Why do Marvel keep doing this?
Why do Marvel keep doing this?
You mean making console war threads?
I dunno, OP.
Quesada and Jemas mistook comics for professional wrestling, so they decided to pick up where Shooter left off and take every opportunity to petulantly shit on the competition while encouraging everyone else to do the same.
Jemas is gone and Quesada was promoted to a different position, but the atmosphere that they fostered remains.
>Comic sales are down
>Wonder Woman a commercial and critical success
B-Batman v. Superman, am I right goys?
Just goes to show Marvel will make desperate attempts to trash the competition so they look better and that they purposefully bully other studios into making shitty attempts at cinematic universes or franchises like theirs or Transformers so they can be the kings. It's why they bought Star Wars in case Capeshit fails them.
Best post.
>Marvel bought Star Wars
Because if it mocked the MCU it would be a dry and bland joke as well.
>Orange slices XD
>desperate attempts
I wouldn't call shitting on BvS desperate, everyone does it.
Hell, every other area of DC mocked the movies.
>he thinks Wonder Woman's success will make people forget that two coked up Hollywood douchebags thought that Superman and Batman's moms having the same name would make for a mindblowing resolution
>Yet ANOTHER BvS attack
Now I remember why BvS is the Trump of Capeshit. The daily attacks by retarded crybabys.
>cancerous tripfag
>faggy fanboy
You and Sup Forums should leave the board.
At some point though, the attack becomes just petty and pitiful
So you're saying people only like BvS to upset the people they don't live?
>People only like Trump and Batman v Superman to annoy others
What delusion! Sad!
Most talked about movies of 2016.
And probably 2017.
How can Snyder be so based?
Whoever runs the DC Twitter page needs a raise for that.
Try making a movie not using the 2 most iconic heroes.
Talking shit about based Jim?
What, are you neutered or something?
>deadpool writers still cant write deadpool
There is a fine line between joking and being bitter
And Marvel is getting closer to bitter
Also making it a critical flop to boot.
Seriously. If he had made a decently well received film, people would have watched it, talked about it for a while and moved on.
But it being a dud makes sure people will keep talking about it for years.
Because the movie was bad, and thus rightfully mocked.
This run is solid as fuck tho, and the drawing action is very above the usual thing of big 2 shit.
>Why do Marvel keep doing this?
kinda curious. What did you guys think of the Director's cut of the film?
That was never the point of that scene and you know it.
>Why do Marvel keep doing this?
Because Marvel is getting BTFO in comics, BTFO in animation, BTFO in vidya, BTFO in tv, and now BTFO in movies with Wonder Woman, the last and only place where something with the Marvel name is more successful compared to their competitors. They've been getting rightfully shit on for more than a year by even normie outlets and their awfulness has penetrated even Disney's drone shilling umbrella. So they do what even Sup Forums shitposters do - fall back on tired jokes from +1yrs. ago in order to try and reconnect to their suffering fanbase and remind them of a time when they weren't the current laughingstock of their industry. Because actually exerting effort and putting out good material is hard, so you might as well pull out memes while their house burns down around them.
>BTFO in vidya
It's fucking deadpool!
Batman and Injustice.
I look forward to Spider-Man, but it looks too cinematic and a Batman clone.
but it's true. everyone I see who supports trump says that they only do so to piss off liberals
Have you read the current run from where that come from? It's better than most things from DC and Marvel.
Also, do you really think that there is a conspiracie manipulated by the higher ups for this?
You are patethic.
"That one scene that sets up the next eight movies. Just make this one satisfying"
That's basicly all of Age of Ultron and almost every marvel movie has a scene ir two that do the exact same thing
Talk about pot calling the kettle black
You mean that game where everyone is completely out of character to suck Batman's cock. Yeah, what a triumph
>Only one good movie
Well DC has an Oscar after 3 films and Marvel has none after... how many?
BvS might have been shit, but Marvel certainly is one to talk given the state of their comics. I dont care about the DCEU, Im just glad DC Rebirth is going strong
It's on pace to beat GotG2 domestically and will likely get an Oscar for something.
They thought they were being so clever though.
>Snyder: So we got all this set-up for them to fight, but how do we get them back on the same side.
>Goyer: Superman and Batman have a lot in common. But they just don't see it yet. We need to bridge the gap somehow. They need some kind of common ground. Something really basic.
>Snyder: Dude, dude! You know their moms have the same name.
>Goyer: Dude! Have Superman say his mom's name when Batman is about to kill him. That will remind him of his own parents death and how he's in danger of becoming the very thing he fought. It will also relate back to the idea of Superman being human, because he too cares about his mother. And Bruce will see that now.
>Snyder: Man it writes itself! But wait, why would Clark call his mom by her first name?
>Goyer: Don't sweat the small stuff! This is gold, man. Solid gold.
It's a lynchpin of the entire script. And it's utterly silly.
Rooney, shut the fuck up. No one gives a shit about capeshit, be it Marvel or DC movie.
You can't be using this argument seriously, holy shit
>I-it's a shit award! -t. Someone who isn't good enough to win even a shit award.
To be fair, Rebirth is mostly mediocre in quality. But at least it's recognizable as the DC universe again, unlike Marvel.
>"We'll patch it after release"
>If I know Hollywood you'll get another chance. They'll keep rebooting the same idea over and over again until they get it right!
Talking from experience, Spidey?
>W-well at least p-people like our movies...
The fucking state of Marvel
True, but I gotta destress from studying.
Would you respond seriously to shitposting?
>movie was a horrendous pile of dogshit BUT BRO THEY HAD GOOD HAIR AND MAKEUP! MARVEL BTFO!
Well, I still kinda think Superman was trying to say "Save Martha Kent" but Batman interrupted him before he could finish but... yeah, at least you understood what it was going for.
>Movie was a piece of dogshit copypasted a million times before BUT HEY BUZZFEED AND FRIENDS GAVE IT GOOD REVIEWS LOL
The fact that you admit you shitpost while being a namefag is fucking sad
Shitposting is for movie threads only, sadly. Serious discussion is for comic book threads.
Hi guys! Is this the thread where Mouseketeers pretend that everything is just like it was over 1-year ago? Nice.
also known as DChads salty tears thread
>Only one good movie
DC still has one of the best trillogy of all time (not even in capeshit category only), and awesome Reeves and Burton movies. Not to menton non-capeshit movies like Road to redemption.
>bringing up old shit from the 80's and 90's
They can't attack the comics because Rebirth is destroying them
They can't attack the tv shows because those CW shows are much more popular than the ones they shit out
They can't attack the videogames because the Arkham games and Injustice are fucking burying them
And now Wonder Woman has made it clear what everybody with access to internet already knew, the DCEU is succesful as fuck and outpacing the MCU when it started. But the MCU has 12 movies more so they can still pretend they are winning there somehow and they'll take what they can get. The moment the MCU stops being popular, that is, when RDJ decides to leave, Marvel is all but dead.
But everyone on the Internet that says that likes WW usually says that the previous movies were shit too, and WW is good for being the opposite of them.
>one of the best trillogy of all time (not even in capeshit category only)
You can't read parts which hurts you, user?
Has DC done the same yet?
It was the best movie of all time so they're STILL shilling against it.
>It was the best movie of all time
Too busy making actually good comics.
Yea, the problem with that business strategy is that unlike WWE, which has competitors but is large enough to ignore them, Marvel doesn't actually have a virtual monopoly on the comics market so they can't get away with half the shit Vince pulls.
You can't name a better one.
>DChads winning in life for over a year now.
>L-look how you're crying!
Maybe if you hit the gym you could rebirth yourself too, bro.
They're salty about their failing company.
>Would you respond seriously to shitposting?
In this place what difference does it make?
Everyone understood it.
What you don't understand that regardless of how it is handled, it's the sort of far fetched bullshit that undercuts the entire narrative.
A single word defusing two hours of build-up to get two people to fight each other is, to put it plainly, melodramatic and amateurish. It makes a fake conflict feel even more fake, because it falls apart so easily.
Especially given how unreasonable, incompetent and stand-offish both characters had to be written to get them to fight in the first place.
Whatever helps you sleep bud, I'm sure seeing that devastating damage BvS did to this franchise you guys kept rambling about
I thought it did the opposite. Batfleck had been dismissing any good that superman had been doing and trying to bring him down. When he finally does so and is about to kill him, what does superman do?
He asks Batman to save his mother. Batman was so busy administering his brand of Justice that he had forgotten how what it was to be a hero and a symbol of hope. Superman brings that back to him.
I still think that martha shit was what made it such a meme.
This image wouldn't fit for either companies.
Not even close kiddo. You'll never find a better movie than BvS so just give up now. Plus thinking Fant4stic is a good movie says a lot about your taste.
wait didn't cap civil big fight come down to bucky killing tony's parents with emphasis on his mom?
In American Housewife Episode #15, at 05:43, the main characters stand in front of posters for Zootopia, Alice 2, Finding Dory, and Jungle Book while talking about how bad BvS is. This show is on ABC, which is owned by Disney.
If you think there is not a corporate mandate to attack DC properties you are flat-out stupid.
I don't understand why some anons on Sup Forums and Sup Forums praise BvS as much as they do, it's painfully mediocre.
i get shitposting about it here on Sup Forums but come on it's been a year already
pretty cuntish of the maus
>they can't let it go
Marvel is such a sinking ship it's not even funny anymore
OP here
In case people aren't bothered going to the article
And where it all began.
contrarianism, brand loyalty, and actual shit taste
Clearly you didn't understand it. It's not just any single word, there's a larger context in the works that you can't reduce to an isolated word. Everything about Batman's arc, where he is spiraling to the darkness has been building up to this moment. Out of the blue, he hears the name of his dead mother, of whose murder he dreams about every night to this day. And as such it triggers his childhood PTSD. And it doesn't just magically make him like Superman, it simply throws him off his game. He can't understand why Superman would mention his mother's name. And so he stops, and starts demanding for Clark to explain himself. His urge to murder has shifted to rage and confusion since he can't no longer understand the situation. It's only Lois' intervention that diffuses the situation when she explains Clark was begging him to save his mother even as he was about to die and that is what breaks the camels back, by making Bruce finally see Superman as a person for the first time. A man very similar to himself, rather than a strange otherworldly alien being he couldn't understand but could easily hate and conveniently project all his fears into. And that is why he can't kill him. Because all his blinding hatred, self-deception and lies have been stripped away, and he has to face the ugly truth: he was going to murder a man simply out of pure fear. He was going to be the very thing he has spent his whole life fighting against.
It's a complex, deeply character oriented scene that addresses everything Batman represents and how astray he had become from those values. People like you trying to reduce it to a inane meme shows fundamental inability to understand the scene for what it really is about.
I really wouldn't be surprised if they thought up the Martha thing first and then wrote the fight and some of the plot circumstances around that.
>Murders random criminals remorselessly
Oh well, if everyone you see says that then clearly it's true!
Marvel has always been 'how are you doing fellow kids?' I remember seeing 3 (or 4) references to the Hamilton musical at the height of it's popularity in different books by different authors.
Your creepy stalking might have rattled DC employees, Jim, but it won't work on me.
>Quesada and Jemas mistook comics for professional wrestling
Then how come all the jacked writers are at DC
He didnt murder anyone more than heros not giving a shit what happens to henchmen in anyother capemovie.
>They can't attack the comics because Rebirth is destroying them
Tell that to Bendis.
It does. Marvel always takes 'friendly' shoots at DC. Like Bendis recurring gag of someone being arrested while describing a DC event, all their pseudo Supermen. And the Deadpool references OP is about
I haven't read all DC books but since the new 52 I can't name a Marvel reference they have done.