Champions X! Guest starring the Fourth Reich!

Champions X! Guest starring the Fourth Reich!
The X stands for 10!

Spider-man covering up Hulk's uncovered dong here.



The Post Man seems like another lame Punisher villain.

Kamala? I recognize that reference.

Inhuman concentration camps? Oh the humanity.

Also reading stuff in binary is much more efficient than reading it in plain English.

In this page, things happen.
I haven't read ahead, I'm betting it's a nuclear testing site.

Nope, turns out Cho is just a shitty friend.

Why don't they just jump, crawl, and fly over that wall?

"I am concerned about Kamala...but don't give a fuck about my dad."

Why show when you can have a character talk you through everything?

It was really smart of them to put all the sexy Inhumans in team books and put the ugly ones in camps.

What the fuck are you even saying Viv?
This is D- techno babble

>Why don't they just jump, crawl, and fly over that wall?
thats not how walls work

Don't come in Miles.
I'm naked.

An interesting way to contain Banner/Hulk tbqh.

Oh hey, what an amazing coincidence.

I am confused as to how old Kamala is supposed to be.

old enough

Remember earlier in the story when the Post Master brutally killed two people for talking about escaping?

She is the same height as the real Kamala. I'm going with emotionally stunted 16 year old.

No Miles.
Do not fuck the Kamala.

Oh boo! Boooo! Lame copout.

>Thats kind of hot.jpg

>Oh hey, that thing we are supposed to go to isn't there
>Surely we should not investigate.

This might be the wrongest take I've ever read, Mark "I Follow George Takei On Twitter" Waid...

Especially since CA:SR #17 has shown Hyde, in no uncertain terms, dissecting Inhumans in these camps

No Miles she is too your or retarded.
Do not.

Once again, the United States Government is beaten by its own laziness.

kinda like this Kamala more.

Is this comic cancelled yet?


Subtle, Waid

Please tune in next month to see all of your favorite soon to be cancelled teen heroes. Same Woke Time, same Woke Channel.

kek, was thinking the same thing.

"Shouldn't we glass the location just to be sure? I mean we did just nuke the entirety of Las Vegas to take out one small resistance camp..."

Oh yeah! They completely abandoned that whole "Viv is grounded" subplot, didn't they?

They sure did.
Have to make room for that event, brah.



An event that the target audience of this book wants no part of...


How many copies did issue 9 sell?
I don't know how long this will take to get canned since Marvel has lowered that threshold a lot over the past few years.

#8 sold 24,602

A few years ago, 23k was where you'd get cancelled. Now, it's more like 15k at Marvel.

Because of Faggots like her Hydra won


Why is Cho sucking on a lemon?

In case you were wondering, Comics Twitter is chewing Waid the fuck out over this page

>twitter bullshit

This is cancer.

Ramos' faces make me giggle.

Pleasant Hill without the nasty moral question of brainwashing.

That means nothing. They're always after someone. The hate gives their empty lives meaning.

Unless you're a comic called Nova.

I feel like I missed an issue, but I don't think I did.

Last issue was filler were Viv had lesbian subtext with Red Cockroach.
They completely abandoned the Viv grounded cliffhanger from 8.

No yeah that's the last one I saw. They just went right from that to here with no transition. All right.

I don't know why some people are whining about the grounded thing. The only time someone ever gets grounded in fiction is so they can ignore it.

Because when you can go intangible being grounded means your dad had to rebuild half the house with cutting edge technology just to keep you inside. Plus it's something that could have easily been handwaved away effortlessly with a "two weeks later" caption.

Where's mega milk girl?

She's Hispanic so Gabby Riviera is probably writing an issue of America where she shows up to fawn over Chavez right now.

Please show me, I need to see this

Haha I love the "floating head over exposition so people know we're in a fucking crossover event" device, it's like 1998 never left

Nova got canned at 15k recently. Marvel let Sam slide for a long time back in his first comic

>They completely abandoned the Viv grounded cliffhanger from 8.

Just like the corrupt sherrif mob.

And the badguys getting ahold of the 'champions' trademark or some shit.

This series has more dropped plotlines than Heroes, and it's only on issue 10!

Ah the good old victim complex of privileged Americans.

I guess that kid ghosting out didn't help?

Oh hey its the next batch of Overwatch characters.

Well, that's how Charles Xavier's worked for decades.

And Hydra comes along and nukes the area later. Taking their signal badge and crushing it in front of the Champions.

I'm glad this comic is again telling the heroes it's not all black and white.

The school is staffed with uggo janitors and support staff along with the usual hazardous squads.

Spoken like a true suburbanite whose greatest fear is gas prices going over 3 dollars.

Why is the Korean lamenting the internment of Gooks?


>How can you not get the FEELS whenever you read #MarvelChampions
Maximum cringe

Just how common of a name is Kamala among Muslims? Either way, that was a terrible red herring. I mean she's even a Ms. Marvel fan. What're the odds?

It's really weird, to me, that they keep calling her "Muslim-American." Her family is Pakistani, right? That's a long fuckin way from Lebanon.

Hey, petrol should NOT be that expensive.

Because apparently all asian races are totally friends with each other and have 0 tension. I find this way more racist than any bullshit about "cultural appropriation"

>implying Koreans give half a fuck about Japanese internment camps
Asians aren't interchangeable, Waid.

Because Ramos.

DESU American ones kinda are, or getting that way.

I mean I know Korean and Chinese kids who go full autist if a white kid even tries to talk about Japanese shit even though that has nothing to do with them.

Not that those kids should get to be in comics, ever.

It's those white-washed, Americanized asians. Fuck chinese people




Hate to defend Waid, but Koreans were actually held in internment camps too since Korea was a Japanese colony for a long ass time. He is still an idiot since his writing implies all Asian-Americans were sent to the camps, which would include the Chinese too, which is incorrect.

I had a feeling this would be more like what the actual reaction to Champions among the SJW crowd actually is. The sad thing is that Champions absolutely feels written by some well-meaning guy in his late 40s. Like it's all but Mark Waid turning his cap backwards and saying "hey there, 'dude,' I want to 'rap' with you about how it isn't very 'chill' to use BELITTLING LANGUAGE"

I think some people are overreacting to all of this. The woman didn't say they want to be imprisoned, she said that saying in the internment camp is their least worst option.

What was the deal with SHIELD 8?

I assume it makes it easier to spot and bring guns to bear.

Oh yeah their complaints aren't valid at all. I'm just pointing out that Champions isn't anywhere near hardcore enough to appeal to the 18-30 twitterista WOKE crowd. It feels like your progressive grampa in comic form.

>some well-meaning guy in his late 40s
He's 55 ( and reads as being a decade or so OLDER ).

>turning his cap backwards and saying "hey there, 'dude,' I want to 'rap' with you about how it isn't very 'chill' to use BELITTLING LANGUAGE"
See image related.

What the fuck is this slut wearing? I want to stone her.