Are you really going to support this shit Sup Forums?
Injustice: Boon virtually confirms Black Manta (And talks Sub Zero I guess)
My little brother doesn't understand the reference
Did he exist purley to give other characters mire screen time?
Empowered volume 9 storytime
They just announced Assassins Creed is getting an animated series and its coming to Netflix
Did you ever notice that the scar is a handprint?
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
Marvel Legacy creative team rumors
What flaws did the DCAU have?
Any hype for Coco?
Ava's demon
Animated Music Vidoes
There are people who actually believe WONDER WOMAN can stand up against Superman
Best Sup Forums Ships
Mark Waid vs Internment Camps
We're never getting an overwatch animated series with this kind of animation
I've worked at a comic book store for 4 years. AMA
Please don't judge this guy too harshly. As someone on the autism spectrum...
Xeno Sup Forums Characters
Lineup for new A-Force book? Source is Marvel Legacy #1
Trannies in my cartoons
Explain how he keeps cheating public domain?
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
American cartoon
OoTS #1079 corrected
ITT: comics for intelligent people
There is going to be a movie? right guys?
What went wrong?
Batman Telltale
Do you have any Sup Forums related tattoos?
Who's the worst Avengers member, and why is he the Falcon?
So what do we think?
Has there ever been a worse editorial decision in comics?
Be me
Find a flaw
Favorite Simpsons catchphrases
VHS Thread
DC should kill off or send Batman into retirement
Go to Sup Forums see Star vs. Forces of Evil
Any good Lovecraft comics? Any publisher is fine with me
They thought a pregnancy story would work with a character who looks like this
Could it have been good?
Just saw it, AMA
Broken Rage Thread
Diversity? Is this just a phase?
What does Sup Forums think of dancing snakes?
I read the comic books after I watched the movie
Toonami Ratings for 7/1/17
Bane: Conquest #3 Storytime
What male heroes have female supervillain love interests besides Batman and Spiderman?
Why are there so few cartoons to watch? I feel like I've seen everything already
ITT:Favorite tropes. Continued from last thread
I miss old Archie
What is the most sexual scene in a kids cartoon
Why do you draw?
/doa/ Dumbing of age
Post good crossovers
Weeeeee woooooo
Sequel when?
The Flash
Daily reminder that 2001: A Space Odyssey and Godzilla are part of the Marvel canon
Where did it all go so wrong Canadabros?
Okay, this is fucking awesome
Hero Zero Storytime - Guest Starring GODZILLA!
Good News: You found a genie. He will grant you 3 wishes
Doing a thing where i storytime recent mavel comics i've liked
So did Bruce pay Terry to keep the front he was doing a normal job for him?
Let's settle this Sup Forums
Kitty Is Not A Cat
ITT: Sup Forums confessions
Looks like we have an official date for The Jungle Movie ; November 23rd
Maybe black comics would sell if they all weren't vindictive pieces of shit
Shen. When are you going to start the tournament of power arc?
You wake up tommorrow as a citizen of Gotham
Lol thought this was for a post-Secret Empire Captain America book at first
Transformers Shattered Glass: Storytime
ITT: The episode of the original PPG you hate the most. Pic related, I never understood the moral of this episode...
What makes it so good that it's held up on a pedestal above all other Disney movies?
What is his character defining moment?
Smear frame thread
Does Sup Forums own any webcomics in print?
Who is the final boss of the Marvel universe?
Reaction image thread
What do your family and friends think of your comic book hobby? Do they like it too? Do they hate it?
ITT: Pilot episodes with better art styles than their respective series
Welcome to the Wayne thread
Yum, what a tasty snack
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Are living in a golden age of progressive cartoons?
Is there a Sup Forums starter kit?
Friendly reminder, being Lion O is pain
Who will Gwenpool kill?
Just saw Homecoming
Canon Incest
Spider-Man: Homecoming after-credits scene
Haven't seen this one in a while
Spider-Man - Deadpool #19
Why won't DC acknowledge Static Shock?
Concept art thread
Explain this
Hey BOOM! Studios? Gail Simone Wants To Write Power Rangers…
Hanazuki - Full of Treasures Storytime
How do you think star vs would have turned out if they dropped the slice of life elements and made it more of an action...
Marvel Legacy Solicits
Injustice 2 thread
Will cartoons in the West ever be like anime? What would it take?
MCU TV confirmed NOT CANON to Films
Double Toasted Spider-man 3 is better than Spider-man 2
This is the best comic Iron Man armor, right?
Since when did Adventure Time get so bad?
Champions X! Guest starring the Fourth Reich!
Well Sup Forums?
It may not be nice, but you gotta admit she's a real qt waifu
Giving your pet a name based on a cartoon animal
The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 5: Fall of the Mutants (Part 10)
ITT: A character's defining moments
New Lackadaisy pages
Did anyone have all issues of Paradox girl
Show me your creations. Share whatever page(s) you feel like sharing. Let's see what Sup Forums is making
Just came back from anime expo. Anyone up for a Sup Forumssplay thread?
Anti waifu thread
All-New Wolverine #22 Story Time
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Why are some cartoons like Young Justice and Legend of Korra allowed to show on screen death and blood...
Story time
Adult Animation
So besides wendy, what other advertising products have become Sup Forums flavors of the month?
Post yfw this happens in season 3
Falcon #1 solicit
Who has the best rogue's gallery?
ITT: We talk about what a load of shit Mr. Enter is and how he has no fucking idea what he's talking about EVER
/hyw/ - How's Your Webcomic? #383
Crazy is hot
Are christians the real bad guys of the Marvel universe?
How come no one complained about Jeff's two moms, but everyone flipped out over Clyde's two dads?
Rick and Morty
This place is locked up tighter than Jack Ruby's ass!
If she isn't in a relationship with Peter, Mary Jane has no reason to appear in any Marvel book
Bad People Don't Deserve No Love
Childhood is when you idolize Batman
For me it's the McJanna, the best fast food gypsy
Annual Chilling Adventures of Sabrina storytime...
Most underrated couples in comic book history
Dan Slott OFF Spider-Man after LEGACY!
Riverdale storytime, wherein we forgo the wacky adventures of the Pussycats, or Mr. Blossom cucking Mrs...
The Walking Dead #169 thread in which Rick puts that traitorous snake Dwight in his place
DC Yuri-Verse Extravaganza: Bombshells
Steven Universe
Why, I do believe it's time for James Bond!
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
Is The Adventure Zone the new Homestuck?
"Time out vulture let me quickly refill my webshooters"
Which one handles serious subject matter (loss, ptsd, death) more maturely?
Harley Quinn #23 Storytime of Meh
How nasty is her vagina?
Mabel thread
Spider-Man #18
ITT: Books only you read
Secret Empire Brave New World #3
How do you get out of this one?
John Constantine
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Official Win-O'-Thread
Just got back, AMA
Raven thread
THE AVENGERS #9 Storytime - Mike Del Mundo is Back Edition
IDW Transformers
This is Korra
ITT: post non-big two capeshit
X-Men Gold
Green Arrow #26 Storytime
Why was he so fucking weird?
Nightwing #24 Storytime
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy
Ultimately, last season’s Trump-heavy political plot line was an unfortunate “trap” Parker seems to regret falling into
Deathstroke #21 Storytime
So I guess there have been these images of superheroes doing breast exams going around to spread awareness of breast...
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
4 people died just so some autistic dude can be reborn as a piece of lint between this ham Beasts buttcheeks
What the fuck has Disney done to spider-man? Who thought that the animation was passable, especially from Disney
So, now that the dust has settled can we say that he is objectively /ourguy/?
Final Crisis Best Crisis
Justice League #24 Storytime
Storytime of Booyahs: Cyborg #14
Sup, Sup Forums
How long until this MJ replaces Mary Jane Watson in the comics?
CN is shitty for fucking this good show over
Superman #26 Storytime
Green Lanterns #26 Storytime
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Batman #26 Storytime
Post a cartoon character without posting them
Hey guys I found Genie. The real one, voiced by Robin Williams and everything
Gunnerkrigg Court
Shelf/Recent Purchases Thread
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Prez-The Flintstones Storytime Double-Feature (2 of 2)
The Batman
Why weren't they bros in Civil War?
Batman #26 (Preview)
How would you end a continuity?
How do I introduce Wakfu to a newfag to the series?
How much do you spend on comics?
After screwing around with torrents for the better part of the day...
Does anyone feel like this Spider-Man movie is being shilled way harder than the last half dozen?
Empowered vol 10
ITT:Sup Forums episodes/moments that made you tear up
Mom, Stewie's dead
Is it wrong for South Park to ignore politics next season?
Vertigo's current state
Prez-The Flintstones Storytime Double-Feature (1 of 2)
Sup Forums is an animation studio
Write the final episode
"we can’t blast out 53 covers. We would pretty much just break the internet."
Could they handle the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants?
How long would Frank last?
Villains that deserve more spotlight
Is it time for a good ol fashioned SpongeBob Comparison Thread?
Imagine Toy Story with a black character
I'm not too well versed in the DC capestuff mythos, but I want to get into the Hypercrisis aspect of it...
What do you get when you combine Power Rangers, Voltron, Transformers, Animal Crossing, Sonic the Hedgehog...
/com/ Thread
Will he ever find love?
Friendly reminder there has never been an unironically good Spider-Man television program
Sit, Ubu, sit. Good boy! *barks*
Are there a lot of instances of femcucks in comics?
If it hadn't been cancelled how would it have ended?
The Biskit Twins are cuter than like 90 percent of other animated characters
Long ago, in a distant land
Which is better? Charcoal or me? Well?
Did they?
Sup Forums resolve an argument. When we Captain Marvel first referred to as Shazam...
Why do Marvel comics continually do this
Holiday Lantern Thread
Would you fuck Roger?
To make the vision in your head a reality, you need supplies
JSA Storytime: Starman
Post your favorite Loudhouse girls
What was your biggest problem with the ending?
"He may have been your father but he wasn't your daddy."
Can we have a cheesecake / beefcake thread? Or are those not allowed anymore?
Cartoons only you remember
Has fresh tight tushy joining his harem
Name a female character more unlikeable than the cartoon version of Candy Kong
Characters that benefited from a portrayal that wasn't faithful
ITT: Shows only you watched
So, is she the ONLY good thing about this cartoon? Whenever the show gets brought up...
Fuck, Marry, Kill, Ignore
Fantastic Four Storytime PART 2
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on pic related?
J. Jonah Jameson
Anybody looking forward to/dreading this?
How much $
Find a flaw
Rocket and Groot shorts
Is Romance in cartoons a tired cliche?
What's your thoughts on Annie being aged up in Marvel Legacy?
Is there a market for good poseable Sup Forums related custom figures/model kits?
What was her appeal? Is she still relevant?
Remember when Spider Man movies were good?
Matt Furie Calls On Anti-Defamation League To Remove Pepe The Frog From Hate Symbols List #SavePepe
ITT: Wasted Potential
ITT: Proud and patrotic americans
Is this cute?
Obscure Spider-Man villains who would make a great villain in the MCU movies
Cartoon Network Shows Tier
Best Disney Villain
Crisis on Earth-X Storytime!
The main character made up all their friends and adventures as a way of coping with being raped in a coma by someone...
Which anthro girls are you fond of? Please no generic House Cat anthros. Those are generically boring
What is with the Rick and Morty hype...
Where does gamora rank in terms or attractive marvel women
Which dub is better?
Spider-Man Homecoming
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
The Divided States of Hysteria #1 Storytime
Stand Still Stay Silent
Could Cerebus work as an RPG?
Paranatural Thread - Chapter 5 Page 208
Stop supporting Marvel and DC comics, buy creator-owned content
Is there anything more unfunny than these strips they put on the tvtropes frontpage?
Are there any wrestling cartoons?
What does Sup Forums think of Danger and Eggs?
The meme is dead. Bury it
DC Yuri-Verse Extravaganza: Bombshells
Can we take a moment to laugh at the current state of Marvel Comics?
WB Animation are a bunch of shitweasels
Straight men love phallic penis
Previous Thread:
Characters that can actually fuck shit up
Why, I do believe it's time for James Bond!
4th of July Elseworlds Storytime
Why is he the villain?
Anyone have more Spess Pirates comics? I know they're kinda old now
Be me
Why is female thor such a feminist bitch?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
This is a Mexican ghost
Hey Sup Forums settle an arguemne for me and post interesting canon lgbt characters
Previous Thread:
Would you have wished for his freedom, or would you want to use all three wishes for yourself?
This scene is amazing in 1080p, how did people survive with TV rips?
The Best of The Wizard of Id storytime
Let's talk about these foreheads
Eggmen, assemble!
Will we ever see Shulkie in the MCU? What are some good stories that could be adapted?
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting June 28, 2017
What Ft13 comic character would you like to see in the game?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1776
Tournament of Power
I miss thicc Vicky
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Morning Sup Forums, what's for breakfast?
Crime Is Becoming Super-Crime
Remember 2015? We sure laughed at the notion of obnoxious demographics-appealing Spidey writing, didn't we
Can Superman survive in the Tournament of Power. There will be no sun...
DC BTFO again
Women appreciation
What would happen if he fused with every human and/or gem at the same time?
Anya needs more art
Why this version of Superman was so hated?
Sup Forums dress up #2
Is Mulan the Disney Princess who, canonically, has seen the most dicks?
/pnf/ Phineas and Ferb general
Calls him "Underoos" because spandex hero costumes amirite lmao
He's right, you know
HAHAHAHA... This is a real thing
Is this still the best version of the character?
Storytime: The Shadow - Hell's Heat Wave
How to go from best girl to worst girl in under 10 seconds flat
What does Sup Forums think of it so far?
*bzzt bzzt*
They call me Dr.Worm
Why is Izzy so perfect?
I love her
Dark Nights: Metal
What's the verdict on this episode?
What are the best sci-fi cartoons?
Did Dark Heart in Care Bears II creep anyone else out?
Preview clips from AX surfaced for Castlevania's Netflix series, this shit comes out this Friday
Only Canadians will understand
Now that we know the Justice League reshoots were to add more Wonder Woman...
Drop your Star VS the Forces of Evil theories on me and everyone else
Young Animal Storytime Primer #4: Mother Panic+Bug! The Adventures of Forager
What the Fuck Happened With Western Cartoons?
/fgg/ here regarding the new marvel vs capcom
What does it take to be a decent comic book writer?
Post that Kelly comic that you unironically agree with
ITT: comics that almost ruined a character or team
The past couple of weeks I have marathoned
Et tu LLAG
Ok Waid I'll give you this. This was funny
Xeno Babes
Happy 4th of July Sup Forums!
Waid Daredevil
What is the best decade in American comics and why is it not the 90s?
What went wrong Sup Forums? Gendy had 3 episodes left...
Dumbing of Age
Can you post a page with a character breaking the fourth wall better than this one?
What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you see this image
What does Sup Forums think of Max Landis?
So assuming it wouldn't end up getting the Megaman treatment...
Anybody still reading this series? I think its pretty cool
Questionable Content
To whom it may concern on Sup Forums - Comics & Cartoons board
Left or Right?
Sup Forums Super
She might be poorly written tumblr pandering but she sure does make the blood rush to my wiener
So... when is Marvel going to apologize for this?
So, aside from Blue Berry and Jonah Hex are there wild western set comics worth reading?
ITT favorite tropes
I don't pay attention to comics that much, but does every fucking Superhero have a female variant now or something...
Who is your favorite Golden Age hero?
When did you realize (the hard way) that you were getting older?
Young Animal Storytime Primer #3: Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye+Mother Panic
Tina Belcher has just asked you to take her virginity. What do you do?
Vagina bones
This shit is getting excessive. Has Goldman been fired yet?
Is she the Roman Reigns of comics?
Were the Garfield comic strips ever good?
What happens if Generations and Legacy don't save Marvel?
"DC Comics Looking To Scoop Talent For 2018 In Wake Of Marvel Legacy Misfire"
Why did Sup Forums have such a hate boner for this show...
Which one, Sup Forums?
This is Teodora
New era of Detective Comics Comics
JSA Storytime: Starman
Rick and Morty is for intelligent people
What are some good comics that feature Body Horror?
Who has the most ridiculous outfit?
C'mon, Daphne, we have work to do. Daphne! DAPHNE! DAAAPHNE!!
HBO series when?
Rare photograph of school shooter, Alfonzo Dolittle alongside Marco Diaz...
Should i drop this Sup Forums?
Characters you would empty your seed into
I will destroy the Krusty Krab
Show me your most obscure reaction images, Sup Forums
Is marvel trying to kill x-men?
Itt: characters that died as virgins
ITT: Animated Atrocities
Young Animal Storytime Primer #2: Shade: The Changing Girl+Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye
90s Cartoons vs 00s Cartoons
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Gravity Falls
WatchMojo's Top 10 Best Steven Universe Episodes
Name the worst episode of SB
Why does Sup Forums love Incest?
Go to your room
This is Power Girl when she was a teenager, say something nice about her
Fantastic Four-yTime
Don't let him down Sup Forums!
The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 5: Fall of the Mutants (Part 9)
The Man of Steel
Would anyone recommend? I was curious about Legendary Godzilla's backstory and I heard that explains it pretty well
Sup Forums can any among you help me find a specific comic book page where Superman is explaining to someone that while...
What cartoon will adult swim revive next?
Am I the only one who likes it?
Monday Carol Thread. Special Edition with Wonder Woman!
Justice League Storytime: General Glory
So can we talk about the past films and ask why the fuck there is anyone that thinks the webb films are better
DC Yuri-verse Storytime Extravaganza: Bombshells
Can someone explain to me how TailSpin is a real thing and not something someone on deviantART created?
Young Animal Storytime Primer #1: Doom Patrol+Shade: The Changing Girl
Go on Google images
Might watch apes instead now
You know Sup Forums its time we take some time and enjoy some Negro comics
Previous Thread:
Is it going to objectively good or just "alright" like most MCU movies?
Heavy Metal
Is it possible to show an emotional female character without the fans throwing a hissy fit?
Words to live by
ITT: Perfect Shows
Why, I do believe it's time for James Bond!
Should I watch Wakfu in French or English?
Why is Black Canary so THICC?
Bittersweet Candy Bowl
Has science gone too far?
Waifus and Turn Offs
ITT: Things that should have an animated adaptation
We love pepe
I posted this thread on Sup Forums for some reason
What are some Sup Forums approved relationships?
Previous Thread:
First look at the 1,000,000 BC Avengers in Marvel Legacy #1
Peter Alan David (PAD)
You are browsing Sup Forums just minding yout own business when suddenly a blue teddy bear comes out of nowhere and...
If Sup Forums were an animation studio, what kind of cartoon would it make?
Have we hit peak societal CUTE in the Western world with Gwenpool?
Numerous foreshadowed plot threads left unexplored
How do they do it?!
Things that make you go hmmm
Characters they can't race swap or gender swap in canon
Ok, Sup Forums, you get a chance to reboot Transformers all over again for a new movie series...
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
Why is everyone so racist that they want to replace an OG black character like Peter with that whitebread fuck Miles...
That one fanfiction you ironically or unironically like
"I LOVE Medusa! I am like her biggest fan!"
Why doesn't the bad guy just kill the hero?!?
Top 5 favorite comics
Batman Comics are not For Kids Anymore in 2018
Guys, I think that "Matches" Malone might be Batman
How we do we fix Sup Forums? Do we ban all politics?
Is Sup Forums the worst board?
Could ATLA have worked if Aang and Katara were gender swaped?
New DC Comics Mature Readers Superhero Imprint Coming From Mark Doyle
The Adventures of Earth's Greatest Heroes
Moana > Zootopia
Why does Batman leave his mouth exposed?
It's a "Korey disrespects Martin" episode!
A little Carlos Nine storytime
Why is BB such a cuck?
So you thought I was stupid for coining the term "SUPER canon"...
What was her problem?
Was Scrappy-Doo THAT bad?
Will we get a Bomb Queen movie before the superhero movie bubble bursts?
If Peter was stung by a radioactive Bullet Ant how different would things be?
Powerpuff Girls ask the mayor for $2000 as payment for saving the city
Is the Iron Man "fame" a meme?
Pick one
Jaiden Animations Raid
Character spins while sword-fighting
You know how sometimes Google will sometimes give you completely unrelated text while reverse image searching...
Watching cartoons with my parents when a romantic scene comes up
Lesbians lmao
Remember Homestuck?
Which one will it be: Brit or Tiff?
The first Fantastic Four movie really isn't that bad
So... when is Marvel going to apologize for this?
Gunnerkrigg Court
Why is Fox so determined to hold on to these rights?
This shit is absolutely going to be Sup Forums's Epic Mickey equivalent for the next few years
Times when trailers or plot synopses were misleading or outright lied
Today on questionable content nothing happens, just like in the last 1000 strips
Cheesecake Thread
Monday Carol Thread
ITT:Post your absolute favorite characters
Who would win?
Hey everybody! Dexter's running around in his underpants!
How is it possible to make something so bland and uninspired out of such amazing source material?
Heres hoping Jetsons will be just as great as the Flintstones
Why are there no white people in the avatar universe?
Can comics / cartoons do horror? Have any moments in comics / cartoons been scary?
Amazing Spider-man #29 Storytime
I feel nothing
Movies and/or Shows that was better than expected
The Mighty B
Mike Tyson Mysteries
Holy shit they're huge
Wander Over Yonder
Gravity Falls
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
We all agree that 2007 was the real, "concrete" downhill slide for Cartoon Network right...
Can the WWE have a serious cartoon?
Name a Sup Forums artist who can age characters better than Akira Toriyama
Why doesn't Steven Universe have any world building of the human aspects in the show?
Is this really necessary
I miss the CW shows. I'm seriously thinking about them a couple of times a day...
Post movies or shows you're trying to remember
The Amazing World of Gumball
How does Sup Forums feel about the black nerd trope?
Sorry I'm late everyone. Traffic was a real bitch...
Wonder Woman reached over 700 millions at box office
So is he playing Bishop? Are there any other black guys in xmen? (Is Bishop even black?)...
The Loud House Thread
The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 5: Fall of the Mutants (Part 8)
Best Spider-Man VA?
So they're not just a Justice League knockoff, but a Super Sentai knockoff as well? They are color-coded, after all
What went wrong?
16 years
ITT: Characters dressed as other characters
DC launches Kamandi Challenge, 12 issue miniseries featuring the best of the biz
Who would win?
Every CN City Bumper now released!
The other day I remebered the really good Aladdin.The I remembered that this show was full of fetish fuel!
New Super-man Storytime Primer II
India and Superheroes
ITT: Girls whose characters would be greatly improved by getting a boobjob
Shelf/Recent Purchases Thread
Would Batman have approved of their methods?
Name a webcomic Sup Forums doesn't hate
Ugliest cartoon girl characters
Wonder Woman by John Byrne Part 8
IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime
Why isn't there a comic character with King Crimson's powers?
Hopes? Dreams? Expectations?
New episode of nuPPG today at 5:30
"We will never forget you til the day we die"
Calvin and Hobbes
Do You Like Me?
With Homecoming coming out on Friday...
Anyone else reading this? If so, what are your thoughts on it so far...
If Spider-man gave someone a blood transfusion, would they also gain spider-powers?
Should I watch Steven Universe?
Why can't a rich white guy be portrayed as a hero?
Tom Brevoort quits Twitter
ITT: Post the best song from an animated film
Seriously. I've been a lifelong Spider-Man fan my entire life & because of my prior knowledge if the comics...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...