>Comic con
>It's not actually about comics
Are there any good cons about comics or cartoons?
Comic con
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What they lack in big names they make up in comics
>go to a Comic con
>It's 80% marvel movie shit
>15% "geek culture" crap like funko pop for sale
>5% live action tv shows including sitcoms
It's not about comics anymore it's about corporate advertisements and slutty cosplayers
I want to live between boobs.
Married slutty cosplayers into lil boys. Or cucks.
I always get touched or dirty winked at, being underage. Weird.
Sweaty boobs
Has anyone here banged a cosplayer before?
i do like one con i go to that isn't fucking media central stuffed with 99% entertainment shit and 1% comics like fucking nycc is.
They like ugly guys, cucks, lil boys, fit dudes.nthey don't like the comic book reader or the average man ot skinny guys.
i had a milf ask me to take a pic of her with someone else. she just talked to me like she knew me or something and i just did what she wanted.
had a fucking nice body cosplaying as black canary
>Going to cons for the overpriced comics
Unless you're into cosplay or seeing small-name artists at the Artists' alley, there's no point to going to a con.
Well did you do the deed?
Comic fans don't go to cons anymore.
>They like ugly guys, cucks
>they don't like the comic book reader
Well, which is it? That's a contradiction.
I fucked up man, I clicked too soon and everybody had their eyes closed.
Nope. reading comics while being attractice=/= bad.
Women minds are messy and anti-logic. The sane gender into mommy son erotic and porn via 89 percent.
kek, thanks for subverting my expectations user
Does my fiance count?
Dublin Comic Con is genuinely great. Not the MCM one, that's corporate trash, but there's one that's entirely donator-funded and all workers are volunteers.
Every comic book store in Ireland has a stall, there's a whole floor for artists and other comic-based guests, as well as big name guests.
It's only been running for four years but it's fucking amazing.
Some of the attendees are pretty autistic though.
They call it comic con because they tricked you into thinking it was about comics.
Eirtakonfag here, is it a good con to seek refuge? Also, why is it always the con-goers who browse Sup Forums, as far as Ireland goes?
I wonder what would happen if 50% to 90% of the actual comics retailers and publishers pulled out of SDCC like Mile High Comics has. Even if SDCC could recoup the losses with opening up more space for pop culture booths, that's still a pretty big loss in the long run.
If by "seek refuge" you mean be surrounded by people who are generally up for geeking the fuck out for several hours at a time, then yes.
And as far as con-goers and Sup Forums goes, I dunno maybe it's the lack of nerd culture here and we seek it out on the internet.
Any decent cons in Cali? I know we have big ones but those don't actually target nerds, just "nerds".
Meeting up with people and having fun
>Go to Comic Con
>Slutty cosplayers that don't know anything about comics or cartoons thier cosplaying as
>Funko shit instead of unique items
>Long ass lines that take a way to long
>Ads everywhere
I went to the 2015 one, are the rest bad or just shit luck?
Haha, oh you.
>go to Comic con
>slutty ignorant cosplayers
>tv shows
>full of marvel kids
>anime cosplayers
>furry shit
Nope, this is what happens when there's more money in pretending to be "a geek" than actually focusing on the people who actually care about this stuff.
If you're in Texas, Dallas Fan Expo/Fan Days occasionally has some great industry people come out. Got to meet Kevin Maguire and Brian Stelfreeze, and both were extraordinarily good dudes and were fine with long conversations about the industry, and avenues for young creators.
Stelfreeze specifically was probably the coolest motherfucker I have ever had the pleasure of shaking hands with. Real chill, plugged in, and watching him work was fucking hypnotic.
>Want to find the nearest convention near me
>Queer Comics Expo
Why the fuck is this a thing?
>live in the middle of Cali
>get nothing
Because the left is obsessed with segregation and atomization to divide and rule.
>Slutty cosplayers that don't know anything about comics
How do you know they don't?
Because they never do and you know it.
>Go to Sand Con
>No slutty cosplayers
awww yusss
Is Superman the universal simbol of hope?
Come right on in user! There's plenty of room in here.
A wise user once posted on Sup Forums, "Cons aren't for comics it's for groping cosplayers in huge crowds".
>go to medium sized con
>main floor full of sluts
>get bored ready to leave
>see stairs to a basement area
>find table top campaigns based off marvel shit
>huge game of some card game being played in the middle of the room
>have the most fun here rather than on the upper floor
its all about what you make out of it if they have no events or game rooms, then of course its gunna be shit
Down in Miami yeah. She was cosplaying Monster Hunter though.