These cherries you picked are rather tart
Oh boy, bait thread time.
lets see what my folder has to offer.
oh here is a good one:
Both look like shit.
well pierrot is notorious for being one of the worst animation studios. funnily enough the right picture is likely what it would look like if a US studio tried to anime korra in house.
So do they all scream about friendship on the right or something?
Aren't all those shows on the right and the left row all animated in Korea anyway?
Aren't these threads banned on Sup Forums?
The right screams about loneliness
Mods, OP is being retarded.
You could at least use images from the good Evangelion. Nope, just post that Rebuild shit.
what's top right
and getting in that fucking robot.
God I love the original Evangelion.
how can weebs even compete
Nah most everything is still animated in Japan contrary to the memes
nice bait desu
here's a (you)
In normal cases, yes. but here? All I can see is SU and GF. The rest were animated in Japan with minor (if any) Korean contracting.
Top quality bait. I feel angry, and I'm not even sure about what.
What's the difference? I don't understand the distinction you are trying to make between animation and cartoon.
Please explain.
Otherwise I am spamming this thread with images to derail it.
Is Rebuild any good at all? I've only seen the scenes with Shrieking Polygon.
>Gurren Lagann
>Cowboy bepbop
unironically steven universe has more animated fight time than evangelion
Implying that Gurren Lagan&Cowboy Bebop are shit was pretty much the only thing that the image got right, m8.
Making fun of the people that donĀ“t know. Never bother to explain the issue.
Rebuild is not good. Feel free to skip it.
>there are people that likes cartoons but dislike anime
Explain yourself.
Damn, that is one detailed grocery store.
Since when is Cowboy Bebop shit? I don't understand you millennials and your shit tastes.
>too sexualized females
>i'm too stupid to both read subs and follow what happens onscreen simultaneously
Do you have any images that aren't horribly dated 90s fads?
it's literally a meme from 2010 you massive newfag
Animation is a part of Cartoon, when you said Cartoon it include very 2D illustration, like comic book or manga.
a facebook meme
You're a furry aren't you.
Okay, thank you.
pretty sure it was being used on Sup Forums a decade ago. before you even knew this site existed.
Looks better in motion and cheaper to animate, reminds me of Pokemon before and after sun & moon. They changed the designs to something more animation friendly and everyone shat themselves.
Rebuild is very worthwhile you twats.
hahahahahahahaha. okay.
absolutely not
What's your problem?
>when even moeshit is more kino than cartoons
yeah, , , it was. .. then it died, and life was good for a while
anime has /m/ content so it will always win by default.
1,11 and 2.22 are passable and might be worth a watch for the animation, 3.33 goes full retard and Q is never being released.
FLCL is horrific shit though.
Different culture, what is so surprising?
there is plenty of overlap
if you like you average superhero cartoon you should find your average adventure shonen enjoyable too
>compare 3 lesbians and a fatass sitting on a beach with a detailed store
from the get go youre retarded, because steven universe does have a shop, and you could have used that.
>lets compare batgirl running with a super giant robot running
Also, great work using a pic from Rebuild dumbass
>lets compare gravity falls to....samurai anime?
yeah youre just reaching buddy
I'm sorry but I just dont get it
This was bait and we all fell for it. Might as well just chill here while we can
OP is trying to imply that western cartoons are shit.
Whether he is right or wrong depends on your taste in animation.
Hahaha, dumbass. You diddn't even understood what's bait about it.
imagine being this much of a triggered runt because someone insulted your precious american cartoons
>yeah youre just reaching buddy
not really. don't think the picture was meant to be an autistic comparison of scenes that look 100% identical. not sure why you think GF can't be compared to a "samurai anime" if the two scenes both have forested backgrounds.
Cartoons,in general, are made to make people laugh so obcourse the artstyle would be lighter in tone compared to the two artstyles on the bottom right
"Hello anons, im an Sup Forumsutist who couldnt help but come to Sup Forums an share my distaste for western cartoons and say my love for anime. We have gone an entire DAY without an east vs west discussion so i HAVE to start here. why not just stay on Sup Forums and enjoy our Sup Forumsutism- i mean anime there? because fuck you thats why, its not like the mods are gonna stop us, they only take down ACTUAL comics and cartoons discussions.
TLDR anime rocks and western shows suks and arent as mature as anime"
>slice of life, giant robots and samurai
Oh boy, here's the kino-like meme Sup Forums has been waiting for!
This is retarded.
The West:
The East:
I think that says on the topic that needs to be said.
And so are you for taking the bait.
>lovingly rendered interior of a convenience store full of Name Brand Products You Can Buy Today!
action in animated superhero movies is so bland. I can never see it as appealing, just fuctional
Avatar and Korra did it amazingly, and you post some random wonder woman fight
unrelated question but where is that devil like figure from in the left upper corner?
mods are Sup Forumsutist too, they endorse this garbage
Let's ask harder questions here.
The one on the right is too technicool to be attractive, and has a tiresome personality.
>inb4 muh anime waifu
I AM angry, im not angry at OP im angry at these pathetic excuses for mods. EVERYTIME these threads pop up they last for hours, but just yesterday , i made a parody post about these threads ad it got deleted in LESS THAN 5 MINUTES. you cant tell me these mods arent Sup Forumsutist in disguise cause the evidence disproves it. these kinds of threads should be gone in a heartbeat , but here we still are, meanwhile ACTUAL interesting discussion threads get deleted on mods discretion, fucking nazis man.
On purpose.
>Doesn't know Fantasia
Watch it now and educate yourself on animation
>All 3 are movies, one of which is a screenshot of cgi
Not all anime is moeshit
>too technicool to be attractive
That's where you're mistaken. There is no such thing as "too technicool".
Eva is shit
The other two are good though
>he hasn't seen Fantasia
Fucking hell.
He also has a naked thicc butt in kingdom hearts 1
was about to post this
>western influenced
>that list
only P&S. This faggot doesn't know what he's talking about
KLK is so fucking japanese in terms of style and animation it's hilarious
Oh great, it's another one of these threads.
what's the animes on the right? bottom 3rd looks comfy.
>Doesn't think LWA is inspired by the West
moeshit is peak anime
Aren't all three of those anime examples not even a show? They don't even have any episodes to thin out the budgets
And why are these illegal contents doing here in Sup Forums? Is that why Gwenpool threads were allowed to live? Because there drawn 169% anime style?
Am I a mechafag if I want to fuck Star Dream?
Samurai Champloo, though really the only memorable thing there was the soundtrack
Thanks user
I have but I don't remember every little detail about everything I watch
Thanks for being so toxic