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Why would you advertise prominently that one of your characters is literally a piece of shit?
How much did they pay Patrick Stewart for this?
I wouldn't be surprised if he had voiced a __pony__ but this is on another level.
because it's the only funny joke from the movie.
Reminder they killed Popeye for this
every single quote is hilarious.
every single gag is comedy gold.
Darkest timeline
why the fuck would someone send his crush a "meh" face?
This movie is a giant ad for apps. The last commercial I saw promoted spotify and candy crush.
To make it seem like you don't care even though you really do care
I'm still confused as to how the kids have their phones out so openly in class just texting each other.
I remember having to text my mom after class to ask her to bring me my inhaler for my bronchitis once and my bitchy biology teacher took it up and wouldn't let me have it back for 3 days.
so why is the girl from the lego movie an emoji now?
>loser lounge where emojis who never get used hang out
Some school have a online platform where kids needs to use their phones.
If you know anything about Patrick Stewart you'll know he jump at the opportunity to play a piece of shit
Guys lets be honest here we are not mad at the film itself. It won't be Norm of the north or Foodfight bad. It well probably just be mediocre or okay at best.
It's really what it represents and might happen if it makes a lot of money we are mad at
Saw him at comic con once for American dad. He seemed very excited about the raunchy things they have him say as Bullock
Movie execs literally cannot understand the concept of good animated comedy. For all of Hotel Transylvania's flaws, audiences ate up all the visual gags Genndy did.
>T.J Miller thinks he deserves to be a big time movie star.
>Quits Silicon Valley.
>1st movie post Silicon Valley is the Emoji Movie.
Will he be okay?
I'm not surprised, you can't say shit like this (
pretty much, the fact that this movie was even conceived leaves a shit stain on animation as a whole
Who would even think this movie was a good idea?
it's a shame because he's a actually a good actor
>jailbreak is more clothed than any of the other emojis
But why though
Kid's movie
because it's """funny"""
maybe the kid that that particular phone belongs to never uses it.
I'll be surprised if they even explain that in the movie
Why are people I like tied to this? Who is blackmailing them?
But what does POOP mean?
>Patrick Stewart as Shit
It's funny.
I'm pretty sure she's meant to be wearing a skirt right?
Because for while I thought that was supposed to be a body which looked weird for me since it made it look like her arms were coming out her head
I didn't realise it was a skirt until someone else pointed it out to me
This is literally perfect, how could they not do this movie.
>Some schools have an online platform where kids need to use a laptop.
Fixed that for you, a phone is just too big of distraction in class.
And even then, that mostly pops up in private schools.
If it turns out to be good, it won't deserve to be.
Yeah a phone would be a security and privacy concern. Some classrooms use tablets connected to the school wifi network to prevent shit like photos being posted or outside contact being made