What the fuck happened to the American youth?
16 years
The real thing is why didn't Sony just name him completely different and not just after Flash Thompson just because it recognizable.
Was the guy in Raimi film even 16?
The people behind this don't believe physical bullying is real anymore. What the fuck do you think happened? They listened to what whiny millennials with blogs had to say, who's only real problem in life is daddy not letting them hang out with their friends. Then the pointed to that blog and said, "yeah, that's what highschool is like these days" .
Flash was great in Amazing.
Well Tony Ravioli (new-Flash) was originally an OC guy, but Sony Execs thought they should change his name to Flash so people wouldn't get confused where Flash Thompson was.
>High schoolers look like middle schoolers nowadays
What went wrong?
>Laura Harrier
>Born: March 28, 1990 (age 27)
Jesus fuck she never hit puberty.
Well, they're supposed to be freshmen, so since they're coming right out of middle school, it'd be odd if they seemingly metamorphosed during the summer.
>He's telling the truth
Good lord, what the fuck?
Comics and cartoons.
You're looking at it.
She's not MJ. She's the girl who was already brown in the Spectacular Spiderman. Liz Allan.
Nothing, you just got older.
But some middle schoolers look like high schoolers and dammit officer she didn't tell me she was 14.
>People still argue that the "jock bully" stereotype doesn't exist anymore and this is very accurate portrayal of a modern bully
goddamn, I graduated HS in 2014 and these fuckers still exist. You still have the jocks but they're just not fucking idiots anymore.
>Already Brown
Yeah but wasn't she a latina not a mulatta?
In my highschool back in 2012
Jocks are actually well liked and popular and they have to be smart too cause they can get kicked out of the team if their gpa drops below average, same with cheerleades.
I have never seen one acts like a locker shoving bully
But they do look intimidating when they all hang around each other like a gang
The shitskin one looks more like the computer/ arts geeks in my school
that dude on the left is not an actual youth for one
Joe Mangalo was probably like 26 when this was filmed
Nor is the dude on the right. They're both in their 20s playing high schoolers.
the dude on the left is like 35
From my experience the second stringers or the crowd guys how hangs with the jocks are the ones who tend to be assholes.
Too much estrogen in the water.
I graduated in 2008 and we didn't have anyone like Flash. 21 Jump Street's portrayal of modern kids struck me as accurate
Latinos aren't diverse enough, especially not after that killing a few weeks ago. Blacks and muslims is where it's at.
It would explain why testosterone and sperm counts are falling in every single first world country.
Is this why #Oscarssowhite was about the lack of black people when there tons of hispanics and they only have a fraction of the exposure that blacks have?
The thing about Hispanics user is that they're a cery diverse crowd.
You can have black hispanics and white hispanics and every husoanic in between. Hell, they're might been more hispanic representation then you realize.
>Hell, they're might been more hispanic representation then you realize.
I'm reminded of Big Hero 6 where people bitched that "Honey Lemon was too white to be hispanic"
>the state of Mexicans
Mi gente more like mi manlets
Mexico has always been a nation of manlets
t. cuck cannuck
haven't you watched the news? Immigrants now bullies locals, it's completely on perspective. I hail or jewish masters from Hollywood.
Isn't that guy indian?
>want a good mexican actor as a villain
>cast a guacamole guy instead
They had one job
>I'm reminded of Big Hero 6 where people bitched that "Honey Lemon was too white to be hispanic"
She was hispanic?
>but Sony Execs thought they should change his name to Flash so people wouldn't get confused where Flash Thompson was.
That seems like a weird excuse if there's also no Mary Jane or Gwen.
Yeah, her pronunciation of hiro gives it away.
Looks like he's about 30.
Regardless of his actual age, its incredibly rare for teenagers to be played by teenagers.
He was the ONE thing they objectively got better than the other movies.
I thought that was because she knows Japanese.
I graduated in 2012 after being held back twice, coincidentally and 21 Jump Street's kids were sort of on the money, we did still have Flash Thompson-type motherfuckers.
She was going to be browner, according to the concept art.
Sorry, should have said that I wasn't the guy you responded to.
I knew she was Hispanic, but I thought she pronounced Hiro's name like that because she knows Japanese and they pronounce their shit like that.
Blacks don't crack
>its incredibly rare
*it's incredibly rare
>Immigrants now bullies
> I pointed out a spelling mistake that means you lose this argument
Except they finally look like high school kids, rather than the 30 year old adults that populated the Raimi movie.