Who is the better character between these two?
Rick and Morty
anyone who chooses rick out of these two probably frequents reddit
They're both shitty people, just in different ways.
Character-wise though Rick is more fun to watch.
Better written?
Probably Jerry, he doesn't spontaneously create plot-holes.
Better as a person in-world?
Also Jerry who usually morally winds up at a neutral ground instead of being a real bastard.
>better character-wise
Morty. Almost everyone else has had little to no development.
>better as a person
Jerry by a mile. Rick is a runaway sociopath whose KEIKAKU is more important than the lives of those around him. Even Morty, his grandson, is little more to him than a combination of bait/meat shield/sidekick/field assistant. We see glimpses of him caring for his daughter and grandkids, but it always loops back around to his schemes.
Jerry because he isnt a nihilistic pile of shit.
Jerry is supposed to reflect the average viewer.
It's amusing to me that everyone seems to hate him.
Everyone except the mother. I fucking hate that cunt.
There's this weird shit now where the majority of males 12-45 fucking hate themselves.
It makes me really uncomfortable.
Go fig, everyone on Ricks side of the family are shitlords.
The only good Jerry is doofus Jerry.
Jerry is a pussy and a wet blanket but deep down he still cares about his family. And we've seen in at least 1 universe he can step up if put to the limit.
Meanwhile, Rick is physically incapable of caring for anyone or anything.
I don't care if it's Reddit-tier but I'm going to say Rick is the better person. He's not some spineless coward who refuses to step outside of his own comfort zone, he's not a blind fool willing to submit to tyrannical governments just to get a job and some superficial life.
Jerry is perfectly capable of stepping up and becoming something great if he's forced to, as seen in the Cronenberg universe and the one where he's a movie star....but it's always because something else forces him into it rather than his own agency.
Rick is the way he is for a reason. We just haven't seen that reason yet, assuming the season 3 opener was bullshit.
Jerry. The whole point with him is that in a normal family, he would be the worst person in it. But in rick and morty, morty and summer are angry emotional dicks, Beth is a complete whore and Rick is technically a supervillain. Meanwhile, Jerry is just a pathetic coward.
I always wanted a full episode with rick and jerry and it seems we are getting that
I'll give you Morty and Summer since they're, you know, a kid going through puberty and a teenage girl, so it's pretty normal for them to be like that.
But how the hell is Beth a "complete whore"? Yea, she's got some major daddy issues, and she does shit on Jerry a lot, but you're forgetting that Jerry isn't exactly guiltless. He's got the gall to shit on her job as a horse surgeon because "that's not a real doctor" when he's sitting on his ass all day because he's unemployed. It's not like she fucks around on him either.
>Also Jerry who usually morally winds up at a neutral ground instead of being a real bastard.
You fell for the trap. Jerry is too stupid to do anything to help in the situations Rick gets the family involved in. Despite what Americans believe, disapproving of the situation you're in doesn't grant you the moral high ground.
I want to hate fuck that cunt
>I don't care if it's Reddit-tier but I'm going to say Rick is the better person
That's objectively incorrect but good for you.
I wanna fuck that cunt, but only when it was younger.
>intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
>the typical stupid, pathetic modern cartoon father
I'll pass
When are people going to get jaded of jaded characters?
If we judge someone to be a better person based purely on morality alone, then yes. If we judge the quality of a person based on their deeds, then Rick wins out. He's objectively a greater man than Jerry could ever be, even if his actions don't necessarily align with the moral good.
>That's objectively incorrect but good for you.
Not necessarily. He's only a "worse" person if you apply normal human morality to him. Since Rick has spacetime relocation capabilities and multiversal access, his system of morality is beyond what normal humans have a right judging.
He saved Morty instead of himself when he was in the collapsing reality and couldn't zap away and he saved Earth when it was threatened by big floating heads that he didn't cause instead of zapping away.
Sounds like you're a pretty shitty human being yourself, there, user.
Rick is a genocidal maniac and mass rapist. Jerry is a mildly cowardly and annoying loser. This is not even a contest, Rick is by far the worse person from the perspective of anyone who isn't insane.
you know you've gone down the wrong road when you can tell an artist from their cropped porn
that said, good taste
You are a nasty psychopath.
>sacrifices himself for morty in S2 ep 1
>it doesn't matter how much of a psychopath you are because the ends justify the means.
Steer clear of this guy, everyone.
I am. I'm not proud of it, but I'm objectively a shit person. But who are you to judge?
I'm more like Jerry than Rick, but that doesn't mean I can't recognize that Rick is a greater man than I simply because he takes risks and actually tries to be something instead of me, constantly paralyzed by low self esteem, fear, and circumstance.
Rick is a better character, Jerry is just defined by being horribly insecure about everything.
The question wasn't about who the better person was.
Never have I said Rick shouldn't suffer the consequences of his actions, only that he is greater than Jerry. You can't become great without dirtying your hands, that is one of the harsh truths of the world.
You don't even know me and yet you are willing to toss these labels around over an assessment of a cartoon character. Are you triggered, anons?
Also, rapist? Genocide, yea, but when was Rick a mass rapist? Other than the Rick that held all the Morties captive in that giant power matrix, that is?
Rick has killed entire universes of people. I don't think anything can top that.
I'm telling you
The punchline of season 3 will be Jerry being right
>But who are you to judge?
I know I'm not the person who's trying to argue that you're fully entitled to be a self-serving piece of shit so long as you're an ambitious and assertive self-serving piece of shit.
t. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor
It's hard to feel bad about killing other people or universes when you know you can just dial a knob on your plot remote and see that person or universe living happily somewhere in the multiverse.
You can't judge Rick by normal morality when there are infinite amounts of anybody so their deaths don't matter
Jerry is willing to let a burglar rape his children in exchange for not being hurt.
Your reading comprehension has failed you. I said that Rick is a better person because he's done greater things. Judging him exclusively on a moral basis? Then yes, he's a terrible person. Judging him on what he's actually done? Like create technology far beyond the scale of anything we've seen on Earth, participating in a rebellion against a (potentially) tyrannous universal government? Yes, he's objectively a better person than Jerry if you judge him on the magnitude of his deeds.
But nowhere did I say that he was morally justified, or that he shouldn't be punished for the evil shit he's done.
You better give me that sauce
>This person who is the literal source and cause of all these awful events
Rick is not responsible for the bad things that tend to happen most of the time. The formula is: "Bad shit happens during a trip, Rick and his companions deal with it". There very few times where the problem of the episode was caused by him.
Is that old man character a rapist or are you guys just shitposting? Does he actually force himself on tons of women?
>The person who is the literal cause of all the problems and deadly scenarios is the moral person, not the person that wants to cut off the person responsible for all the problems and deadly scenarios
Tell me more about how cutting Rick off the family completely and block all contact wouldn't be a good thing for the family in the long run.
Rick has actually accomplished things, Jerry is vermin that has lived in irrelevance and will die in irrelevance, shackled by hollow morality.
No, he is dismissive of relationships at all in fact
oh so he's asexual then? That's great,
I wrote the wrong name, meant Rick, not Jerry. I think Jerry is in the right to cut off Rick since that would essentially rid the family of all death scenarios they get into.
But since Beth is an emotional leech that auto-defaults to "DIVORCE" and Jerry being spineless, that of course never happened.
Rick has enemies. Without him, the family is vulnerable. Jerry is being small-minded and ignorant.
The dog would still be peeing on the floor without Rick
Wait, I don't remeber that one.
jerry is out of the house
wich proly means character growth
i wouldnt be surprised if hte show pulls a moral orel and at the end of the third season jerry is doing fine only to come back and inmediately go back to being jerry because his problem is not being able to cope with his families abuse
Only example I can think of is a technicality when Unity had all the members of a civilization under her control. When Rick was having his sex marathon with the entire population, he could have arguably been committing rape, since Unity infected her hosts against their wills.
Pretty sure said enemies wouldn't even have any idea of who Rick's family is if it weren't for the fact that he lives with them or already knows Rick doesn't give a shit about them, seeing how the family wasn't attacked 24/7.
I know, right?
Rick fucked a stadium full of non-consenting people because his hive mind girlfriend had possessed them.
captain_eagle on pahael
He had sex with his consenting girfriend, tho. The way it was achieved was weird because Aliens. Under your definition, Unity can't ever have sex without it being considered "rape".
She really can't unless the creature in question consented to joining the hivemind.
Am I wrong to think that Harmon is a better writer than Roiland?
Eeeeh....that's a bit of a moral grey area because of the sci-fi elements of the show. We can barely figure out what consent legally means in our real society, nevermind a fictional society where the body has been possessed by a hivemind. I don't know if I'd call it rape if the entity possessing the body at the time consented?
Then again I guess if you fuck a drunk person and they decide the day after they didn't want to do it the law could get you for rape so who the hell knows?
No one's discussing the "magnitude of his deeds". We're debating whether or not Rick is a better person than Jerry in a moral sense, and the fact that you've deviated towards trying to elevate the character based on the significance of his actions has only gone to further prove that Rick and people who think like him are reprehensible.
The ends do not justify the means. Using your thought process, corrupt bankers, wall street scumbags and other exploitative sociopaths who profit on the misery of others should be held in a higher esteem than their countless victims because they've "done more". If a person is defined by their deeds, then these people are still merely crooks and scoundrels who have lied, cheated and stole to suit their own needs. Rick's the exact same way. Just because his inherently selfish motives have borne some unintended fruit for people he couldn't care less about does not mean he is an objectively better person than a father who works himself to the bone to keep his family fed and still finds it within himself to contribute to his community or a volunteer worker who helps out at his soup kitchen on a regular basis.
>Under your definition, Unity can't ever have sex without it being considered "rape".
She fucking can't, she's a hivemind that takes control of other people by force.
We don't know that Unity didn't actually bother to pick out partners for Rick based on whether or not they willingly joined the collective.
Doesn't matter. The lives of the people in that universe are important to them. Just because there's an infinite amount of them doesn't make you any less of a douche for robbing someone's life or happiness just because you personally don't find it important.
Because I don't like him and that means everything that goes wrong with the show is automatically his fault.
He is an anti-social autist but he actually brings development to the show instead of Roiland's cringe humor and improv.
>Applying human standards of behaviour to aliens
This is how I know you aren't intelligent, nihilistic, nor have a wicked sense of humour.
What are you, a woman?
I'm going to need that source because google isn't giving me anything.
There are infinite multiverses. That includes any destroyed universe, only they aren't destroyed.
It's fifth and sixth dimensional causality, Jerry. Try not to pull something thinking about it.
We are on Sup Forums. No one here could be described as a good person.
>works himself to the bone
>soup kitchen volunteer
HA! That sure as hell isn't Jerry, but keep projecting.
Also I wouldn't consider corrupt bankers or others who simply fuck over others to gain power as great men. Tell me what else these people have done and maybe I'll change my evaluation.
And again, your reading comprehension has failed you. I evaluated Rick divorced from morality, and have acknowledged that morally, Rick is a shit person. When have I said the ends justified the means?
For that matter, don't blame me for the existence of the criteria I've used. It's not like we don't judge people by their deeds as a society already. Sure, there's a rare few who are elevated primarily on morality, like Mother Theresa, but who is history more apt to remember? The Alexanders, the Napoleons, the Washingtons....people who did great things and tried to change the world through their deeds. Was it right for Alexander to slaughter his way through Europe for his empire? Was it morally right when Napoleon took France as Emperor? Should Washington have led the armies to victory against the British, who had legal sovereignty over the colonies?
What do you say, user? Who is a better person, the burger flipper or the salesman? The politician or the doctor? The lawyer or the shelf stocker? We judge people on what they do all the time.
ur really milking that joke
Would you consider it rape if I psychically enslaved you and then forced your body to ram a dildo in its anus repeatedly?
>Rick and Morty
>Having character writing and debvelopment anywhere Close to Moral Orel
Rick represents how redditors see themselves: Smart, Nihilistic, Atheistic, le depressed; while
Jerry represents what the "pseudo-ricks" think of the common schlub: A boring cunt with no backbone that everyone hates.
What a reddit tier post to make
A High school level understanding of Nihilism and plot threads that get thrown out halfway for the sake of subversion and because following through with them would actual require the characters to stray from the original design are the kind of "development" the show could do without, thank you very much.
nobody, they are both stupid.
>hur, durr i am so edgy and smart, doesn't have a job
>coward pathetic human being, doesn't have a job
>Not applying Human standards of behavior to aliens
It's my way or the high way Xeno scum.
Don't know, depends on if I'm there for it or not. If we're talking about an overriding hivemind like Unity it's debatable whether or not I'd even be 'present' for it. I wouldn't like it but if someone else is in my body...?
The closest parallel we would have for it in the real world would be the experiences of people who suffer from dissociative identity disorder, and I'm not familiar enough with the field of psychology.
Besides the scenario you described is closer to forced masturbation than rape.
Eh, Jerry. I don't like him, but you aren't always supposed to like characters. He's believable and complex.
Whereas Rick is just a vague mesh of conflicting ideologies and opinions that basically amounts to "whatever is most convenient for maximizing the impact of the plot at any given time." His character is basically that "he stakes his heart in no ground. And as such no matter how much we're supposed to be impressed or intrigued by any individual thing he says, the net sum is that he has no impact.
Rick actually cares for his family. Jerry keeps trying to split it apart
>That fucking reddit text space format
you have to go back to your shit hole
>double-spacing on a medium that does not allow for indentation is now "reddit text format"
I'm not going to stop properly formatting my posts no matter what autistic fit you throw about it.
Sure let's just post giant walls of text, that makes everything more legible. Why don't you fuck off with your Reddit bogeyman nonsense and be less insecure about the potential browsing habits of your fellow posters? Everyone fucking knows Reddit and 9gag are cancer, you don't have to keep pointing it out like a retarded fucking monkey.
Doofus Rick cares for Jerry.
nice try reddit scum, but you have to go back
Pure autism.
Looking at it, that formatting is clearly added automatically by the CSS. Why would people used to having their posts formatted automatically be more likely to manually add in the separation? Use your brain, numbnuts.
>Whenever you have sex with someone, your raping their cells and whatever microorganisms they have