Who would win?
Who would win?
I haven't finished part 6. I'm like, maybe a 1/5 of the way through. Spider-man still wins, I suppose.
No contest. JoJo has been to jail, and spiderman is just a little nerd with a fancy suit his husbando made for him.
She's way tougher and more clever.
Okay, I'm still in the first chapter, what's the steel ball run girl's stand do?
As much as Jolyne is one of my fave JoJos, spider-sense, super strenght and how Spider-Man is basically the Joseph of Sup Forums with his asspull tactics towards his surroundings makes him the winner.
>Actually thinking this
>steel ball run girl's
>Steel Ball Run
She turns her body into string.
They end up getting married so I guess Peter wins.
Or maybe not since he now has to face Jotaro.
Stando power is too much
They really ought to stop pitting characters who have vastly different amounts of strength against each other. *cough*supermanvgoku*cough*
Well Spidey has much more physical prowess than Jolyne but then again, it is a Jojo's job to bullshit their way through stuff in the most asinine and entertaining ways. I 'm at a lost. It would be fun to watch though.
>Implying that Spidey isn't the Joseph of Sup Forums
He can pull out bullshit a couple of times.
So its really a battle of who can pull said bullshit.
would Spidey even see the stand coming? would it trigger his sense?
Why do we always have to have these vs scenarios? Why can't we discuss who'd be the dom?
Long as it meant him harm yes.
I've forgotten most of this run, but the question is going to be how much of a pounding she can take from him.
I think in terms of feats of raw strength Peter might actually be stronger than Stone Free, and while SF can punch faster Peter is more agile.
Spider-Man wins.
Thank you. That's pretty damn cool. Is she psychic?
I feel like Spider-Man could probably outsmart Jolyne. So long as he doesn't get in close, he could likely beat her.
user is asking the right questions.
Jolyne was the inspiration for Juri Han. I think that speaks for itself.
Yeah, but Peter's canonically into web bondage.
it should be jolyne vs juri
she's the stone ocean girl and she's not psychic why would you think those things
also, turning her body into sting isn't the only thing she can do
Anyone with a stand is essentially a psychic. Their psychic powers just manisfest as robot alien punch ghosts.
web=/=string there power are totally different
that's not how stands work and no stand user has psychic powers
That's sort of why I think Jolyne's a very underrated JoJo. She's given a stand with such a simple ability but finds so many creative ways to use it.
>mfw she turned her body into a mobius strip
Psychic is a very broad term user. It's not all telekinesis and reading minds, even then a near every stand user is essentially capable of telekinesis and some few can read minds. The nature of stands are spiritual/psychic energy manifesting into ghostly avatars with unique powers. It all checks out.
I always thought that was a little weird how unlike previous protagonists and all villains her power didn't affect time in any way.
Araki had Joseph more in mind when hammering her out. She works with what little she has in as clever a way as she can think up and has an attitude rivaling his as well.
Spider-man would obliterate Jolyne. Weakest Jojo after the hamon-era Jojos. Even the crippled Jojo is better than her.
Does Screwattack actively browse Sup Forums?
How much do you want to bet that people will ask for another one after Super is done?
Spider-sense is so fucking busted that Jolyne doesn't have a chance.
Still on stardust crusaders. Asked if she was psychic because Peter, very loosely, is. He's got danger-centered precognitive awareness, which couples very nicely with his superhuman reflexes and agility. I see Jolene is fast, and I know most stands can pluck a bullet from the air, but I just wanted to establish whether she was aware of any part of the future.
Would they be able to beat pebble-in-shoe Ed boy?
that's not stands, stand have nothing to do with that energy stuff, it's all about willpower and personality and there are no stands can can use telekinesis or read minds
the only protag that has time powers is jotaro and there are only 3 villains with time powers
jolyne survived and defeated worse stuff than sm
Josuke and Gio powers are pretty "time panipulation" like
ss isn't all that powerful as you make it out to be
>read minds
Retard the part in which Stands are introduced has a stand that can read minds. Darby the younger/ the gamer.
there powers have nothing to do with time, it's about healing
>No stands can use telekinesis
>Mentally conjured ghosts that are intangible and unseen by regular people that can interact and move objects
It's essentially telekinesis confined to bodies. Star Platinum picking up a cup is essentially telekinesis
>No stand can read minds
>Forgetting the Telence D'Arby fight
His brother's stand could even sense a person mentally losing/giving up.
but they revert actions
DIO, Kira with the Bites the Dust upgrade, Diavolo, Pucci with Made in Heaven. That's 4.
i just read about darby's stand ability on the wiki and it has nothing to do with mind reading
Josuke (assuming part 4's) was strickly fixing things and rebuilding broken stuff how he sees fit. he never manipulated time. Gio affects causality, not time.
no they don't they just fix things
>On the Wiki
Nigga. He literally read Kakyoin and Jotaro's mind to win, Jotaro having to cheat.
i forgot about pucci
D'Arby's stand could only get a "soul's" reaction to a yes or no question. That hardly qualifies as reading minds. Rohan was the closest Araki ever got to that.
Doesnt Funny Valentine deal with alternate timelines, that's how he makes all the clones like other Diego
Alternate Universes Satan.
So just because you replace mind with soul, it just stops essentially being mind reading. That's basically mind reading user. It's subtle and conditional but still falls under the area.
>being shrunk against your will
>airsniper + dissolving moss(fucking Whitesnake why did you stop using that power)
>plankton person
>weightless man
>xeno's paradox baby
>acid mist
>short-term memory fuckery
>railroaded scenarios
>reverse gravity
>time warp
>more than Spidey's faced
Cmon bro, be real.
a stand picking up something isn't essentially telekinesis, it's essentially an invisible creature picking up something
i'll be honest, i don't know that much about part 3, i only watched two episodes and the only things i know about that part is who dies, how they die and anything part 3 related in eyes of heaven but reading that stands ability makes it clear that it's not mind reading, it's something called soul reading, he just asks his target's soul a simple yes or no question which the soul is obliged to answer, unbeknownst to the one being read, allowing him to secretly guess someone's intent, the stand also visualizes a person as if through an infrared detector when reading souls and if the person lies, the color of their aura changes, allowing him to determine that they are lying, his stand is basically just a lie detector
there more like alt realities
I'd say that's more related to space than it is to time, but that's up for debate.
desu the only sm comic i read is the sm/dp comic the rest of my info is from movies and cartoons
wtf i said desu not desu
desu means to be honest
i now understand also i've been on Sup Forums for at least a month and a half
i still think jolyne vs juri makes ore sense
But user let's not forget this gem of complete fuckery
>Invisible creature
Yeah, a ghostly one conjured by psychic/spiritual energy
I'll give you that you're right with that more in depth description of Darby's ability. The line between soul and mind is blurry in the way its applied in my opinion but you're right. But at the core of the argument Rohan and his Heaven's Door can still read minds like mentioned.
it's not the soul part I was talking about, it's the yes/no part that makes him a "mind reader". compared to Prof. X and even Rohan, D'Arby Younger was like an abacus to a supercomputer as far as mind readers go.
Okay fair, Heavy Weather is a major mindfuck.
>versus Stone Free's A rank durability
as in, equal to Star Platinum's "catch a bullet at point blank range" durability. Spidey's getting a deep fucking from Jolyne
How come DragonballZ and JoJo are so frequently talked about on Sup Forums?
like i said, it's not psychic or spiritual energy it's about personality, willpower, fighting spirit and life energy and rohan's stand also has nothing to do with mind reading he just turns his target into an encyclopedia about themselves
That's Speed, not Durability, dipshit.Stone Free can deflect bullets, wonderful.
You're really underestimating Spidey's endurance and speed too.
How is that not mind reading. What sepcific qualifications are necessary for reading people like literal books to be considered mind reading.
Also Araki once described stands as an extension of hamon which was thrown away pretty early and shifted around throughout the 8 parts they've been around. You're going by hard definition based on the wiki so I may as well too
"A Stand can also represent the manifestation of an individual's innate "fighting spirit" and embodies, to an extent, the individual's psyche."
Stands have never been concretely any one thing, that's not how Araki rolls, they dance around a general broad idea. The nature of their abilities are pretty consistent to the nature of psychic abilities. Reminder Joseph literally has Clairvoyance.
And he fixes things by bringing them back to a previous state in time. That's why Okuyasu went back to his severed hand when Josuke fixed it, because that's where he was standing earlier
how is hat mind reading, he's not reading minds, he's just turning people into encyclopedias, that's not mind reading
using hamon is nothing like using psychic abilities
joseph has no psychic abilities, he's just really good at reading people and predicting them, it's intelligence not psychic
also, you just said
>stands have never been concretely any one thing
>stands are psychic abilities and only psychic abilities
that's not how it works, if that is how it works then kira would've went back to the spot where he cut off his hand
Can Spider sense allow him to evade SF's attacks despite not being a stand user though?
>joseph has no psychic abilities
Nigga did you read this manga? You sound like you haven't seen past the first 2 parts.
>physically reading people's minds like a book isn't reading minds
What is your definition of reading minds?
>Psychic abilities and only psychic abilities
I'm only defending stands as being psychic abilities, not denying other interpretations like you are
Wryyyd the manga, nigga. Argue about something you actually know.
Yes. Spider-Man's spider sense technically works as a form of precognition. The only shit it doesn't work on is things he himself wouldn't consider a threat, such as himself or his loved ones.
But is Spidey Sense really useful for something he can't see?
Jojo is starting to get more and more bigger thanks to the anime adaptations since 2011. And DBZ because of toonami in the 90s. That one should be really obvious
>But is Spidey Sense really useful for something he can't see?
It gives severity, direction, and temporal proximity of threats.
It's pretty much exclusively useful for shit he can't see since shit he can see coming he can dodge anyway what with his super human reaction speed and way of the spider training.
My gut says spidey but it won't be easy. Jolyne is tough.
Who is the guy dressed as a fashion cow?
One of Dio's four sons
>that's not how stands work
That's literally exactly how stands work.
Stands are themselves psychic powers. Like pyrokinesis or scrying or pic related. I mean a stand is literally just a tulpa.
Jolyne is Jojo tough and sharper than black Knight's sword, but the only advantage she has is that Spidey couldn't see her Stand, which is trumped by Spider's spider sense.
Spidey is faster and stronger and has a better range.
the whole point of spidey sense is to prevent him from getting hurt, which include things he can't see or are actively trying to hurt him, like girders falling from up high. He's also fought people that mess with his spidey sense like Venom
>Spidey is faster and stronger and has a better range.
This is basically the catch. Stands have a max effective range and Spider-man will know exactly what that is pretty quickly with his spider-sense.
At that point she is completely fucked cause he can web her ass up pretty easily using web nets which Spidey sure as shit can fire from more than 24 meters.
i was only talking about part 2 joseph and that hamon and his ability to predict people aren't psychic abilities and if you include the other josephs then he still doesn't have any psychic abilities because hermet purple isn't a psychic ability
rohan doesn't read minds and it's impossible to read minds physically, you don't even know what mind reading is
i'm not denying other interpretations, i even ave more than one interpretation as examples, as far as i'm concerned you people are the ones that are denying facts
i am reding the manga, i'm on part 8, iv'e read everything about stands and i even watch 3 parts of the anime
i'm not trying to argue anything, why does everything have to be an argument to you people, i'm just telling you why you're wrong
are you black
>i mean a stand is literally just a tulpa
why didn't you say that in the first place, that's exactly what stands are, you should've known that psychic stuff and tupla stuff are two completely different things
>you should've known that psychic stuff and tupla stuff are two completely different things
/x/ here, no they're not, you're being a retard.
A tulpa is a thoughtform you fucking mong. It's similar to a poltergeist.
>I'm not trying to argue anything
user this entire conversation you have been partaking in is something called an argument, they're natural and happen. People debate their opinions ideas, don't consider it negative.
>Hermit Purple isn't a psychic ability
You've read the majority of parts but seem to forget Joseph can literally see things beyond his sight with Clairvoyance, that as well as stands in general being psychic in nature. But that doesn't seem to go along with your definition of psychic you don't seem to want to share.
>You don't even know what mind reading is
You seem really damn adamant on not explaining whatever you consider it to be
>Denying facts
Saying Stands are psychic doesn't contradict anything as they can fall in that area as well as the other various interpretation Araki throws around
>Reading the manga
You seem to need to read it again
>Are you black
poltergeist isn't psychic stuff, that's paranormal/supernatural stuff and you being from/x/ or whatever means nothing because most if not all of you are crazy randy stairs motherfuckers
>poltergeist isn't psychic stuff
That is completely and totally fucking wrong. A poltergeist is a telekinetic event caused by the thoughts or emotions of a person or entity and is in every sense a classical psychic phenomenon.
Next you'll tell me a medium isn't a psychic.
but it's not an argument. i'm just trying to teach a student
joseph doing that isn't psychic, it's intellagence
>stands in general being psychic in nature
so you admit stands aren't psychic and if you wanna know what psychic is then i'll tell you, it's just some prof. x, that's so raven type shit
mind reading is having whatever someone is thinking about appear in your mind
i'm not saying you're contradicting anything
i know enough
what are you trying to tell me, are you black, are you calling me a nigger or are you trying to say something else