This is Korra
Say something mean about her
This is Korra
Other urls found in this thread:
Loosen your hair.
Her show is irredeemable shit. Also her titties shrank over the course of the show.
She should have supported Kuvira, the big titted water tribe cow!
You are hot as hell and I want to fill your womb with my seed.
And the same for your girlfriend.
Your show is shit and constantly retconned TLA.
Big tits are sexist
look at those magumbos
and she has a nice gf
Could have been worse, look at The Force Awakens
You're a tribal girl from the water tribe
Which means you've probably got a super hairy untamed cunt
oh wait that's a good thing...
Korra is the only I'd allow to bully me sexually.
She's not as buff as I'd like.
Great taste in grills.
I would rape her gf while she watched, but not her.
Man jaw
Also that nose is cancerous
I can't deal with her right now
t. Chestlet
>closet gay projects his gayness because things other people like are different than his approved level of gayness.
You sound pretty gay
>You sound pretty gay
no you
I hate the fact that she's not real and I'm not currently fucking her daily
You will die the day before they manage to create personalized sexbots
I wouldn't talk to a woman who would shove her own baby daughter's mouth on some guy's dick. Sick bitch
In season 1 she was just stuffing her bra
She probably wouldn't let me drink her breast milk.
a mean piece of ass
I bet a lot of people would love to drink her breast milk.
id let her nurture me
>t. indian man
I would too though
>New fetish acquired
Just imagine
The show was so forget able it feels like I watched it fifteen years ago
Meanwhile the original show was so memorable that feels like I watched it less than five years ago
So, last Korra thread had some greentext about how Korra was really incompetent even in sex.
Some user said he would draw something based of that greentext, did user ever delivered?
I'll give Korra a compliment.... thanks to her show Bryke will probably never be able to make a successful pitch to a network again
Great, they can put my brain inside one of those sexbots and I will live forever
She isn't as good of a pregnant broodmare as Azula.
Literally the plot of Ghost in the Shell 2
Her feet are manly and ugly
She's a slut made for baby-making
It's more like they were dubbing/copying kid's brains so they could sell ultra-realistic child sexbots.
>tfw k-y-h-u deleted all her korra pics because her family found out
Instead of shrinking every season, Korra's tits should have gone up a cup size every season instead. Then by season 4 she'd be a G cup.
She's just so stupid.
I like how you can grate cheese on your abs
She probably has a bad case of smelly feet switching between elements
Korra's massive breasts.
your series would've been better off if your dad water-bent an abortion & we skipped to the earthbender avatar
it really is a shame. The artwork was top fucking tier
don't worry, user. My fetish is creating a simulacrum of the mental profile of someone who died just before sexbots being reborn as a sexbot so they can have sex with sexbots, so you will experience it even if you don't.
also those sexbots are actually just sex dolls that don't move but have consciousness,
so they hallucinate being a dude fucking korra while actually they look like korra and I am fucking them as they lie there without the ability to affect the outside world
Way to go on killing all your past lives and loosing knowledge that comes with it
I have a secret for you, user - tits are sacks of fat. If someone loses a lot of weight, their tits can, in fact, shrink.
She loses precisely 0 lbs throughout the series.
Why? Is her family fucking Mormon or something? Or Muslim? Because I don't think my family would care about what I made on the internet as long as I don't decide to do anything illegal
Margot Robbie thinks this is mean
sounds like a win/win situation
I want to fuck you so hard, to the point you chakras would break and you would be an invalid again.
I'd like to fall asleep in her arms, kissing and nuzzling gently after an evening of awesome sex, wrestling and snuggling.
Damn, I fail.
I want a fat disgusting old bald man to plunge his thick throbbing cock deep inside you while pinning you down with a mating press, emptying his balls into your womb over and over until you've been with fertilized with his seed.
I'll have to settle for
She seems like she's enjoying it though
What are you, asian?
Is there a place where all of KHYU's lewd stuff is posted?
They're asian...
She is built for breeding only
She'd probably make our infant daughter suck my cock as soon as she was big enough
She'd eat the cum out of her little mouth as well
That's an evil woman.
why are you like this
Kuvira did nothing wrong, and you shouldn't have stood in her way.
>the you'll never spray your seamen deep into her woman, turning her into a bloated broodmare as her ass, tits, and hips expand as she continues to birth your children while you milk her like the cow she is
I think we all know that feel.
She's not that much sexy
Why did they destroy the concept of the Avatar again?
She irredeemably destroyed the Avatar setting.
t. E;R
How is autism treating you?
What exactly does autism have to do with it?
It's just Scrapper defending his waifu
Well sorry, but she's better pregnant.
Full img user?
Are we just stating facts now? very well:
The fire nation did nothing wrong. It had two shitty islands while the earth nation had a bunch of land they weren't even using. They absolutely HAD to attack the air nomads, because otherwise air Jesus would stop them.
The fire nation didn't do even ONE thing wrong, and if they had won people would be objectively in a better situation.
The show was about as good as you could expect given how the network treated it.
It's too bad Bryan had to plagiarize one of its main characters
>plagiarize one of its main characters
I would, but if I wanted to make a credible argument I'd have to watch LoK again and I have better things to do.
vince looks fukken pissed
>Posts the same half-assed picture from a same-faced artist in every thread
You have shit taste user.
I'm not Scrapper I just know what is best for Azula.
and what is best for azula?
Being bred repeatedly by her brother. Azula's place is as a breeding sow. It's ok though, she likes it.
someone post it
I know I have.
>spray your seamen
Who's the dad?
how was it?
She's a lesbian.
I still can't see this without audibly laughing...