Is there a Sup Forums starter kit?

I made a little personal "to watch" one but I assume you guys have a general one already made, if anyone has the image or other reccomendations I would be grateful.

ive watched last airbender, tdi, grim and TT I just want to rewatch them as it was so long ago

Other urls found in this thread:


>Bendis run of Guardians of the Galaxy

It's not the most terrible thing ever and I know some people like it, but.... there are better comics (even better Guardians comics).

The Critic

Dan Vs.

the incal
desolation jones

star vs forces of evil

Better (and underappreciated) Marvel comic:

Scarlet Spider (2012).

Remove Steven, Korra, Bendis GOTG.
Arguably Billy and Mandy.
Total Drama is guilty pleasure.
Add Bone, Dan Vs, Critic, Iron Giant, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Batman TAS, and Seasons 1-4 of Spongebob.

aqua teen hunger force and star vs.
Sup Forums will ask you to remove SU but its so integrated in this board for better and worse that it has to stay

>Bendis GOTG

Those are shit, though.

>Add Bone

There's a Tumblr page with a bunch of charts recommending everything from comic books, to cartoons, to shitty cartoons you can check out though it all seems to be from around 2012 so after that you're on your own

thanks lads, heres the product so far

>flapjack & chowder
good times man




Take out Tumblrs Universe

Disney starters

New Super-Man
Justice League Unlimited
Punisher Max
The Goon



Moral Orel
Xavier Renegade Angel
Harvey Birdman

>>Has the good seasons listed for Futurama, Spongebob and Simpsons
>>Doesn't for The Real Ghostbusters

What a horrible mistake

Mission Hill

Speaking of bad seasons, Men in Black and Jackie Chan Adventures both had terrible final seasons (staff leaving to work on other shows) and should be specified as long as you're being autistic to include recommended seasons for other things.

Then again, like the other user mentioned with The Real Ghostbusters. Most of these things were probably just recommended because "I liked them as a kid" rather then "I watched them recently and liked them".

Sup Forums recs are garbage because most people on this board have shit taste.

christ so many shows that people remember fondly only for a few epsiodes, forgetting the seasons of trash
Ones in particular
Brave and Bold




I would say Zim is more consistent and if you like the first episode you'll like the majority.

You should add Animaniacs and Tiny Toons to that list though.

Add prince of egypt.

I'm sure many of you have seen previous iterations of this, but I updated it just now.
(Well, more like corrected it actually.)

>Xavier Renegade Angel

dear jesus what are my eyes seeing

Gravity Falls is just a worse Mystery Incorporated though. Not bad mind you, but worse.

I just couldn't get into Mystery Incorporated. Mainly because of the characters, but also the art style.

Over the Garden Wall's worth a watch.

It's terrible. Only art students should watch it.

I'm not even kidding.

I agree with Foster but Zim and Brave and the Bold was consistently decent and Billy+Mandy while staggered by the end never went to terrible.
Regular Show should either only have it's first 2 season and finale included. South Park is an inconsistent show of ups and downs and I think only seasons 6-9 are the ones most everyone would enjoy.

My only issue was Greg being mildly annoying all throughout. I thought it was pretty solid otherwise.

You're going to have to name some specific terrible things with a claim like that. OtGW was p. fantastic.

oo iron giant with /ourguy/ Rick remender getting film credit

Feel like you can't take SU out of a Sup Forums essentials list. It's too engrained into the board itself, you relly wouldn't "get" Sup Forums without understanding SU, which is the point of an essentials list.

Korra is trash though.

>Korra is trash though.

kept getting mixed signals on this, i put it up there as ive heard claims its better than last airbender in the past but at the same time I've seen episodes just on passing TV which were meh tier so I doubt i'll really watch it, probably just re-watch TLA.

>Adventure time still on here.
I remember when this first came out. Man I feel old.

>Brave and Bold
>seasons of trash
Zim had a better good to bad episode ratio than ATLA, and Brave and Bold was nothing but campy fun through and through.
Eh, if you're into "Peter Griffin scrapes his knee" tier repetitious humor and "character is too cool/edgy for ____ to ____" plots then maybe B&M never got old for you, but i grew weary of it almost out of the gate.

Its fine literally Sup Forums is the only place with a grudge against the show,

>I doubt i'll really watch it, probably just re-watch TLA.
Just watch it, there's some good (Varrick) with lots of teeth grating bad (Avatar origin), but it's fun to hate on something as a group so join the fun.

Duckman and The Critic for Classic Adult animated shows.

Pretty much.

The love triangle's grating and the story doesn't outshine the original, but it's not nearly as terrible as Sup Forums likes to go on about it.

>teeth grating bad (Avatar origin)
You mean Wan? I thought that bit was great.

>Steven Universe
Shit list. Add the only things worth watching from Nickelodeon.

Stop posting this fucking image. You have shit taste.

posts like this are the reason no one likes the 'interest boards' anymore.

Why? Because they have "Reddit spacing"? Or differing opinions?

no its just the whole superiority complex involved with the patrician shit. looking at media consumption and entertainment which most people use as a form of excapism or time consumption anyway in the most objective way possible.

>differing opinions

its not really a differing opinion when the person shitting on taste holds the exact same hivemind of opinions as every other 'patrician'

it legit just ends up as 'ive seen more niche unknown media than you therefore i am better on an objective level'

Sup Forums is the worst but still all the boards adapted it

and anyway who hasnt seen rocko and beavers

Replace SU with Star vs and add Wakfu and I'd say you're golden. Maybe Young Justice if you liked Teen Titans


Please take su and total drama off

>The maxx
>clone high
The best redpills on western animation


I appreciate that you recognize it. Most times when I repost it I feel like people are reacting as though it were just made.

>its just the whole

*it's just the whole

>Its fine literally Sup Forums is

*It's fine, literally Sup Forums is

this but unironically

Sup Forums has their seasonal charts. is there a Sup Forums related site, chart or similar highlighting upcoming new cartoons each season, or am I stuck with IMDB?

You are stuck with IMDB. We are not as autistic as the weebs.

It's all pretty outdated now.

Ok, I'll let all the "CalArts"-face shows and even fucking Voldemort slide. Differences in taste, whatever floats your boat.
Not having the other two X-Men shows, again forgivable. They aren't as universally loved around here for lack of nostalgia, fine.
Maybe you just somehow fucking forgot to put Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes on this list. A major oversight, but it's a large list. It can happen.

The fact that Downtown isn't fucking on this, that I can simply not forgive.

Don't forget Dr Katz


Add the GOAT

>its better than last airbender

*it's better than Last Airbender


>No "Venture Bros"

starting wrong, OP.

Oh, it's this autist again.

It's the nutshack.

rewatched the critic and while it had a few laughs, it was mostly forgettable.