>4 people died just so some autistic dude can be reborn as a piece of lint between this ham Beasts buttcheeks
4 people died just so some autistic dude can be reborn as a piece of lint between this ham Beasts buttcheeks
You know you failed hard when even /r9k/ makes fun of your killing spree
I really want to see a drawing of Ember and Skulker fucking or at least making out while Tranny Phantom cries in the corner.
in his exo-suit or just his ordinary form?
In his Ember Ghost Squad form.
He doesn't count.
He's talking about Skulker, not Randy.
Oh, whoops. Exo suit, then.
Lots of people die because of an obsession with fictional spirits.
Did he cry "I'm going ghost!" before pulling the trigger?
Really activates my almonds.
It was actually 3 people. the 4th victim was the shooter himself and no he didnt do it to please a cartoon waifu, he was legit mentally disturbed.
You retards oversimplify things way too much.
>no he didnt do it to please a cartoon waifu, he was legit mentally disturbed.
he did, because he was a brainlet.
just like you.
He had a long history of mental illness and bullying. The ember shit was just his coping mechanism.
You havent even finished hs but you're calling someone a brainlet?
Sit down little man before you embarrass yourself
>he didnt do it to please a cartoon waifu, he was legit mentally disturbed
maybe, but he straight up said he did this for his cartoon waifu and mocked what you're saying. he worshiped ember like a literal goddess
He actually says he did it because he despised his co workers and had this complex where he believed that everyone hated him. I have
You people are just really dumb and dont research shit you meme about.
The fact that he was obsessed with school shootings is evidence he would have done this without ember in the first place
>The ember shit was just his coping mechanism.
He coped by getting a fake GF then by pretending he was really her inside of himself.
then he killed some folks to suck her dick which is really his dick but a ghost.
he was a brainlet which made him do brainlet things like trying to suck his own feminine ghost dick with a shotgun.
go on a ghostsquad spree brainlet.
Reminder: He fired 50 rounds to shoot 3 people on short distance.
I have no idea what any of you are talking about.
The ATF only needs one round to kill your dog from 100 yards
he was also obsessed with ember you dumb shit, like completely to the point where he called her a goddess and fantasized about being with her
take your own advice and fuck off
Randy Stairs. Imagine the protagonist from Hatred in a dress.
ah! because it would be hilarious if it was his true form.
All trannies are as fucked in the head as this loser.
>he doesnt count
Like the Goddess She is.
Look up Alex Mauer
This kid shot 3 people in a supermarket because he wanted to be Ember Mclain from Danny Phantom. Google 'Ember's Ghost Squad'.
The protagonist from Hatred is like 6'5 and shaped like Nathan Explosion. This guy was just some skeleton manlet who could barely control recoil in a Mossberg.
People die every fucking day everywhere.
Get over it.
>some fucking weirdo nerd no one gives a shit about.
He's as fucked in the head as Chris Chan, just not as blatant about it.