IDW Hasbro Universe Mega-Storytime

In the aftermath of the Combiner Wars, Optimus has to deal with Prowl, and Windblade has to deal with Arcee.

Past threads:

Other urls found in this thread:!Ax4nUCCT!_5vN--HYA1R6ahJUNcx-wQ!BxIiybRD
















This is the only way that Optimus knows how to debate.








Spotlight: Cosmos!
(This is a very good issue.)






I appreciate both Blackrock having a shitty sense of humor, and the birds being Statler and Waldorf.












So, uh, I guess Sup Forums posting is down?


looks like we're back finally


Goodnight, Cosmos.
Oh, shit, nice.

Combiner Hunters! It's nothing special, but it's a decent one-shot, and it shows off more of that lovely Sara art.










So are all the bots on Windblades world female?


Nope. Hot Shot isn't, for one.
All the important ones are, though.



Posting is still hectic. Kudos on persistency.








>The Victorion toy is red and teal instead of teal and red


Aaaand back to Windblade. This volume isn't... BAD... but the toony art really doesn't fit, and most of it is spent on set-up for stuff that'll only start getting follow-up in TAAO.

It really does look so much worse than the comic depiction. The original bright colours were fine, it just needed some white or silver on the limbs to break it up.

Threads seem to be moving normally again.


Oof, sorry guys. I had it on autorun while I went AFK and something interrupted it. One moment.

Ah yes. The "let's take the handcuffs off the wounded prisoner so that you can beat them up" issue.

Prime has always been one of my favorite characters, but I never particularly cared about the IDW version at first. Everything from this moment onwards has made me actually dislike him.

Ohhhh-kay. Sorry about the wait, guys.

Honestly, I kind of enjoy the fact that the impulsive, heroic wartime leader has been shown to be kind of terrible at being a peacetime leader.





Guys, new here. I heard theres a link/mega for older issues available? Checked older thread but might have missed it.




One good thing about this artist: Knock Out's expressions are always on point.!Ax4nUCCT!_5vN--HYA1R6ahJUNcx-wQ!BxIiybRD
Wham bam.




No, I don't know why Ransack and Crumplezone are in those colours. It doesn't stick.






