You know how sometimes Google will sometimes give you completely unrelated text while reverse image searching...

You know how sometimes Google will sometimes give you completely unrelated text while reverse image searching? I got something rather interesting that I figured Sup Forums would like to see.

I was looking for the real version of this Whomp comic, but I'm going to post this edit I saw in the related images because this is what I think made Google think the alternative text was relevant.

So the text Google gave me when reverse image searching was "hijab peridot" and apparently it's actually a pretty popular concept.

>inb4 tumblr filenames
I'm pulling these off Google and obviously the kind of person who draws this shit is from tumblr.




Anyway, I guess it's just kind of weird to make Muslim versions of lesbian space rocks.

The entire reason this even started was because I was reverse image searching this Whomp comic to find out what anime Ronnie is watching, but I found squat. Anyone got sauce on this shit?

Google customizes your results for you. The reason you got tumblr SU shit is cause you frequent tumblr, probably have an account and look at SU stuff.

I don't let Google customize shit for me. I don't login to anything or keep cookies.

>I don't login to anything or keep cookies.
You don't have to do that to get customized results. Too late now, you're internet ignorance has outed you as a tumblr SU fag.

Why are you drawing her like a filthy mudslime?

I view Steven Universe threads on Sup Forums and that's it when it comes to this shit. I only ever go to tumblr when one comes up when I Google my autistically specific fetishes.
Because it makes so much sense that a lesbian from outerspace would find peace through Allah. I bet all gems on homeworld are Muslim.

>Try it for myself
>"Best guess for this image:
my waifu"
>Lots of pony stuff

Try it in a browser or device you don't normally use. I've done it on several and keep getting the same "hijab peridot" result.

I used a proxy browser and I got what you did. Google is broken.

That just means Google was customizing your search to be more pony oriented, based on your browsing history.

I think it's a made-up generic anime

When and why did gis get so useless? I remember a few years back I had no problem sourcing images with it. Now it just gives really generalized responses to stuff like "cartoon"


But I never searched for ponies ever.

If you use Chrome or stay signed into your Google account, they track all your browsing history, not just what you search on Google. Hell, even captchas track you shit. Google knows all and sees all.