Women appreciation

Women are the greatest things to happen to planet earth, everything from good nature to aesthetically pleasing bodies

Without women, there'd be no point in anything, they make our society go around with their love and compassion

Thank God for women, God bless women

Lesbians can join too since they too understand how good women are

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Get those old hags off my board.

Let's take a second to appreciate that women can be just as disgusting and dirty as men.

Post the most unhygienic thing you've seen a woman do in a comic!

I hate this thread and every white knight lurking within it.


This is OP


3d women are disgusting. Luckily for us comics exist to bless us with 2d waifus aplenty.

Actually women are far more ruthless than men, and specialists at manipulations and backstabbing.


That makes them superior
Mental mastery

right but rape exists, and since rape is worse than lying you can't complain about lying since it means you're implicitly defending rape by choosing to focus on something else.

You're a big retard'

Why do you cucks hate women

You know, it's cool to have a sub fetish, but this isn't really the place for it.

Tell this to the people of Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece, and how they are fucked from Merkel's financial regime. This is not mental mastery, but exploitation of the worst kind.


Thats why Portugal and Spain are better than before her regime?
And dont blame Merkel for their failures.
Merkel didnt said how their regime should destroy their state.
Besides its not Merkel decision alone, there is a EU parlament too.

Even more so than gay men or straight coworkers?

Am I wrong or is this a thinly-veiled cheesecake thread?

And you're a small one.

Because they don't have a woman who cares about them in their lives other than their mothers. Lack of love, just like lack of money, leads to bitterness and hatred towards those who have it.

>Merkel didnt said how their regime should destroy their state.

No, she said the borders should've remained completely open, and also took money from the EU funds back in the 90s to save her shitty nation.

>there is a EU parlament too.
Which is basically the parlament of Germany and a few other states, it doesn't care about South or North EU.

Are better than before? With the majority of the populace turned to poverty. You have no idea about what are you talking about. EU parlament has not any authority. Merkel's regime fucked everything, especially democracy for making Germany rich at expense of the weekest members of Europe. So much for the "women compassion and love".

Lol you from burgerland or these braindead far-right that blocks everything that doesnt fit into their agenda?
Everything you mentioned wassnt the reason for all the crisis you mention

6/10 you made me reply, because its so easy to debunk.

>Tfw when this picture first showed up in Wizard, Sara would have been the highest selling character there
>Hasn't had a book in years

Feels bad man

Financial they are now better and can now spend money to get more people.
She didnt forced the industry, its not her problem that these lands dont have anything worth of indistry, they rely on global market. Their parlament could do something, but didnt.
Dont blame her for these country having no real value for industry interest.
>buhuhu, they like germany and buy their products, its germany fault that our products are shit!

>Everything you mentioned wassnt the reason for all the crisis you mention
>the open borders isn't the reason for the crisis

Hans, you got cucked so hard you now suffer of mental retardation.
There's no cure I'm afraid, take the painless route and kill yourself.

Wasnt Spawn too?
Several series, and now unrelevant?

Guess main story got ressolved and lack of vision what should come next as plot?

Why should i? Because i have different opinion and arguments against you?

>Buhuhuhu, im wrong, he has contrary arguments.
>Mimimi, fake news, kys.
Go back to your echo chamber. Maybe your twitter box will easy your pain and show you everything that pleases you.
Or grow up, get some spine and a functioning brain.

Industry is not everything you idiot. These countries had a rich agriculture, naval merchant, good climate and wonderful nature, turism. They were fine before the crisis. And when the crisis came, Merkel used it to struggle them financially.

You're a faggot retard.

More woman
Real or drawn

>Industry is not everything you idiot.
Dont backpedal the other post.
If you take industry not into accounting, than they dont have a crisis.
Or are you talking about some historic greatness?
If you mean refugees, it seems more that you are the idiot here. They came all by themself.

We all talk about the women that we want to bone in comics but who are the women that you appreciate otherwise?

Death is that way for me. I just love her character and she's my favorite personification of death in anything I've seen.

>its so easy to debunk
Do it then.

Externalization of personal shortcomings as to avoid having to confront them. "Its not your fault she rejected you, shes just a bitch. All women are whores anyway".


Like i wrote everything he wrote doesnt have to do with ruining their states.
The border came after they were ruined, because their minister or parliament ruined it or didnt do nothing against it.
The refuges came without any the merkel open border thing.
So everything mentioned just happend after their states were ruined
>b-b-but everything she did after they were ruined caused their ruin
thats why i debunked it in short term here what was mentioned didnt ruined them

>Women are the greatest things to happen to planet earth

Eve gave Adam the apple and doomed humanity.

>everything from good nature to aesthetically pleasing bodies

Women are objectively the least attractive sex. Men dont need makeup and grooming. Women do.

>Without women, there'd be no point in anything, they make our society go around with their love and compassion

You're a fucking cuck

Name one thing that is improved by involving a woman.


The vast majority of the most horrific crimes committed are by males. Hell, the worst atrocities in history are done by men.

You quite literally wouldn't exist if it weren't for women.

star wars episode 4