So... when is Marvel going to apologize for this?

So... when is Marvel going to apologize for this?

Real world:
>“Someone in the car looked over and said, ‘Gee, look at that, it’s a mugging,’ ” Trump said. “I said to my driver to stop the car because it was brutal-looking.”[…]
>“The guy with the bat looked at me, and I said, “Look, you’ve gotta stop this. Put down the bat,”‘ Trump said. “I guess he recognized me because he said, ‘Mr. Trump, I didn’t do anything wrong.’ I said, ‘How could you not do anything wrong when you’re whacking a guy with a bat?’ Then he ran away.”
>Trump said the incident occurred at 8 p.m. as he, [Marla] Maples and another couple were heading toward the Lincoln Tunnel on their way to the Meadowlands in New Jersey for a Paula Abdul concert.
>Kathleen Romeo, a 16-year-old student at St. Michael’s Academy in Manhattan, said cries of “There’s Trump!” went through the crowd of onlookers when the erstwhile deal maker emerged from his limousine in front of a Smiler’s deli.
>“A lot of people were surprised that he got out to see what was happening,” Romeo said, adding that the bat-wielder ran off just before Trump actually appeared, and that Trump, “just looked around and went back into his limo.”

Marvel universe:
>Donald Trump's limousine blocked the way of an ambulance responding to an emergency. Luke Cage lifted the vehicle out of the way and carelessly put it back on the street, prompting Trump to threaten Cage with a lawsuit. Cage violently told Trump to get back to his car, scaring him and causing him to quickly jump back into his vehicle and roll back up the car's window.

Communist* Marvel hates America, so never.

*not calling them (((Anti-Fa))), deal with it.

You're trying to claim that a wife-raping racist bully who sold out his country to Putin is the victim of a bad portrayal here... because of THIS.

Go fuck yourself.

Keep beating that Russia drum

I know this is bait, but it's disturbing how some people actually believe this.

damn, the delusion knows no bounds these days...

Kekekekekekekekekekekekekek! Fuck Trump. This shit is hilarious and is exactly like something he would do.

But it's practically the exact opposite of what he did in real life...?

How about this one:
You supported a man who repeatedly and publicly announced his incestuous sexual attraction to his own daughter and encouraged others to objectify her body for it's sexual utility, that is who you officially designated as representing your own personal values.

(isn't this a great on-topic Sup Forums conversation that OP has forced upon this board?)


In reality Donald Trump was personally, physically involved with the assault upon the woman.
And then he molested children in a pizza parlor.

>implying she isn't hot
It's not like he's Muslim.
You're also posting on the Allah Ackbar board, so most of the users will probably go "Yeah, having retarded incestuous offspring is awesome... it's a shame Trump didn't do that,:

Why should they?

Not the guy you're responding to, but I've been curious about this for months: When Trump supporters claim that the Russia investigation is "fake news" or a "Dem hoax," what place does the fact that the heads of the NSA, FBI and CIA all state that it's factually true occupy in your concept of these events?

I'm not asking to be confrontational; I'm just genuinely curious about how these facts are arranged in your mental image here. Is it one of those things where you make the decision not to think about them because doing so causes uncomfortable cognitive dissonance, or do you subscribe to some more elabourate narrative like "No, these organizations do not hold these beliefs, and the only reason anyone believes that they do is because the media falsely reports their position as such?"

t. (autistic screeching)

>implying she isn't hot
Meh she's dentist receptionist hot, tops

Because the heads are all democrats or secret democrats.

What happened to make Sup Forums suck up to fake ass politicians?

>implying that actually happen

pissing off other people on the internet

>incestuous sexual attraction to his own daughter

Saying your daughter is pretty in an admittedly strange way =/= incestuous attraction.

I know this is bait, but there are actually people who are retarded enough to believe this. I'm sure if the media said that Trump has 4 arms there would be people who would believe it.

I mean, real talk for a minute.
I would honestly, genuinely, and sincerely fuck my own adult daughter if she looked like Ivanka Trump and she was down for it.

You're on Sup Forums friendo.
It's not a matter of "Are there degenerates on this website", but rather "How many degenerates on each board".

>what place does the fact that the heads of the NSA, FBI and CIA all state that it's factually true occupy in your concept of these events?

They literally didn't release any proof that anyone from Russia, or even the Russian government, or even anyone connected to Putin, had anything to do with it.

The information was released through Wikileaks, and Julian Assange has heavily implied that the leaks were through a DNC insider, who had nothing to do with Russia.

The only information that the American intelligence communities released was about a page and a half indicating that it was a fishing scam, and the rest of their "report" was ways to avoid fishing scams.

There's quite literally nothing to link the fact that Podesta and Clinton were retards to Russia.

It's also an incredibly bizarre conspiracy theory, if you think about it. All of Trump's shilling has to do with Israel. He has not actual connections to Russia.

The entire reason it's being pushed is because the democrats started a proxy war with Russia against Assad that they refuse to give up.

Fucking summer, it's like the heat just ramps up the shit posting.

false flagging fag

Yeah, but then compare her to his other daughter.

This is only to get worse in the future. And I personally blame Tumblr and Sup Forums.

Tumblrina parents produce offspring, said offspring become Sup Forumstards. And when said Sup Forumstards produce offspring, their offspring become Tumblrinas etc etc

Trump is not under investigation for any ties with Russia from any of those agencies. James Comey, ex-head of the FBI said as such under oath at a congressional hearing. Have you not been paying attention to news in the past couple of months, or are you an absolute retard?

They could have went with the "Trump is an evil ZIONIST!!11" angle. I don't know what's stopping them. They already kick Jews out of Pride Parades.

>They could have went with the "Trump is an evil ZIONIST!!11" angle. I don't know what's stopping them. They already kick Jews out of Pride Parades.

I'm pretty sure they've switched the "SECRET POWER BEHIND THE THRONE" narrative at least three times already.

Him being an Israeli spy would be far more consistent, even if equally Alex Jones-tier insane.

>Saying your daughter is pretty in an admittedly strange way =/= incestuous attraction.

Through he did say he wanted to fuck his daughter if she wasn't his daughter. But, most of it are jokes just like piss gate scandals.

Fuck off back to Stormfront.

To think that 10 years ago everyone in America agreed that Donald Trump was just a dumb rich New York asshole that liked suing and conning people. Now, conservatives feel compelled to defend everything about him, claiming that he's actually a genius that cares about America and always has been.

>Have you not been paying attention to news in the past couple of months
Not him but I legitimately can remember the last time I watched or read any news aside from titles of things put in places like ads around some places I go to like in the corner of a google page while working. Is Trump in trouble for obstruction of justice for the Russian thing?

That's a pretty big "if", since she'll never stop being his daughter.


Last thing he was semi in trouble for was implying that he had raped conversations between him and Comey before Comey's testimony.

Turns out Trump didn't record anything and was just playing 64d chess to keep Comey honest during the hearings.

>That's a pretty big "if", since she'll never stop being his daughter.

Who is typing this? A 60's year old grandma? of course! She never stop being his daughter because she is his daughter!


That means he doesn't bang her.

If English your first language?

>That means he doesn't bang her.


Him being Muslim is about as believable that he's a top secret KGB agent.

Not to mention
>Has cheated on at least 2 of his wives
>Once claimed that avoiding AIDS during the 70s was his personal Vietnam
>Brags about how "grabbing women by the pussy" without asking first
>Is notorious for not paying people
>Everything about Trump University
>Said he likes soldiers that don't get captured
>Claims he has never asked God for forgiveness despite supposedly being a christian
>Has had several bankrupcies
>No bank in America will lend him in money because he's actually a disaster, he's had to rely on the Russians and Saudis
>Once told his 4 year-old son Donald Trump Jr. to "Don't trust anyone", and called him a loser when his son said that he trusted his father
>Every speech he gives is a complete word salad with no real substance that hurts to read in transcript form
>Has ties to the Russian mob
>His entry into politics was the race-baiting Birther bullshit that he still went on about for years
And so on

What? Trump is a womanizer and hit on plenty of young people. That is a fact.

Sup Forums happened.

>So... when is Marvel going to apologize for this?
>Trump supporters buttblasted because of comics and going to whine on twitter just like their POTUS
Guys, you are just pathetic

everyone from new york knew he was a shady idiot, everyone not from new york thinks he is a messiah

>>Once claimed that avoiding AIDS during the 70s was his personal Vietnam

That's the difference between me and you McCain I won MY vietnam.

Only a Muslim wouldn't be able to tell the moral difference between "banging your daughter" and "banging a hot college student".

>everyone not from new york thinks he is a messiah
Hey now, let's not get carried away here. Most people outside of New York also hate him.

>Once claimed that avoiding AIDS during the 70s was his personal Vietnam
My God, this cishet shitord dares to have a sense of humor?


They're right, you know Sup Forums

I'm sorry, are you disappointed you didn't get more (You)'s?

The best bait is the simplest, don't write a while blog post of bait.

What's funny about that?

That women are such sluts that picking the wrong one is as deadly as fighting commie gooks on their home turf.

>“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,”
>“You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it’s called the dating game,” Trump said to Stern in a 1993 interview. “Dating is like being in Vietnam. You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.”
Yeah, hilarious. Fucking draft-dodger.

Isn't Luke Cage married to that Alias white woman?

Clearly Cage didn't watch The Boondocks.

If you can't see the humour and tongue in cheek nature of those comments, even if you think they're in bad taste, you're willingly deluding yourself.

Since Obama joked that black people he knew didn't want to go back to Africa because there wasn't enough fried chicken and pussy, does that make him a massive racist?

He's under investigation for obstruction dude. He admitted so himself.

And the sad part is there probably was no collusion. The idiot is just incapable of just letting the investigation run its course without interfering in it.

By firing Comey?

Democrats were demanding his head on a pike while he was fucking up the Clinton investigation.

He should never have been in charge of any investigation in the first place.

Ok now for some /co talk. Since Marvel is going full tilt with shitting on Drumpf (who completely deserves it considering how he's an easily baited autist), how would his supporters view evil organizations like AIM and Hydra? Would they call one of them Fake Villains? How would a supervillain handle being labeled a Fake Villain? Or maybe their peabrain logic would slander heroes as Fake Heroes? And it's not hard to imagine the tweets about the subject.

>Fake Superhero Luke Cage is an inner city loser! I'm a bigly law&order modern president! Crooked Cage is SAD!
>My personal friend Tony Stark loves my MAGA campaign. Very, very proud of his tremendous money and success. And smart like me.
>Jessica Jones very disgusting and bleeds a lot. Total junkie and hates America. SAD!

>Only a Muslim wouldn't be able to tell the moral difference between "banging your daughter" and "banging a hot college student".

>how would his supporters view evil organizations like AIM and Hydra? Would they call one of them Fake Villains?

Marvel sucks at writing villains.

One page you have perfectly reasonable statements, and literally a page later you have "right wingers" suicide bombing like Muslims without the slightest logical transition.

One of these things is not like the other.

>One of these things is not like the other.
You should tell it to your president, amerifat

>ITT: Babby's still reacting to their first ever election

It's just getting more and more embarrassing. I miss Bush jokes.

You'd actually only find those statements reasonable if you really believe refugees are an "invading army"

>He should never have been in charge of any investigation in the first place.
>the head of the FBI shouldn't be charge of a major FBI investigation


>Saudis are such inbred manlets they can't reach high enough to shower Trump with medals

>Turns out Trump didn't record anything and was just playing 64d chess to keep Comey honest during the hearings.
Which actually backfired on him, since according to Comey that was what made him start writing everything down and start leaking in hopes of getting a special prosecutor appointed. Now Trump's got Mueller on him and whether Trump is guilty or not this has clearly become a big headache for him and he has no easy way of making it go away.

Your causality is so tilted that it's confusing. You can't dictate what actual supporters will and won't respond to. So, are you talking about what trump supporters in the 616 universe will say?

>Would they call one of them Fake Villains? How would a supervillain handle being labeled a Fake Villain?
This would be hilarious.

>Or maybe their peabrain logic would slander heroes as Fake Heroes? And it's not hard to imagine the tweets about the subject.
This shit is overplayed to the point of predictability.

Honestly I would gladly welcome back Dubya if it meant getting rid of these lunatics. Bush was horrible but he was more of an idiot with somewhat good intentions. Drumpf is just an asshole 24/7

Remember that short lived parody sitcom, That's My Bush. Fucking terrorists got it cancelled by crashing airliners into the world trade center.

Fucking Muslims.

Refugees don't cross half a dozen safe countries, commit massive gang rapes, burn down their own refugee centers for not being nice enough, and then complain that it's too cold before fucking off back where they came from after they've got their fill of raping white children on white people's dime.

Oh, I'm sorry, I meant "sexual emergency".

>he has no easy way of making it go away.
The fun part is that he thought firing Comey would do that. He legitimately thought the left would applaud this and didn't realize that firing a guy investigating people connected to his campaign would look suspicious as hell.

He was quite obviously incompetent at his job, according to everyone from both sides of the political spectrum, depending on the month.

Yeah, that second season took a really weird turn and then at the end they obviously ran out of money in the shows budget.

>was just playing 64d chess
I thought this was just a meme, there are people that really think that Donald Trump is a chessmaster?

wow it's like I'm rrally reading WaPo

Nobody seriously thought he was incompetent, people were mad because they saw it as political maneuvering. He's widely respected even if people didn't always like how he operated.

New York would be Lower New Jersey had he not invested in Manhattan.

Of course not.

He's a grandmaster at 5d water polo.

Yes, there are people that stupid. In a way I can't blame people for hoping there's a reasonable explanation for his actions besides "he really is that stupid."

Okay how about the Shocker for a good example?
>Lol, Fake Villain!
Don't mock the Shocker!
>He's so fake he doesn't even use electric attacks. Even Hydra doesn't want him, loser
I AM a real villain! I fought Spider-Man! There are pictures from the Bugle!
>Fake news and a fake villain. Totally colluding with each other

>>Saudis are such inbred manlets
Yet still it is Trump who bows to Saudi King
>Refugees don't cross half a dozen safe countries, commit massive gang rapes, burn down their own refugee centers for not being nice enough, and then complain that it's too cold before fucking off back where they came from after they've got their fill of raping white children on white people's dime.
Sounds very fucking fammiliar

When did that show ever have a budget? Roger Corman spent more on his movies. Still, I thought it was delightfully fun.

HEY Sup Forums get back to your board!

Then why do Democrats keep losing literally everything?

They've already admitted the Russian Dossier everything was based on is fraudulent information. Heck Sup Forums is the one that seeded that piece of trite according them last year.

Comey is seen as a boob and leaking shit like that makes him look even more suspicious than actually having it to turn over to council.

And then getting caught on camera skulking his near seven foot ass into the New York Times.

His credibility is zero right now.

>His credibility is zero right now.
It doesn't really matter since he's not the one investigating anymore.

>They've already admitted the Russian Dossier everything was based on is fraudulent information

Why do you keep bringing them up? Last time I checked, the crusaders are long gone. Why do you bring up what Christian extremists did in the ancient past everytime muslime terrorism is brought up?

Yet he was the one that was supposed to release the bombshell during his testimony. Everyone was waiting for him to have the evidence.

He didn't and looked like a flake.

>Yet he was the one that was supposed to release the bombshell during his testimony
What? He was only going to confirm what was leaked. Blame the media for hyping this as some Waterloo moment for Trump.

>but but we are just the saaame

>Why do you bring up what Christian extremists
Crusaders weren't extremists.
Muslims had literally raped and pillaged their way all the way to Vienna.
Europe was one cavalry charge away from becoming an Islamic shithole. No enlightenment, no scientific revolution, just constant terrorism in the name of a genocidal child rapist.

>Well see Crusades happened so what's happening now is fair play
Fuck off. 400 years of attempted conquest of Europe by Caliphates, straight up take Spain and turn it into a vassal state for 700, and suddenly a few jew-made movies later and the context is 'all people wanted was gold and land because Europe was jealous of all those lovely muslims'

>Blame the media for hyping this

If both sides did this, they'd both be looking a lot smarter right now. Particularly the left, who is jumping on any scrap or morsel they can.

Remember when Maddow got his tax records and they were from 12 years ago and were totally irrelevant? She got the highest ratings she ever got and then they severely plummeted.

Before his candidacy he was by and large a joke, like most celebrities. It's the media who turned him into Hitler.

The crusades were a reasonable response to Islam conquering and raping the middle east, Persia, North Africa and Spain though

The crusades should be used as godwin's law. "Any discussion involving religious terrorism will inevitably bring up the crusades".

>Once claimed that avoiding AIDS during the 70s was his personal Vietnam

>“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,”
>“You know, if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam — it’s called the dating game,” Trump said to Stern in a 1993 interview. “Dating is like being in Vietnam. You’re the equivalent of a soldier going over to Vietnam.”

Hahaha, you fight 'em Don