*bzzt bzzt*

*bzzt bzzt*


Did you put all the X-Men in the new MvC?

Let it go to voicemail...

Yes yes, we had room after getting rid of the Fantastic Four

*swipes right*

Sup Forums here

fantastic four really is the ginger step child aint it?

Are you ten?

Why did you take Fantastic Four, and all the alternative outfits, out of Marvel Omega? Asking for a friend.


A phone call? I've heard stories about these but I never thought I would get one!

are you drunk?

I don't drink

That's what I always do.

Hey Sup Forums. Do you like the arkham games? I dont really read or watch capeshit but i was wondering what you guys think about the adaptation and the gameplay mechanics

Those characters all suck and nobody reads their comics

If it's an unknown caller than how come we know it's Sup Forums?

Arkham Asylum is the best one but has a really terrible final boss.
Arkham City is good, but the Riddler can go fuck himself.
Arkham Origins was shit.
Arkham Knight was too obvious, and Riddler can go fuck himself 10x harder.

City > Arkham > Knight > Origins

City > Asylum > Origins > Bat Guano > Knight

I'm still so fucking mad about the Arkham Knight just being Jason like everyone called.
I went to the mat for Rocksteady, I shitposted up and down Sup Forums and Sup Forums that they'd never go for that obvious twist.

>If it's an unknown caller than how come we know it's Sup Forums?



why would you ever identify with a bunch of screaming children