This is the best comic Iron Man armor, right?

This is the best comic Iron Man armor, right?

That's not the silver centurion or the 90's modular armor.

It's certainly better than he piece of shit modular armor.

>b-but muh proton cannon!

No one cares about your shitty Japanese fighting game.

Actually i like modular armor too, but the marvel legends modular armor is too expansive.

>90's modular armor
Also known for the awesome Rage Face.

Easily the coolest armor. Pity his current one isn't as cool as the Modular Armor.

Any armor with a goofy mouth agape is disqualified.

JR JR's version of this is second only to Layton's classic suit. After that, everything got too busy--it lost all the charm.

I think generally the vast majority of armors in the comic were good up until 2000. After that a lot of the armor designs were really sub-par because they noodle too much with detail. The only truly good 00's armor is the Extremis one. Maybe Pentagon armor and Bleeding Edge are okay.

Best ever.

The shawn chen or whatever's his name is was good too.

I still haven't seen a pic of best boi. I'm dissapointed Sup Forums.


sorry spic

as soon as you lose the round unibeam and the gold shoulders, it's all downhill from there.

btw best dynamo

I like Ultimate, personally.

In no order:
>80s (c. Secret Wars, IIRC)

Sorry op Extremis wins

Stand down boys.

>Silver Centurion


Love the big stupid steam vents

You some kinda faggot user?

Well, pre-extremis/extremis is my favorite modern armor.

>dual chimneys
>knee lasers
>helmet made of bacon strips
>every gold part made of hoses
not fine

>Visible muscles

The War Machine is the best.

>fake muscles
Nah. I always thought that looked really dumb.