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Can someone tell me in english what this all means

Teaching comic artist how to bend over for fags by another name and filthy gaijin.

Based Image Comics Staff are going to attend a transwebinar and take a training program to be more culturally competent

"trans people are retarded"

Wasting time learning to check privlege instead of working.

>Grace Ellis, Shae Beagle and Laurenn McCubbin, creative team of the upcoming Moonstruck comic book for Image Comics have posted a critical response to their publisher’s handling of two recent controversies regarding the Howard Chaykin comic book Divided States Of Hysteria.

>But it’s not all words. They make a number of pledges to try and make sure that Image Comics doesn’t even consider a book like Divided States Of Hysteria for publication. And offering to pay Chaykin and anyone else at Image to attend a Trans 101 webinar. Something they say Image Comics publisher has endorsed, is enthusiastic about attending and is urging other to attend. They also state that Stephenson has told them the publisher is “seeking out additional cultural competency training”.

When will minorities realize that the world doesnt fucking need to cater to their entitled fairy assess

wtf is cultural competency

Website clickbaiting using words that are guaranteed to make you jump into a hissyfit shouting SJW, causing more people to look into its already inflated and inflammatory content with the explicit intent of getting offended for extra views and to cash in on some easy dough.
Just hide report sage and move on.

The company is goibg to force employees to do some online program that talks about how important it is to make your comics include trans people.

It's retarded, but why is this news?


Integration was a mistake.

Image is going to force its staff to watch anime.

Is this because people were yelling at Brandon Graham?

Goddamnit! When will these fucking free-bleeders learn that the world doesn't revolve around them. Life's a two way street. If they expect us to change then so do they.
They'll never learn. They focus too much on the past that they can't look to the future.
Integration wasn't the problem, liberal thinking was.
This is why free thinking should be regulated to those who know how to use it properly.

Nothing, really. Image's publishing staff is gonna go to a "be nice to trannies" seminar and while they recommend their creative staff do the same, they're not going to force them to since forcing artists and writers to do anything would go against Image's "Creators first" ethos more or less.

image is about publishing whatever you want. Shouldnt the authors go to those classes and not the publishers?

>be Chaykin
>be raging liberal who love hippies and gays
>get told that you have attend a "Trans 101 webinar" because you're not liberal enough for [current year]

How pissed must Chaykin be right now?

Integration works pretty well. It's people off in cultural enclaves who make trouble for everyone.

But from whose womb was intergation birthed? Liberals.

It's because Chaykin had a trans character get assaulted in the first issue and the cover for the recent solicit had a hanged Pakistani man with his penis freshly mutilated.

>Trans webinar

Oh, then I assume that's the reason people were yelling at Graham

It means the Image staff is taking sensitive courses for green-lighting a racist book in hopes they think better next time.

is that a centaur in the background?
are people culturally intolerant against centaurs now? i'm shook

Retarded waste of time. Jews need to leave us alone already.

Maybe muslims should stop being violent god lovers then if they dont want to be shown as evil

How is it clickbait of it's true, you cocksucking tumble whale?

What was this controversy about? I only read good comics so I don't know about the garbage stuff. Also, another censorship class huh? Typical.


Is it racist if it's true?

Or maybe Image staff should be more careful and actually look at the comics content before they approve and green-light it. Hysteria belongs at Avatar, not Image.

GTFO Sup Forums

Stop pushing your degenerate agenda shit you Nazi scum

What book?

Hysteria: Story of a Hung Pajeet

Cover showed a Muslim being hanged with his penis cut off.

Everyone on twitter threw a shut fit.

Said book was also controversial for


Muslim scum deserve only hatred and violance. Fuck you liberal pussies by trying to accept them as people

Just googled it. From what I can gather it's pro muslim but it upset America for also being pro Palestine?

We're entering a new dark age.

Chaykin the Cuck wanted to show much he loved Trannys and Muslims by making a comic about the evil AmericanLand where Trannies and Muslims are killed on a daily basis as to show how hard minorities have it and how we are living in a second holocaust and need to change. Said book which was suppose to make SJWs instead pissed them off for it's graphic and edgy nature. Said SJWs assumed said work was glorifying said acts of violence against minorities.

This is why western comics are failing while Japanese comics continue to rise year over year.

They don't give a shit about pandering to people. They just want to write good stories.

One Piece is at an all-time low.

>Being a christcuck

No, people are pissed that bad things are happening to minority people even if those bad things are portrayed as bad things.

>they don't give a shit about pandering to people
No they do, they just pander to their audience

>They don't give a shit about pandering to people
lmao mangaka pander like crazy you dumb goon

Which is still more than the entire western industry combined

>twitter threw a shut fit.
and water is wet

lmao no, quality should be the only limitation, not controversial content

Anime and manga is pretty much built around fanservice.
Not to mention all the cross promotion stuff in their video games.
They put the west to shame when it comes to pandering.

it upset them because they have nothing inside their heads or souls, which means they need the external world to do their thinking and moralizing for them. this is why art needs to reflect what they wish they could believe. making art that shows violence means you're trying to "bring violence" in to the world, since your personality and identity are just aggregates of pre-existing external factors. they literally cannot think for themselves.

So? The point is it's dropping like crazy. It wouldn't shock me if Shonen Jump ended up giving it 12 issues to finish up in the next five years.

Pretty pissed, cause the grandfather clause isn't a thing for people like him.

Dumb weeb get triggered by ugly cartoon girl pic! hahah, you are a joke waifufag!

Goddamn SJWs are responsible for the fact architectural trends have changed, curse them.

>And offering to pay Chaykin and anyone else at Image to attend a Trans 101 webinar.

That trans character in 'Hysteria' that they are pissed off about was DIRECTLY based off of a trans friend of Chaykin's WITH her blessing.

all niggers must hang

marvel wasnt enough
we are crashing comics with no survivors
this is what a post consumer economy looks like

>Japanese comics
>don't give a shit about pandering to people.
I mean, children ARE people.

Japs pander to all fucking hell in their works, but the difference is it's a profitable pander, the pander at least fits most of the time (It's like pandering in a romance novel, like no shit), and Japs don't act like they're doing someone a favor by pandering. They're simply doing fetish-y shit that gives them relief and is stuff they would want to read themselves. It's like when Disney is clearly pandering to children with comic relief characters but at least they integrated the character well enough and the movie is entertaining regardless of clear marketing techniques of characters like Timon and Pumbaa.

Compared to giving white people classes on how important it is to force yourself to understand the POV of a trans character for nothing more than diversity points.

>And offering to pay Chaykin and anyone else at Image to attend
Hol up? How much are we talking about? Because i would not mind to hear a speech on how no liking traps make you an awful person if i get money

but the posts were about trannies

>All time low
>Just broke another record in sales
Dumb tripfag

He's a Sup Forumsfag, user. The idea of talking about something that relates to what he's replying to is literally impossible for him.

Same, sign me the fuck up. Will make for a great story to tell for years to come AND get paid for it?

how do you attend a "webinar"
isn't that just watching a bunch of dumb videos

It's no use she's already been weebified.

So who's ready for a storytime?


Chakin shows people committing hate crimes, using pretty much only shit that actually happens in real life.

Chakin is like green arrow levels of left.
Pretty much.

Nobody's READY for it. Fair warning. Chakin's has always been kind of Sin City, and this shit is kind of rough to look at.



The series constantly ranks number one in the listings, and the volumes sales figures are constant. It's not going anywhere.

Oda could do what ever he wants. He could do a Todashi and keep his job.


this is making my eyes bleed

They have chosen to ignore the SJW crowd. Smart since they don't actually buy shit and just complain.

Yeah his art is an acquired taste, well now it is, I think his older less digital color stuff looks good, and man do I love his Blackhawks run.


All other series have risen. One Piece is big enough that it means it falling down hurt the industry but lmao man

huh, so which one is trans


Go to bed, ian.

0.03% of the population has gender transforia, a legitimate mental health condition. I take those people seriously and wish them the best.

This is about the perpetually offended millennials who cosplay as the opposite gender and claim to be "trans". They're the ones who whine and bitch and pretend to be outraged at everything.

It would be like me wearing blackface and demanding people be nice to "us black people".


>This is why free thinking should be regulated to those who know how to use it properly
I'm sorry, are you reading what you're writing?


not safe for a Christian board.

that is some dang awful lettering

If he's being forced to sensitivity training for drawing violence against muslims and trannies shouldn't he also have to go to learn to be more sensitive to whites?

not safe for snowflake.

Tumblr nose webinar.

This man has thyroid problems? Dat jaw

not safe for someone I'm sure.


t. supervillain with a mind-ray



Man, I'm surprised SJWs didn't love this. The whole thing's about killing white men.