Satine is just Padme if Padme was an old bitter woman
Christopher Cooper
Best at having something big and black slide right into her.
Blake James
Camden Bell
But Obi-Wan that's your waifu
Josiah Wood
Jack Cook
I'm still surprised Obi-Wan could get over this and not immediately kill Maul in Rebels. He told Sabine he would leave the order if she told him she loved him, he was willing to forget all his principles for her.
Jaxon Wilson
You big red fucker.
Brandon Adams
Chase Reyes
>He told Sabine
He told Satine.
Sabine was in the corner watching as a toddler. First time it would happen, but not the last.
Zachary Stewart
He said that if she had told him back then (as in back when they were still sort of an item) he would've done it. I think the implication is that he's more or less moved on from it and committed himself to the Jedi.
Andrew Brown
>I'm still surprised Obi-Wan could get over this and not immediately kill Maul in Rebels As a Jedi he's able to let go and not hold grudges. That's what separated him and Anakin.
Joseph James
Obi wan x Satine didn't come true so Please make Sabine and Ezra true obitine make me so sad
Oliver Rodriguez
How much do you think they fucked?
Isaiah Hill
meant satine reeee
Justin Stewart
Justin Ortiz
Christian White
Nolan Taylor
Xavier Nelson
>Sabine was in the corner watching >First time it would happen, but not the last. I see what you did there user.
Asher Mitchell
tfw you love SS and you don't like /ss/
Angel Cook
I like her as a character, but the memes are terrible.
Jeremiah Morgan
Dead. Satine is... Dead!
Brody Nelson
so the new forces of destiny came out
and nobody gives a shit lmao
Jonathan Jenkins
Forced of what?
Adrian Davis
BB8 and Zeb have got to meet and tell slinging stories.
Eli Cook
We finally got to see what this things problem was
Chase Smith
glory to the CIS
Xavier Powell
Got posted last thread.
Surprised there wasn't much discussion...other than Maz sounding comfy
Logan Moore
There really wasn't anything bad about it. I do wish it was longer though.
Robert Stewart
>lost 4 normal 2x2 battles in Force Arena in a row Clearly I'm doing something wrong. What's the best strategy here?
The first time I ever played one of these, we were instantly defeated by our opponents just going straight through the middle passage towards the main turret/shield right away. I took that as a strategy, and it has been working more or less well. Until now.
Juan Perry
>the memes are terrible.
Nicholas Cook
>Clearly I'm doing something wrong. What's the best strategy here? not playing an even shittier moba
Thomas Smith
don't play rebels they're instant lose
Jason Taylor
>Ezra Priest of the temple of Solomon >Kanan (Canaan) Biblical city >Zeb (Zebedee/Zebediah) Minor Biblical figures
>Hera Roman goddess >Sabine Tribe the Romans abducted all their women from.
The men are all Biblical and the women are all Classical. You know what this means, don't you? It means I've got to go to bed. There's nothing in my brain but star wars after a long day shitposting and it's all started to get jumbled.
Joshua Gutierrez
any Mandalore fags here.
what do you think of the new Mandalore's
Jason Davis
My bro. Remove Republic dogs. 19 BBY worst year of life.
Anyone else hope that Kalani does something cool during the Galactic Civil War?
Christian Cruz
I think she's cute!
Dominic Hill
Eli Carter
Ships this good looking should not be allowed to loose.
Connor Nguyen
Assuming that the two of them come back from rescuing her dad (and maybe mom) utterly beat to hell and just pass out anywhere they can, some one has got to tuck them into the same bed and wait for the yelling to start.
Carter Hughes
Ethan Cooper
My Niggas
Asher Stewart
That's so damn adorable it makes me want to draw it. Curse you, /swco/! You'll fill up all my free time with your adorable and heartwarming ideas!
Connor Wood
Why did Grievous explain to Obi-Wan that he was trained in the Jedi arts by Dooku when they have already fought multiple times by RotS?
Alexander Murphy
the lungs and brain are the first organs to go when it comes to ageing
Isaiah Reed
>tfw the Confederacy is in control of another thread.
Lucas Howard
Isaiah Cooper
Why did Obi-Wan have to tell Anakin that "this time we'll do it together" when they fought Count Dooku multiple times between AotC and RotS?
Hunter Nguyen
>implying Ezra would't kick her out of bed while asleep and then proceed to dream of better girls like Hera, SS, Ahsoka and Mon Mothma.
Christopher Morales
What are some Star Wars species where the women are spiky & weird looking, but still have tits?
Connor Carter
General G. just thinks it's neato and never shuts up about it. He's just like that tiresome uncle who tells you about the one time he sat next to Kris Kristofferson on a plane at every available opportunity.
Michael Wilson
William Flores
The Last Jedi who Fight with Mandalorian
Alexander Bell
Hondo's race looks like turians mixed with batarians, kind of
Cooper Brooks
there aren't any all star wars females are just humans with body paint and a funny hat.
James Bell
>turians >tits
Brandon Sanders
Because they just watched AotC and were like "Oh yeah, remember Dooku fucked your shit up despite Dual Saber Attack mode?"
Tyler Brooks
Sabine gives rise to my hope, if you know what I mean
Michael Richardson
>Implying they wouldn't discover their deeply-held feelings when they wake up spooning, their limbs lovingly intertwined...
Cooper Perez
>that chest Clearly an impostor
Caleb Scott
shippers need to off themselves.
Matthew Turner
>scripted to die >they spare him so they can use him later >never use him again
Matthew Fisher
Sabine is a little to flat for his liking and I'm not talking about her bust
Cooper Miller
Probably Bo-katan not Sabine.
Jose Allen
This thread needs to seriously check its privilege before the Grand Army checks it for you/
Gabriel Thompson
delete yourself loser
Lincoln Edwards
Jack Martinez
Speaking of the Grand Army, in the 1000 generations of the Republic, there was never a hegemonizing force in the Galaxy that wanted to attack them?
Easton Murphy
Just wait
Connor Foster
I've wondered about this myself. In all that time was the separatist crisis really the only existential threat the republic had faced? And, if not, wouldn't they have a precedent for some kind of volunteer army, or militaristic/warrior culture member worlds training up some kind of defense force? It's not like there'd be a lack of talent across the whole republic.
Oliver White
clones have no souls
Easton Hernandez
Yeah Who shrekt the Mandos? The Jedi? With what ships?
Ethan Brooks
I miss Ezra's old lightsaber. Sure, it was a little goofy, but it had a homemade, improvised feel that put distance between him and 'proper' or more well-trained jedi.
Liam Diaz
Yeah, starting with crackshippers, like /ss/ ones.
Liam Stewart
And it just seems like they're so back-footed when the confederate systems break away. They have literally no recourse, no plan or infrastructure in place. Instead they immediately resort to 'let's get these guys no-one'e ever heard of to just clone a ton of dudes real quick'. And I know it was Palpy's sinister plot, but the whole senate is so spooked and unprepared they just go along with it for lack of anything better being in place.
Isaac Carter
They all share one soul. So they need to wait to every clone dies in order to get into Heaven
Josiah Williams
>that pink armor coloring Looks awful.
Charles Reyes
Same thing happened to Eeth Koth. They let him live so he could be used again, but he never did anything aside from non-speaking background roles.
Carson Foster
You're in the wrong neighbourhood, Jedi lover.
Aaron Morris
Sure, but they have Soul. Can droids say the same with their shitty beep-boop synthwave?
Jace Barnes
They mention in TCW that there were huge battles in the Old Republic, so apparently in canon there's something similar to the Ruusan Reformation.
Gabriel Powell
Yeah, you'd think there'd be some kind of militia plan buried away from the last time something scary happened.
And also, despite the fact that the Senate was so clueless that they accepted a "random" gift of an army, how did they run that army? In what structure? Did the Kaminoans also give the Republic a "How to Army" guidebook?
Jackson Thompson
Morrison as Old Rex in a live-action movie when?
Samuel Gray
Sabine deserves nothing but bullying and being forced to watch as Ezra gets down and dirty with every other female he meets.
Grayson Jones
I object on the grounds that Sabine is cute
Luke Gonzalez
I'm afraid your argument falls flat
Samuel Watson
She's also mean and never does anything nice for people
Hunter Foster
that hat looks photoshopped on
Jeremiah Cruz
That fat frog reminds me
Who built the big statue ruins on Naboo?
Christian Miller
The mental gymnastics that go into ignoring canon evidence and spewing out stale memes to justify shitty crackship headcanons must be amazing.
Jayden Price
Who could be behind this post?
Nathan Murphy
it wasn't bad.i feel like if they'd actually put effort into the backgrounds it could have been decent
Landon Gonzalez
Has Earth in any capacity been mentioned ever in Star Wars? Maybe not by name but perhaps as an origin of humans?
Cooper Brooks
I fucking love Tem. I could watch that man read the phonebook. I hope they find a way to bring him back into SW somehow. Clones of some sort would be optimal. Honestly, I can't abide Boba beyond his small role in the movies, and he was a major culprit in the EU's power-creep. But if they brought him back to life with Morrison in the starring role I'd be, reluctantly, very hyped.
Evan Edwards
>can droids say the same That reminded me of the "my ancestors are smiling down on me, imperial, can you say the same? "