What's going on with this?

Last I heard one of the episodes got leaked, has this been cancelled or something?

Other urls found in this thread:


An unfinished version got leaked somewhere I think.

Also Zach's slowly losing his mind.

Here's the leaked episode. A little unfinished, but still pretty good:


Apparently Adult Swim passed on it due to complete idiocy on both parties' sides: AS didn't want to have two series with the word "Hell" in the title simultaneously (with "Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell" already on the air) and the guys refused to budge and just come up with some other title. The show didn't get picked up and that was the end of it.

They now admit that they were fucking morons for not just coming up with some other title, but what's done is done.

>The show didn't get picked up and that was the end of it.

no, zach was still streaming work on hellbenders even way after he told that story on sleepycast.

What so now Hellbenders is no more?

It's telling how less and less replies these threads have

looks like people are starting to stop giving a shit about Zach and the rest

Nothing, they just dropped everything and now doing letsplays. Can you just cut that shit out and stop making these threads every week?


>not naming the shoe HECKbenders

Even as a storyboard you can tell the animation isn't that special

They literally don't make anything anymore.

Why should we?

In Zack's update video he mentioned that their work on it (the animation) was done and that they passed it to others to complete.

This, you're spinning stories that have been made up on Sup Forums.

God those shorts got so annoying so quickly. I don't know what it was about them, but I watched the very first one, thought it was hilarious, then watched the Christmas one, thought it was annoying as fuck, then went back to the first one, and it magically also became annoying as fuck.

>Chris and Zach sleep in separate beds


>"Yeah you should see more Hellbenders early-2016"-Chris
All we got was one unfinished episode



God dammit I love Zach so much.


oh god please PICK THEM UP

honestly, they need a writer
their humor doesn't hold up enough for an entire 22 minute show or even an 11 minute one

also, given how Shadman is recently getting into shit, having his name attached to this in any way is probably not doing any favors

>honestly, they need a writer
>their humor doesn't hold up enough for an entire 22 minute show or even an 11 minute one

I agree with this. Although to be honest I think Chris is funnier as a let's player than a cartoonist. Listening to him banter with Julian and Ding dong is more entertaining than his shorts.

Idk what was going through their fucking minds when they didn't budge on the whole new name thing. Like if that's all it took to get your fucking series greenlit and on your way to a comfy payday then how the fuck could you not come up with any kind of different name?

How is YPFIGTH anyway? I've been holding off on it because it looks like it'll be stoner humor.

I know Henry(the fat guy) from last podcast, , which while good is sometimes dragged down by his DUDE WEED shit. Good stuff to listen to while commuting or cooking.

I remember seeing it. not awful, but nothing special
some of the jokes are decent, but it's nothing I'd watch regularly


Why, what's the deal with Shadman?

this looks pretty dumb, undeserving of airtime. like most Williams Street originals, I guess.

Lots of shit. I'd explain, but I'm at work, so I leave the task to anons older and more versed in his lore than I.

in recent times?
>is getting called out for drawing very young characters
>drew porn of real little girls
>is starting to melt down over pedo accusations



Kind of sad, 2010-2013 had a shitload of animators, good and bad on youtube.

they all fizzled out and went nowhere.


Honestly after viewing the leaked episode, I can see why AS didnt pick it up.

I HIGHLY doubt it was over a name change refusal. It worked on youtube because youtube, you have a lower expectation. Plus you can get away with more, which can make up for the lower quality.

On a 16 minute episode, the LOL RANDUMB humor, which has to be watered down to be on TV just so it can be aired, makes it boring as shit.

It would have done better if it was 3-5 minute micro episodes involving stupid shit. Instead it was dragged out.

I couldnt even finish watching it.

They dropped it some time after they botched an interview at adult swim. It was mentioned in a sleepycast. They came in dressed as their characters, blue and orange shirts. They kinda freaked about that since it wasn't intentional but that can be passable in an interview. What they proceeded to do was make fun of people in the waiting room they were in. After about fifteen minutes of that, the guy they were sitting next to revealed himself to be the head of the studio when he got up from reading his paper and told them "alright guys, let's go." to prompt them to their interview. Zach didn't go into detail, but he said they were super nervous and kept tripping over themselves during the interview.
Might be why they dropped it, but that's just my speculation at this point.

>drew porn of real little girls
and again, parroting facts that didn't happen
he drew porn of real women AS little girls - such as Hillary, for instance - but he never drew porn OF actual little girls. If he did, he atleast never shared it on his site.

People keep pointing to the "keemstar thing", but that wasn't porn.
I'm not a fan of Shadman either, but atleast get your goddamm facts straight!

because youtube fucked them over in favor of letsplayers and other tryhard "youtube celebs" by making them the face of their paid services.

They stifled creativity after the first batch of content creators made shit and there's no point to it any more where you can get similar waves of fame by doing it on another platform like Instagram or snapchat

>but he never drew porn OF actual little girls

He got a C&D over his tribute to Dafne Keen then said it was about Roblox.

it's a work place comedy but set in hell

I enjoy it


>Shaddai Prejean

goddamn it, even his nickname isn't clever

> The Almighty P

Good God, why wouldn't they just come up with a new name? "Hellbenders" has literally 0 to do with the actual content of the show.


Wow, that's incredible bad form. He deserves to go under for that, that's a dude's actual real kid.

New animation when, in next 10 years?

So whos SJW outta the Hellbenders creators?

>Darling I love ya, even though ya don't wash your pussaayy

fucking gold

I didn't hear that the first time watching but once I did it I was laughing like an idiot

Ain't gonna lie, I thouroughly enjoyed that