Let's settle this Sup Forums.
Who should be Peter's endgame.
Let's settle this Sup Forums.
Who should be Peter's endgame.
Johnny Storm.
Well Gwen turned out to be a slut and is dead, and Black Cat hates him/went full villians. So MJ by process of elimination.
Black Cat, current version is just trying to get his attention since he's moved past street level heroics.
MJ and Peter is Marvel's Lois and Clark.
It will be whoever ends up as his MCU love interest anyway.
Shhh, Quesada might hear you.
michelle Jones ... aka MARY JANE
Only one answer.
>Who should be Peter's endgame.
Laura Kinney
Mary Jane. Black Cat is a Selina ripoff who only likes The Web Head, not Peter, and Gwen only exists to be killed or cloned.
Marvel is not some parallel to DC. they don't have counterparts
apparently he already did
the one who actually went out and got superpowers so Spidey wouldn't have to always worry about if she was safe or not
the one who actually avenged him in the what-if?s where he died while they were together
the one who is the only person in Marvel with a butt almost as good as his is
Jessica Jones
Punch the slut, Peter.
Carlie Cooper
Mary Jane is a skank who undresses for money and who only dated Peter because it stroked her ego to have a superhero wrapped around her vagina
This entire bit with Luke was great
McKill urself, my man
Go to bed, Otto.
>Joking about strangling your own baby
Holy shit, MJ.
for the last time, nobody wants to fuck your self-inserts bendis
>dead slut
>wholesome wife who will love you through thick and thin and even bear your children
I wonder?
Black Cat is a criminal, she's not worthy of the spider-dick. Isn't she currently trying to get Miles killed? That's not really something you can just overlook.
Patrician taste
>Wrapped around her vagina
I'm trying, and failing, to picture this.
>Isn't she currently trying to get Miles killed?
That just makes her even better.
One is a boring blond, another is a catwoman clone, and one is a fiery red head. I'll take Mary jane
oh please. who in the Avengers HASN'T gone off the deep end and tried to murder someone at least once?
>implying that's a bad thing
a harem
She was cute, I'll give you that
Anyone but chat
Chat a shit
Hell, /Peter's/ tried to murder someone before.
WTF, I love Felicia now.
>All those piercings.
>t. mutie
Don't love the slut, user.
>those piercings
those piercings were also pure. the finest sterling silver
>Isn't she currently trying to get Miles killed?
Best girl
Its all pointless, it doesnt matter, whatever or whoever, Marvel wont let Peter be happy
>implying a webslinging menace deserves to be happy
>Implying she wouldn't be loyal to a fault.
I mean, once she gets her husbando there's not much else to shoot for.
Get off of Sup Forums JJJ
chat is a slut pleases animals for the knot
>All those faces of Spider-Man
Yep, she's a stalker. She needs to be in an asylum.
are you threatening me kid? because me and my army of reporters are gonna dox you until you apologize
spiderman is a menace who secretly colludes with mutant supremacists like cyclops and magneto
Cyclops did nothing wrong
>not reading comics
that's exactly where she went
>Black Cat
>Not being able to escape Ravencroft.
Peter might as well kill her then. He can claim self-defense.
I still dont understand black cats power, does she make everyone her unlucky or does she hace a huge amount of luck
Otto, it's past your bedtime! What would your mother thi- Oh wait.
She makes everyone around her unlucky and can't turn it off. At one point she got her genes spliced with a cat and had cat powers, but they've since got rid of that. They should bring it back though.
We need more Otto.
Now that I brought it up, what if Peter had kids with Felicia during the time they had cat powers? What would they be like?
that wasn't gene splicing, it was Doc Strange's magic
there is a breed of arachnid called cat-faced spider
well, two breeds actually. look it up
Betty Brant
Is it weird that I want to lay with her and let her end me, like Insects do
Felicia. It's always going to be Felicia.
MJ beated his cock and dumped him for a god fucking firefighter of all things.
Post more
>The one who came up with the conclusion to sell their marriage
>The one who killed their daughter.
yes it is weird you suicidal fuck
It's spider who'll never be worthy of Felicia prime tight virginal pussy.
she was also the one who pressured Peter into unmasking at Tony's behest.
The three of them should be part of the breeding harem of Miles, they deserve to be finally satisfied by a real man.
How else was slott going to introduce his OC waifus?
He's already done that mutiple times. And I doubt Felicia would be above hate sex as well.
>hate sex
>Implying she hasn't gotten over it and is just playing it up.
In the Howard the Duck book when Howard went to her base the password or whatever was Charlotte's Web. So she's still not over him at least on some level.
Honestly not really, in Miles book she doesn't actually seem to want to kill him so much as distract him and the one time she got close she balked. In Silk and Defenders she was more hero then villain and pretty much anyone who isn't Slott has wrote her as such.
>Implying he'd ever get with someone culturally appropriating his species.
It opens the door for a reconciliation but knowing slott, probably not going to happen till he's off amazing. Heck, that goes for a lot of other characters.
Red Tornado and Vision
Metamorpho and Thing
Swamp Thing and Man-Thing
Green Arrow and Hawkeye
The Guardian and Captain America
Extremists and Squadron Supreme
Green Lantern and Quasar/Nova
Superman and Sentry
Marvel and DC have been blood brothers for a long time
Well there was a rumor that surfaced recently that Marvel is planning on putting Spencer on ASM. Slott denies it, but apparently Bleedingcool has "a source who hasn't been wrong in the past"
Good to know.
The hot Asian that he is compelled to bang whenever they are in the same room
That is a fucking ugly girl.
those have only the shallowest of things in common and play very different roles in their respective universe and have very different stories under their belt. its like saying caramel is the sweets counterpart to peanut-butter because they're both orange
One of them is dead, one is a psycho bitch and one is MJ. Gwen was the only one who could even be legit competition for MJ and like I said, she's dead.
MJ is looking more interested in Gwen if you ask me
Would she vore him after sex?
>implying you wouldn't let Juri step on you like the insect that you are
It would be... steamy.
Don't bring my sizeplay fetish into this.
>Implying there isn't an army of clones of her.