How do they do it?!
How do they do it?!
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By making a good movie.
By paying every single critic -except for the ones who gave negative reviews- for every movie they've made for the past 10 years obviously.
This, it's not even that hard. People are actively trying to write terrible movies now I think, it's impossible to make movies as bad as this summer's without trying to make them bad. Marvel just goes with the flow.
>>Movieblob thinks it's just Okay
Legit shock. I thought he would be all over it and claiming it's the #1 film of the year.
>Watching Moviebob
Based Marvel does it again best spiderman movie ever
RIP Blunder Bitch and all non-marvel movies
Now all we gotta do is get it to make a billion [spoilers]which won't be hard at all [/spoilers]
>every movie I hate gets paid reviews
Wonder Woman got 94%
>That doesnt count
Listen, I just do a run down of all reviews when a capefilm comes out. Stuckman, Double Toasted, etc. It's just something I have going on in the background as I work.
I think he was being ironic
same way you farm gold on WOW
>Based Marvel
More like based Sony
Doing meh movies for the meh people that 93% or so of the critics think are above 6/10
Sony had nothing to do with this and you know it
The Marvel superhero movie hype is too big to be objective about them at this point. It's all still just Oh shit, there's spiderman! And he's talking to another comic book guy! Cool!
I want a good Spidey movie, but regardless we're stuck with these shits for the next 10 years minimum.
7.5/10 isn't THAT crazy hard to do.
Especially when you're such a popular and eagerly awaited franchise.
They just didn't shit the bed.
This is not worth getting excited over either before or against. Not shitting the bed is easy. At least, it should be.
NBD user
Wanna listen to EDM while doing hot power yoga?
So he's still a "Muh Raimi" kind of guy huh?
Spider-Man 1 and 2 were great, but they didn't particular age well, 1 especially.
I agree that 1 hasn't aged well in many parts but 2 is still a classic, probably still my favorite super hero movie
>implying Spider-Man teaming up with the fucking powerhouse MCU Iron Man could fail
>falling for obvious falseflag bait
Are you retarded?
So one page of one magazine means Sony is entirely responsible for another great marvel movie? God you're pathetic
>for the next 10 years
I don't think so. At some point, Marvel Studios will need to recast the current actors, either due to contracts or simply due to old age. But once RDJ is gone, Marvel is gonna take a heavy hit. You can't sustain the meme with Guardians of the Galaxy and a Spider-Man alone.
>blob didn't shit himself over an mcu film
Holy shit, the end is near!
>le falseflag
You again
>Vegan Spider-Man
>does a cool flip and lands, shattering his patella as his fragile malnourished bones crumble to radioactive spider-dust
Sounds pretty avant-garde to me
how do these threads keep on popping up on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums?
>By paying every single critic -except for the ones who gave negative reviews- for every movie they've made for the past 10 years obviously.
That's ridiculous. Take your tinfoil hat off.
It's obvious that they pay EVERY critic but ask a very small number to give negative reviews to divert suspicion.
He forgets Lego Batman got rave reviews. This is just clannish DC fanboys trying to refute that the DCEU is trash.
Disney shill thread?
I totally dug Jungle Book (2016). God damn that flick was great.
Thats because Blob here is more concerned about pushing Miles as the next Spider Man
Loving the mental gymnastics here with people trying whatever they can to relegate this movie's burgeoning promise.
> [Obvious Falseflagging]
> "It's Sony's success not Marlels!"
> "They bought the reviews!"
> "T-t-t-t-take it to Sup Forums!"
> "RDJ has to die someday, this success won't last forever! You'll see!"
Jesus you people are sad, why don't you go make another thread using Dr. Strange as a punching bag, oh wait, what's that, there already is one, what a surprise.
> Wonder Woman is great
> Sup Forums can't stop talking about it
> Spider-Man is great
Yes, that's right, all empirical and anecdotal evidence that a movie is good should be ignored in favor of what you want to believe. Good job. Clearly everyone are the shills. Thank god for tripfags, it's not like you teenage attention whores feel the need to be recognized in your terrible and unpopular opinions.
Here, have a bump.
Feige's doing great with phase 3. Could he get away with throwing one or two rape allegations to Perlmutter?
Hopefully Inhumans will be the nail in the coffin for Perlmutter's involvement in anything outside of comics.
lee won
I'm just looking forward to the next of year of scathing criticisms based on nothing more than what can be gleamed from the trailers, webms and memes (since you can bet they sure as shit haven't watched a single MCU movie past phase 1).
You know damn good and well they're going to try and get as much mileage as possible out of "hurrr Iron Man 4" despite it having long since been debunked.
for those of you that seen it
does he get his suit back to fight the vulture
no he gets it back after
Niggas are saying a street level hero gives a new perspective to the mcu similar to what guardians did with the cosmic stuff If the movie feels like that I'm in, I don't need a Raimi copy paste.
As for November I hope JL doesn't shit the bed too hard, it's been a good year for cape movies. It better be cause next one nobody will shut up when BP scores a 120% and IW another 80%+.
Fuck off tripfaggot